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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi your install looks ok to me , have you tried it with the temp fix dll linked in post below
  2. Hi, Did this mesh part have another material/texture? different from that applied to the rest of the IVA?
  3. Hi you have a few problems mainly Kerbal Space Program - 1.2.1- Your graphic settings seem to be such that it is preventing the drawing of the reticles, have you turned AA off?. You only need 1 copy of module manager you have several, you also have two identical firespitter plugins again only need 1, Also I have a suspicion from the log that you had fitted multiple weapon manager to your craft 1 is all that is supported adding more will break the AI
  4. KSP DDS is flipped vertically in relation to png, if you fail to apply the right export settings, when you exported form png to dds there is a good chance the texture will be inverted . in gimp the export settings are BC2/DXT3 and generate mipmaps, for diffuse and BC3/DXT5 for normal maps ( or at least that's what works for me )
  5. Re reading your own output logs, it's really not hard to work out , If you look through it and it contains NullReferenceException: or multiples of them, a good place to start bug hunting is the mods that cause them and a quick look reveals ..... You seem to be missing a dependency or two , then there are PQS errors and Kopernicus errors and the errors that causes are stopping the game scene loading, I'm guessing the last two are related
  6. There must be flipped polys/uv's , cant thing of anything else i've found, while making IVA's, that displays those symptoms
  7. Did you set the part to the correct layer in unity before exporting? , if you want it visible to cameras, layer16 Kerbals
  8. Hi all little fixes for AFV's available below LINK Changelog Fix copypaste errors parts in wrong categories Remove OX from jerry cans Tweak colors on some deco parts Added parabolic locking radar, the missing part for the AA @EnderTheMimi The reason for all the smoke in your image is that you are firing 800 explosive rounds per minute at the ground which results in surprisingly enough 800 explosions, which in turn results in a lot of smoke. I wouldn't have expected any other behavior ps the almost Ferdinand made me chuckle
  9. Very much like the time saving feature of having the aircraft start at combat range, a lot better than waiting 10 mins for them to get sorted . Some very good fights in that last batch and a close run thing
  10. Thats good news As for the mods I get all mine from the addon releases section and the github links of the mod I use. Of course there's the CKAN method that many favor. All depends I suppose on how extensive your mod list is, mine generally center around adding things that the game doesn't have, that I can exploit when making mods, robotics, weaps etc so the list isn't long and most of those end up just being the plugins with all the parts removed. So it easy for me to keep tabs on whats going on simply by following the mod threads.
  11. Depending on your operating system and the location of the steam library it could cause problems with permissions especially when it comes to deleting things. It is regarded by many to be good practice to clone the steam copy of the game in another location and use the clone as your modded install, the nice thing about doing it this way is that you always have a clean game as a reference, should you run into trouble. And your modded install is safe from sneaky steam updates . You can uninstall through steam , I suppose though I don't know for sure , that the manifests etc would not be updated if you manually deleted KSP. Though a reinstall should not be required, simply re validating the files should clean up any changes you made in the Squad folder, unless you actually added files.
  12. Hi, can't think of any way that KSP could corrupt any data, aside from writing it's saves and logs it doesn't have permission to do anything else Simply deleting everything except the Squad folder from GameData , and deleting the PartDatabase.cfg from the main KSP folder, clearing out the old damaged saves from the save file, and starting a new game should get you a fresh start, unless of course you messed in the squad folder too. In which case just delete the whole lot and reinstall the game. So yeah data corruption I'd be looking elsewhere rather than at KSP no matter what you did to it
  13. I doubt that, though it's more than likely however that you'd feature on Kerbin TV's version of "great engineering blunders" or perhaps "the science of stupid" And more seriously improper use will indeed produce undesirable effects, and it is my wish that these undesirable effects continue to cause inconvenience and destruction, as over time, this may encourage you to explore the real potential of the supplied parts.
  14. And I'll agree with the former posters regarding the part title, it is indeed a winch. and not a hoist, In my trade a winch usually forms only part of the gear required to perform a task, whereas a hoist is generally a standalone unit that needs no extra equipment . Even the 40tonne winch cable is usually run through snatch blocks, before being connected to the object to be pulled, it's very rare to connect direct to the main cable eye
  15. Hi . I'll deal with things in order of importance 1 The alleged crash caused by SM NED , in the entire development of the mod, the contents never caused a crash, I find it highly suspect that it should as if by magic, just because it was uploaded, start to cause crashes. The mod has been tested on 8 very different machines and 2 laptops and not a single crash. With that in mind I have a very real suspicion that you did in fact install both mods incorrectly, ALL SM mods use the MODEL node method and as such should the mod be installed incorrectly, it could very well cause a crash. For SM_AFVs the filepath should be KSP/GameData/SM_AFVs , and for NED it should be KSP/GameData/NED For OST it should be KSP/GameData/OldSchoolTurrets , if it's anything else it is wrong. And that is about the max of support I'm willing to give given the nature of your bug report. For future ref please see the how to get support link in my signature and at least attempt to supply the information as described there. 2 Leopard shots, not been able to detect any slowdown of shots on two different installs of KSP, with very different mod sets 3 Shiika, and yet when used correctly , for shooting down aircraft and attacking light armored vehicles, it works just fine, FX are a very subjective thing, and the test group found no issue with them, so I think that will stay just as it is I have to ask why are you shooting the ground?
  16. Hi from the screenshot posted above I can see that you have installed the mods incorrectly the path should be KSP/GameData/KIS or KAS and your filepath is something like KSP/GameData//KISv1.whatever/GameData/KIS/ . You need to correct you installation before the mod will work properly
  17. SM_AFV's beta now available through SM Armory thread


  18. Hi all, Pleased to announce that SM AFVs beta is here, finally I have enough good info to release this test version. The purpose of the Beta is simply play testing and perhaps finding the bugs we all missed. There are a couple of known issue to tell you about. The Brad turret, the missile deploy phase is critical, a bad AI setting choice can cause the missile to be fired before the missile launcher has properly deployed , which causes the missile to veer off it's intended course and on occasion can destroy the turret. The Shiika turret has a built in radar with an animated deployment, the AI will trigger the radar regardless of the deploy position, which simply results in the folded radar rotating and clipping through the turret,it does not harm, but does look bad. The hammerhead AT missile which fits on the KUB launcher can encounter clearance issues if mounted to far back, in this case it is safe , unless the missile is visible clipping into the launcher, to disable the clearance check In BDA settings SO a run down of the major parts,anything marked with kit is 1 folder containing all the parts to that vehicle, and this list does not include the many deco items, such as jerry cans and similar SM AFV's major parts list as of May 11 2017 8x8 comprising 1 complete Hemitt truck less wheels and 15 individual parts to construct your own AFvalpha3rev16_1 A large single part fantasy tank less tracks, with large IVA, dual barreled tank turrets, cameras, crew hatches, and cargo hold engine space AFVarmorPanels 5 differently sized and shaped BDA Armor panels. Tweakscale fitted AFVcraneParts This is the bridge laying arm unit and is powered by InfernalRobotics, Consisting of an upper and lower arm AFVutilityARM A Robot Arm style crane ,powered by InfernalRobotics, comprising 5 main parts and two styles of tool holder AmmoBox As yet standard military style ammo box. To become universal ammo using tank content switcher AnimBridgeSecB The bridge for the bridge layer. In two formats, animated and IR. Due to engine limitations the animated bridge can only be picked up and placed from one end not both. The IR version can be picked up either end ArtilleryTurret G6 style 155mm Artillery turret BDFPS Contains two Kerbal FPS rocket launchers, effective against small vehicles, an appropriate helmet, and a Kerb held smoke grenade CM . Needs KIS BradleyIFV The fully activated Bradley turret with working TOW launcher and Gun turret , smoke CM and camera system, hull with IVA and four parts of self assemble BDA Armor Challenger2XTurret A reworked version of the NED challenger with smoke CM and camera ChallengerHullX A reworked version of the NED challenger hull, with IVA and mounted coaxial gun CoDTankHull and Turret A game inspired tank with large caliber dual cannon turretEland90 Kit A small armored car carrying a cannon turret FV510 warrior Small IFV hull and turret, IVA, Smoke,Camera G6SMA Wheeled tractor unit for the G6 style artillery turret GenericTurret Allows for the surface mount of any gun and resembles a turret, to enable rotation use IR parts, this turret does not rotate HDtractorTrailer Kit A large vehicle transporter style truck and trailer kit. With an open and closed cab option, works with other truck parts HRV1 Kit Heavy recovery vehicle complete with IR crane, use with KAS winches and equipment Humvee Kit Humvee with grenade turret KUB2K12 Kit Missile transporter launcher Hull launcher and missiles Missile3M9 and HammerheadAT Leopard2A6 Kit Tank hull and turret, all the usuall equipment M1SM1 Tusk Kit Tank Hull turret and removable BDA Armor skirts, all features present M113 Armored personel carrier, with room for 8 Kerbs in the rear on cmd seats M577SMRevE The Aliens APC MilitaryWheel Military style vehicle wheels in single and dual trailer type MilSpecDieselAPU A KerbalFoundries powered APU styled as a turbocharged diesel, and used for providing power for those vehicles not already fitted with an APU system (many are) MissileErektor kit A vertical animated missile launcher assembly for carrying the large included scud style missile, this missile is capable of following a ballistic trajectory to hit target at test max of 37KM OShCab Kit A kit of many varied truck parts to build many different trucks, include 2 cabs with IVA's RecoveryBullBar A truck style bumper with a calw function, great for towing broken vehicles RecoveryKlawTest A large recovery claw in testing ShilkaZSU Kit Tank hull and very efficient air defense turret, with built in radar SmartTruckBed A universal truck bed with six layout and cover options using a mesh switch StrikB Small APC in three hull formats T80turret although not a kit there are two hulls available for this turret T90turret Tank turret fits T80 hull and others TunguskaAAMT Evil anti air tank turret, fully activated, fires missiles, 2 included 9M120ATmissile 57E6BGM and quad cannon M577 wheel wheel for aliens apc WInchPack2Kas The KAS truck winch, a winch that does not look like something you would send into space WInchPaxkBasic Not really a winch but a way to add extra adjustable ballast when lifting with the HRV crane The link which for now is in thread only, later when it is fully released it will be on SpaceDock Link
  19. That should be recommended reading for anyone using physics extender. and well worth a read by anyone with more than a casual interest in the game or modding. Cheers
  20. H.i the mods thread is the best place to ask about a specific mod
  21. HI PockerDoor is the original HooliganLabs originator of HL airships , different people, he's posted a few pages back.
  22. Hiya Thank you making another fun challenge that accepts us dirty, tone lowering , rotten, scumbag, candy stealing, mod loving, stock excluding cheaters Now you're just being silly the only stock part needed is the mod helmet wearing Kerb. 73 parts in total drill, two deploy from below vehicle, convertor two small , engines 2x v12 1 x panther, weapons random guide rocket launchers 2. flare dispenser 2 large. smoke emitter 2 large, 5 wheels, front hub center steer, rear dual rocker bogie, Jerry cans four holding 25litres LF each, fire extinguishers, track chunk armor, custom chassis, custom seat, custom air intakes . etc and more Hey actually I don't care about a score, but do I get a bonus bonus for being on modded terrain so more to prove it can be done than a serious challenger More below
  23. Hi, it's being worked on I recall, which is good , I know it's still wrong, and has been improved as regards using missiles or guns, However though i find it a little smarter than it used to be, still uses 16" guns against aircraft. (and hits them occasionally too) Number 3 on the SM wish list, a new entry, true proximity detonation for air burst style shells Number 4 a proximity detonation method for module explosive (although I've just realized I have yet to fully abuse modular missiles, in which case , hypothetically, if a a modular missile control unit is fitted to a procedural explosive, these devices being owned by team A, would this hypothetical device, if approached by Team B, to within proximity detonation range, explode??????? Hmm i suppose it'd need launching first some how in order to become active) slightly ninja'd by JR
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