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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hey no module iDs will make it behave badly, number the modules, it needs to know which is which, module numbering starts at zero, and report back
  2. Hi, although it's not something i dont do often due to the limitations with colliders etc, the image below shows the usual set up and arrangement that works for me. You must reference the mesh name not the model name you want to switch in order for it to work Ps if you want to test a working mesh switch i can send you the mod that contains the object below
  3. Hi usually with exhaust FX the plume is centered around the thrust transform , so in many case if the thrust transform is too close to the engine bell the fx appear to overlap, simply move the transform away from the ngine. The FX showing all the time means you have something wrong in the cfg usually a transform name or a wrongly named animation
  4. Indeed they are, but there's a but, a well formed weld on a well prepared joint is very unlikely to cause any issues, especially if proper pre and post heat processes are observed. Most if not all the tubes you have could easily be formed by a modern cnc tube bender requiring no welds. Modern cages these days have far fewer welds than you'd imagine and quite often the main hoops being 1 complete length only have 1 weld , that being required to join the two ends together , You'd actually be suprised how much weight even bicycle frame thickness tube can stand when formed into a load bearing cage (lots of tonnes)
  5. Hit there are much neater ways to manage this problem ( I've built several one part monsters) There are cfg values that allow you to move col com cop cob where ever you want them for example CoMOffset = 0, -0.9, 0 center of mass CoLOffset = 0, 0.5, 0 center of lift CoPOffset = 0, 0.5, 0 center of pressure/ lift force I use the above on the craft below to very good results, if you can get it flying nicely by using the offsets , it should fly ok when loaded properly
  6. Hi as you presume using the wrong version of the mod with your game will cause issues that there is no fix for. The issue you are experiencing is caused by BDA not being able to load the shaders for tracers etc and the only fix was a rebuild of the shaders and a code update in order to load them, There is no possible fix for you aside from to use the correct version for your game . Well there is a fix but would involve rebuilding the shaders and then writing the code to load them and then recompiling the mod yourself , but that wouldn't fix the two dozen other problems that that particular release of BDAc has.
  7. Hi have you extracted a stock landing gear and examined that? If not I think you'll find most of your answers there, even though the transforms will be messed up the hierarchy will be pretty much correct and if legs are like landing gear, getting that right will solve most of your issues
  8. I wasn't saying that method of packaging was bad, I was saying that placing another Gamedata folder in the games GameData folder is bad and will break things , for further clarification anything that results in file paths like KSP/GameData/GameData/themod/ is what I'm referring to
  9. Hiya, just my two cents, bearing in mind that i have and can build real roll cages and tube chassis, while curved bends look pretty they effectively destroy rigidity . The problem is that curves don't transmit forces in predictable directions and worse have a tendency to blow out and kink when subjected to extreme loads . Triangles are your friend with cages and tube frames, and curves have no place there. ( except in no load areas or mounts for deco items ,lights etc) But hey they look good and KSP doesn't simulate those forces so it doesn't matter 1 jot, but I'll be sticking with the angles
  10. Hi if you make the second mesh a child of the first mesh so for example tire/tyre/pneu, would be a child of wheel, then you only need to reference the parent, I don't think multiple names in that position will work,
  11. I shall investigate these devices , should be doable in 1 part maybe two versions , long short?
  12. Hi, that note was made during a time when KK was having problems, it may be worth trying again with the current version as it is a lot more stable and versatile
  13. HI thanks, I should be able to make some basic craft files available, there are already craft files for two versions of the Tug linked in the first post, I reckon 1 ship using each hull should be enough to get you going, I forget that not everyone has spent most of their lives around ships and boats. Seems to make sense to put them on KerbalX HI there're no guns in this pack, all the weapons shown on craft are without exception from SM Armory (formerly Boomsticks) which is currently being finalised for 1.0 beta release
  14. If you get stuck drop me a PM , beats waiting hours for an answer i can give you in a minute , good luck.
  15. Hi, IMO it's much easier dealing with all that in Unity and it's years since i animated a turret out side of unity. The recoil is as simple as it comes, the barrel transform should be pointed local z+ , on firing the barrel moves back - z usually for kerb sized turrets between -0.2 -0.5 depending on the gun. Simply set time line to 30 frames, set a key right in the middle and whatever value you choose and the start and end should be zero See below a U4.2.2 project that has various working turrets with from simple to full effect examples, the game ready versions are not included but all models are ready to export ( includes particle FX) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ra4ct7f52m8r6ya/BDAc U422 DemoScene.zip?dl=0
  16. It very much depends on what you are doing, If you are making a missile fro BDA then all you need is a game object in the exhaust position with Y pointing in the direction of thrust. Place that transform name in the cfg and BDA will assign an exhaust prefab If you are really making rockets and not missiles check out the post below, it's an oldy but goody, all the important stuff is still relevant and although the emitters have changed a bit the method is still the same
  17. Are they surface or node attach? if you change the attach node to a small stack node , does the node appear to be centered? If not get node helper and tweak it in game then transfer coords to an attach node. The only other thing I can think of is the model is actually offset from it's origin, which could still be jiggled with nodes, but not as sure a fix, what are the wheels off? because some older rovers had handed wheel sets? all else fails drop me a zip and I'll tweak it
  18. Hi, mm space... thats the black stuff above the blue stuff? Not been there for ages and likely not driven a rover on the mun since beta, so I'm pretty doomed from the off, so yeah I'll give it a go What I really popped in to say is that if launch facilities on the mun are required for testing purposes I can sort a Kerbal Konstruct or two static to do the job. How fast can you go on the Mun without flinging off into space? are rovers any good at re entry ?
  19. Hi, unless I'm being deliberately kept in the dark I know of no declared intention of the BDAc team to overhaul the ALG. I believe the situation as it stands is that they have more than enough to do with the BDAc code overhaul without venturing into the ALG. There are certainly no volunteers that I aware of. My own investigations into it have been purely for research and I've already mentioned that despite being able to deal with some fairly complicated hierarchies and set ups for wheels, what I found left me with far more questions than answers, that my skill set can't easily resolve, getting a working wheel is no problem but, animation, collider control , extension requires a little more code proficiency than I posses, and having followed your own attempts to design and understand wheelcolliders and the physics that accompanies them I know it's not something I could learn in a weekend .
  20. It's not a glitch that BDA is responsible for, it is something that Squad put in place for the release of 1.2.2 with the large changes to Kerbals and well documented elsewhere, There is also an associated enhancement request on the BDAc github https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues/109
  21. Hi everything that's in the image that isn't stock are parts I've made. ( so everything apart from the intakes, fuel tanks and junos) The wheels in particular i developed for the Dakar Kerbin challenge, so have already had a pretty tough test and imo , come through with flying colors, They come in several variations for different usages, from jet assist (wider heavier) to pure EC low drag versions ( lighter narrower) and two distinct height options . While using a stock cfg they do benefit from some hierarchy and performance enhancements that stock wheels lack ( personal opinion of course) As yet non of it is released although some parts are out on test, I don't have any plans to release any of the parts, as I already have my hands full just managing the half dozen published mods I own or maintain . While i can quite happily turn out new stuff all the time, and do, like many mod makers I make ten times more than ever get released. If you're interested I'd could pm you a test copy. ( test also includes a set of fixed M1style wheels which makes them considerably more fun) Much better with a good set of EC wheels and dumping the jets though, trouble is, stock doesn't really have anything quick enough to properly enjoy the tracks and the torque curve is really less than ideal (again imo )
  22. Hi are you attaching the wheels in the correct orientation? KSP wheels are not round and only have one position in which they work. The problem you have is very common and can usually be resolved by rotating the wheels when you attach them to the rover in the SPH,
  23. I don't ever recall such a thing. Each shell that causes an explosion has a cfg defined blast range, and an amount of heat it inputs to the target . Heating is a foundation of the current BDA damage model and essential for the mod to work. You could remove heating of parts with an MM patch but as It's not something I completely approve of I'll leave it to you to work out how . Though it's probably easier just to use the games cheat options to turn of damage,...... but why?
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