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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. With lots and lots of patience and practice, there is so much hand painting in stockalike it really helps if you have some artistic skills. As for changing the textures you don't need blender at all unless you are completely redoing the map and uv's . Thats all I can tell you lots of practice or skill
  2. Most mods these days a packaged GameData/themod, never add a GameData folder to the GameData folder , as you surmise this would be bad, Simply remove themod folder from the downloaded GameData folder and place themod folder in GameData I should also mention that if you unzip and merge the downloaded GameData folder into your KSP root directory( the main folder) that would also work properly
  3. Thanks I've got everything I need now I think 'cept luck. I just love the hoarding nature of KSP mod users, if it's been released someone has a copy somewhere, i've just discovered a huge stash of 0.18 mods on an old drive too
  4. oddly the sf link i found took me to a not found page but thanks, I have all the bits I need now I think, apart from luck
  5. Thanks , already tried that , all that's there are docs for the animation control module
  6. Wanted untouched version of Critter Crawler, untouched as in untouched, no cfg edits or changes . Haven't found a working link as yet.
  7. If somebody has a copy of one of these that is unadulterated/ not screwed with in some vague attempt to make it work I'd be very interested in getting hold of a copy
  8. Hi all. Due to exceptionally bad planning and a currently  poor attitude on my part I've just landed my small groups of testers with an immense task,  all of them perform way above and beyond the call of duty but this last batch is a bit much.
      The problem updates for 1 2 2 

    The size or the problem and what needs testing before release

    SM Armory formerly Boomsticks , intention move to release with at least a 122 beta then V1

    PEW as above

    SM Stryker, formerly Stryker armory and Stryker aerospace , Hopefully final check before new thread and release

    LBP 122 rel2  Testing of the new superstructure parts and the new ww2 hull BB for release

    And that doesn't include all the other little projects that i have and they poke with sticks and check for bees etc.

    So what I'm after are a couple of people  to temporarily, perhaps permanently,  supplement the efforts of the testing team

    What you need ( aside from being able to get along with me , which may not be so easy sometimes :) )

    Are fully versed in the ways of BDAc as most of this batch is weaponry and over 300 items to check for wrongness

    Must have a knowledge of at least two of the mods listed above and use them regularly and ideally some of the history behind them and me

    Most importantly however be able to converse via pm in a coherent manner, be able to explain in clear terms any problems or issues you encounter .  The golden rule is discretion, some info available to the team is not for public consumption and involves development of other projects, what happens in the testing group stays in the testing group. 

    If you fancy having a look at the grubby behind the scenes stressful bit drop me pm headed  Testing for 122..  and I'll get back to you,



  9. As you're so close to it I can appreciate this sentiment but, unless my craft and tastes a re way off norm I reckon for a first release it's considerably better than you give yourself credit for. I reckon any set of wheels that can carry a 7 tonne truck 57 km without any operator input whatsoever (no RCS SAS either) are a bit special (btw was only stopped by a mountain that no EC drive should be able to climb) Although I've nothing to add on the repulsors , as i've not converted the ones I have as yet, I'll be glad to see the water capability return, as it means i can wake up the hovercraft project. Back to wheels however, gear ratios, brilliant I'll be going back to that mountain with a new ratio. Is there any vague possibility that sometime in the future some kind of on the fly selection could be made, even just as far as a two speed high low type arrangement . This would be the icing on the cake for another rover type modlet of mine. All in all I've not found anything to gripe about or can't see the reason for and adapt to. Even the wheel damage which drove me mad for a day, i was tempted to turn it off or down but the all or nothing choice wasn't suitable, i don't mind consequences like broken wheels for driving like a goon. Damage is under control for the most part now, apart from the two wheeler which had to spout thrust transforms from the exhausts, as I simply can't get it to move under wheel power without instant wheel destruction, but romping along at 30ms under thrust is no problem, and as a toy that'll do fine.
  10. Hi well it's a bit hit or miss and depends very much on the quality of colliders /meshes within the parts themselves, In the pic below everything there is Airparked, there must be well over a 1000 parts as typically a full ship runs to 250 ish depending, and while admittedly the game was slowed by the amount of craft present , it was still very much playable and going out of the area phys and game return to normal. Sadly no matter what the coding stars of KSP comes up with the game still has to draw the ship and the more complex the ship the harder the game has to work
  11. Excellent news and I'll try it out and report back Although things have improved considerable since last postings, getting hooked on every module being equal was my downfall, In the case of the 8 wheelers, it was definitely the wrong way to go. Instead of asking a dozen questions I set about finding setups within that cfg that would make the vehicle plug and play, rather than needing user input before use. and it turned out a simpler than I'd initially thought. The reversal of rear steering in cfg was a simple matter of a minus in front of the steering rotation axis, and as I'd already discovered that full rear lock is undesirable I halved the steering rotation. Tried on both large and small versions and it's faultless. Using the latest release brought no upset or horrors to light and everything worked right out of the box, though i miss the ride height adjustment. I've tested the new release quite extensively and without issues, very impressed how well the tracks adapt to different vehicles and masses, and if anything I'd say they perform a bit better than my fading memory of KF 1.05 recalls Going to zip up a copy of the multwheel nonsense, it may be useful to you in some way, may also give you other ideas
  12. @Thiagobs Re your node troubles, have you considered using unity placed transforms for attach nodes instead of cfg defined ones? I find that the NODE method is considerably more versatile with connections than the old type cfg method
  13. I second gomkers recommendation Airpark continued , I've had several very large ships airparked for weeks with no ill effects, Airpark effectively renders the ship static object when active, and at the touch of a button it's live and ready to go.
  14. Hi the only feature I believe that currently will give you some functionality is the fuel side, simply use the values as in one of the KerbinSide fuel tank cfg's . As for the rest it may be worth making a feature request on github, if Ger has them enabled of course The bases and objects are pre placed by the mod pack you have installed, there are no random spawn events. You can launch directly from VAB or SPH to any dedicated launch site, all of which can be viewed via the KK button on the toolbar. Although I've never used them in a career I think that facilities can be opened or closed to save funds,. There are several; types of facility available, launch sites, research centers, fuel dumps , and commercial properties. The launch sites come in two types, SPH and VAB and it's prudent to check out a launch site before launching a craft to check it's suitability for the craft you want to fly. KK is the base mod upon which all other static mods build, KK only has a limited set of assets. To get the best from KK use either the Kerbinside packs or any of the other excellent static packs around, although it can take some serious digging to find the good stuff
  15. That's the attitude, As long as you've wheels and power to turn them, keep going, My first run finished with anything that had been mounted externally missing, and just enough juice to make it to the line
  16. I believe the guy you need to speak to is @panzer1b who's the only one I know actively creating battles in space, he's very likely to some useful input
  17. Broken : to become inoperative or to malfunction, as through wear or damage: or in this case code changes concerning missiles and detached craft https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues/25
  18. Except for the fact that the HEKV is broken and has been broken since at least KSP 1.0.5
  19. Hi do you have the correct version as all your issues could simply be an outdated version. Please use the version linked below for KSP 1.2.2 https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v0.11.1.6/BDArmory. If you r problem persists please read And at least post a copy of your KSP.Log in a zipped downloadable form, This will make it much easier to diagnose your issue
  20. Congrats on keeping to your intended schedule and the release. Also congrats on the track settings, they're almost perfect out of the box for everything I've tested them on, from 6.5 to 65 t they've been excellent even with my slight mod patches to slightly tweak the sizes via a model node, which is a lot less troublesome than a tweakscale cfg for some reason I've never understood. Hi it may be worth popping over to the KSPWheel thread as there is some very clear and useful info on how the damage models work , and is worth a read for anyone using the new KF PS and documentation! what a star, cheers
  21. Park it up at the end of a stage and get a supply plane or truck to come and refuel your truck, refueling is allowed
  22. You will need the latest version of BDA in order for it to function correctly. see link below https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v0.11.1.6/BDArmory.
  23. Indeed but given how many people actually read more than one post in a thread it may as well have been top secret
  24. Those interested should note that this long way off is likely to be several months. It should also be noted that it would be fair for the team to wash their hands of ALG altogether . The recent inside information I have indicates that , if and when it re appears it will be as a feature of KF. not a BDAc group thing
  25. Hi forgive me if I'm wrong here but you seem to be a little confused regarding the terms here, a specular material in unity has a shine whereas a diffuse material is flat, (and has very little to do with specular maps which are a different thing altogether ) think the difference between satin and mat finish, IMO using a simple diffuse shader on large part renders them lifeless with no high or low lights, diffuse is ok for small parts and brackets but anything larger really needs specular . The shader setting in unity can be adjusted numerous ways and that specular can be set anywhere from high shine to a flat satin finish and allows for proper light reflection which diffuse does not provide
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