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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hiya it's done, and while they can all be killed eventually , the autostrut frenzy that occurred when you built them takes a little bit of the enjoyment away. The trucks themselves are very tough indeed and while i may doubt the cosmetic enhancements, i do appreciate the time and effort it took to build them all. Even by my skewed standard they are definitely OP indestructible in most cases. See below a short selection of the highlights Cheers
  2. yup indeed it was, it;s still kicking around somewhere i think..
  3. Hi there's only one mod thats ever managed to do this and so enabling many others to have visible instruments and pilots and that used to be JSI transparent pods , now JSI Advtransparent pods it does what you are looking for, IF you set up the model and the IVA exactly to spec, even if you make a transparent IVA you will still not see the kerbals or the instruments unless you have the above plugin, you need camera transforms etc in order for the game to render the IVA, none of which can be guessed at, I'd take a look at the code for that mod if you'd seriously like to achieve the effect below
  4. @Spike88 https://www.dropbox.com/s/c0l22e004ik4mrx/NewInstances.zip?dl=0 Here you go, just unzip this attached folder and drop it in your KK folder, if you already have a new instances folder then merge the two. If you have some other Kside stuff installed you'll also find the island has a basic runway and a tower. If you don't want those items delete everything in the attached folder apart from TantaresLS_Launch_Site_A-instances.cfg and SWLSA-B_Logo.png
  5. HIya, sadly you cannot use pure EC as a propellant, to be a propellant the resource has to have mass, EC has no mass. All the EC engines i'm aware of use some other minuscule mass resource to provide that needed mass, such as FSCoolant or define your own resource, before you do though make sure it isn't already in the community resource pack, may save some work if there's something suitable there you can use, but purely EC nope sadly not
  6. AH thats just a rumor it was always meant to be in the deep as is indicated by the description and is why the model is a self contained island, although i can see why you'd want it elsewhere, at least a little closer to land. I can move it and post the cfg for you to paste in if you want, just tell me where.
  7. NO what he means is that any changes you make are saved to the models cfg, so if you mess it up , you simply delete the instances part of the cfg. Re SW launch site, it is where it is supposed to be, right out in the middle of nowhere, I suggest that instead of moving that original spawn a new one in your chosen location and when you are happy with the position use the KK editor again to delete the original version , this will delete the positions instance in the cfg, and where do you want it to be btw?
  8. Yeah we got helmets, well helmet anyway, and the coders at BDAc team HQ tell me that they reckon they maybe able to detect a hit on or if there should be a hit on a kerbal, so we'll see what happens but considering the other tasks in progress it's fairly new and fairly low on the list, so don't go holding your breath and I still reckon the below is one of my all time favourite screenies. only possible through this mod PS why no more helmets. a/ they're are really annoying to do. b/ they're even more annoying to get right
  9. I'm wondering if these issues are a recurrence or the problem from not so long ago, in which KK would not work if added to an existing save, at the time it appeared that KK could not properly create and find the cfg's it writes to the game save file, symptoms included KK launch selector and KK editor not being functional but all previously placed statics were present. The workaround at the time was to uninstall everything except squad and KK from the gamedata folder, then start the game and create a new save, load up that save to check for functionality, then exit, re add all the mods to gamedata and load up your new save, and usually all was well. obviously this is no good for players with existing games in which they wanted to add KK but it was usable. Another possible workaround is to create another install and use that to position statics etc then copy the cfg's to your existing game. This is the method i use mostly, as it means i don't feel compelled to finish every new base project in one sitting, as anyone who's spent time making bases and placing statics will tell you, placing statics is not hard but it is very time consuming For reference i should state that Mondays beta KK is working extremely well for me even without a recompile for 1.2.2, launch selector, static editor and base boss etc are all fully functional
  10. Hi all, just a quick note, NED and OST will be getting a version bump on SpaceDock and here, as yet there's nothing new suitable or ready for release, so no need to download if you're already using the mod as released for 1.2. I may have new SM armory stuff in the next few days so will hold off on the version bump
  11. Hi all, just a quick note, SM Marine will be getting a version bump on SpaceDock and here, as yet there's nothing new suitable for release, so no need to download if you're already using the mod as released for 1.2
  12. Hi all, just a quick note, LBP will be getting a version bump on SpaceDock, as yet there's nothing new suitable for release, so no need to download if you're already using the mod as released for 1.2
  13. Hi, are you using any other statics apart from the Kerbinside/KK ones, the editor opening failure can be caused by static models that are made or divided badly, and as you mention usually does not leave an associated error in the log. If you have added anything new it may be worth removing the instances part of the statics cfg to see if the editor re appears
  14. Well not unexpected but thats what happens when the crews spend too long in the bar the night before , it'll be a while before i let them go on a jolly again One day I'll learn how to make aircraft that can turn. nice one @SuicidalInsanity
  15. Hi, you're not the only one, don't forget though it doesn't mater how it is destroyed and you can make it destroy itself. The closer you can get to it before it sees you the easier it is.
  16. Hi i was quite prepared to destroy this truck, however the ambiguity over what mods are to be used discourages me somewhat, For this challenge you'd be much better off posting the truck to Kerbal X , which alongside it's other handy features clearly identifies what mods are used , I for one am not downloading 30 something mods just for a ten minute run. Especially for something that actually resembles a stock built truck. (the nasty suspicious side of me reckons this challenge is just a ploy to increase downloads, but Mr reasonable is in charge today so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt) PS and which of the 12 trucks in your download is the one above???
  17. Alpha cutoff bumped is what you need, or just alpha cutoff but the bump makes it look better, check out the heli nets in SM Marine or this below the basket from the Kerbling Orbiter that i did for HL Airships
  18. HIya, re the shiny yes it's a shader thing as you guessed, although i've used a specular shader on the tubes to get that satin effect, it;'s turned right down on the shiny scale and with the specular color greyed out a bit which all serves to reduce the shine, I can make shiny BUT it's either or on one part, one material per part, with the texture switch we just swap textures but the material and the uv map stay the same. You can though create metallic textures and depending on shader values they'd reflect/shine accordingly. In the past there've been some very cool reflective shaders but I'm not aware of any that still function. See below for long past project example of very shiny
  19. It wasn't, although with minor tweaks it works ok with KerbalKonstructs and 1.2.1, That said it's already possible to construct towns with KK, i wouldn't go for cities until some major model optimisations are done , but towns are doable .
  20. Hi just a quick look and i can see that almost every part has at least one underscore in the name, this is bad, KSP reads underscores as periods as in . Having underscores can cause problems especially when used with the model node and various MM cfg's, i suggest removing all the underscores Yes i know it will break every existing craft, i have had to do the same to virtually every mod that have undertaken the maintenance of, your users will be unhappy for only a short while and removing the underscores will prevent other similar issues reoccurring. For a fuller diagnosis I would need to see the KSP.log as i can see more errors than the one you are asking about , but i feel as though your issue is those damnable underscores
  21. I have completed this challenge, by destroying or causing the destruction of all targets.... strangely worded for reasons I'll give in a mo, I have also recorded it, but my first cack handed attempts to edit it down to a more watchable length than 43 minutes resulted in the edit becoming deranged somehow So on to the wording , i can claim 4 honest kills, but the two at higher elevations i believe that although they were being attacked, it was not my aircraft that destroyed them! The lower of the two mountain emplacements fired two missiles at my drones and while attempting to fire a third ,either the missile was launched into the terrain or hit the terrain soon after launch ( too long a drop time perhaps) causing the destruction of the emplacement . The mountain top turret possibly went the same way, although i feel this was caused by the attacking aircraft being below the turret causing the first missile to launch into terrain, as we've already established elsewhere, occasionally the WM AI is a dumb as mud! So judge that how you will 4 aircraft started the challenge, 1 drone was destroyed by the western most floater and the remaining 3 aircraft, two drones and the MK2RB landed back at KSC after the mission.
  22. Hey, if you're talking about this challenge, it was made in 1.2.1!! @DoctorDavinci managed to knock off everything apart from that last one on the mountain top, how the hell do you get to that one? none of the usual methods can target the spot, you can't set WC to fly to or target as it sees right through the mountain and targets the next valley, the WM also has trouble picking up the target, seems to simply not recognize it as a valid target. I'll see if i can repeat with the video evidence today ( will need some serious editing though as it's a long process). In the end I used my top gun challenge draft and 3 of the BD AI demo craft, all survived until the mountain target ,, at which point two of them flew into the mountain side
  23. Nice first battle, quite amusing to watch the jets get schooled by egg beaters
  24. Just pushed another few bits to DK, definitely needs a couple of stubby tubes, I/2 and 1/4 mtr , this next lot is T's
  25. Important notice to users and creators of FPS weapons Due to the changes to Kerbals in KSP 1.2.1, put in place by Squad in order to prevent bad interactions between colliders such as wheels, kerbals are now immune to direct weapon effects , they can no longer be shot or blown up, any injury a kerbals sustains is now only caused by another part striking a kerbal or the Kerbal hitting the ground. This has affected every BDAc weapon type, and i mean everything , I ran a series of tests to find the complete extent of the problem and the new Kerbals can even stand a direct hit from a 500lb bomb, a 155mm cannon at point blank range and rockets and missiles pass right through them . What this means for BD FPS, quite simply that until further notice all development has stopped and even though I've posted an issue to BDAc this problem is very low on the priority list and the BDAc team is not likely to be able to engineer a fix. I know it's not the case but Squad couldn't have done a better job at stamping out kerb on Kerb combat if they'd tried. The real annoyance for me is that it worked fine in 1.2 and pre release, so I'd made new items based on those findings, which now like all the other parts in the pack are pretty much obsolete, yes they can after a million shots damage a vehicle, but why bother when there's an unholy range of weapons available for every other purpose. I'll be asking @V8jester to lock the thread as there's no point filling it up with known issues we cannot do anything about. It was fun while it lasted though and not the first mod to be properly killed by an update .. Taking the above into consideration I would strongly advise anyone thinking of creating FPS weapons to stop now and not waste anymore time on the project . Should the situation change (doubtful) We'll reopen the thread and continue where we left off See below video demo of the indestructible Kerbals.
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