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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi just a heads up, something like this was tried quite recently with flags, and due to individual creators not wanting their textures however small distributed by someone else the idea was rapidly reconsidered and scrapped. It is not unusual for textures and models to be ARR while cfgs code etc are under a much more forgiving license. so you may just be lining yourself up for a lot of grief.
  2. Hey, technical hitches abound, as you can imagine with so many changes throughout the game and I've a stack of FX to rework to U5spec, and right now this mod is not high up on the priority list, BDA is currently at the top, that said the version here https://github.com/SpannerMonkey/DestructionEffects , does work in 1.2.1 if you want to try it, but it'll quickly become apparent that things with FX are not quite right. So for my part it's not forgotten, it just has to form an orderly queue by the door and it'll get done.. Cheers
  3. A quick look at your log shows literally dozens of mod related issues , most seem to be caused by the simple fact that the mod is not updated for 1.2.1 or even 1.2 ( easy to tell, anything still looking for kspUtil hasn't been updated), and there are mods there that aren't even needed anymore such as dds loader. Before you can determine where the fault lies you need a stable game which is something you do not at this point have. 3 mods that can be removed right now as completely dead, are remotech, skytonemapper and dds loader, those 3 alone account for a large amount of the log spam
  4. Hi, certainly does yes, no changes that affect LBP between the two versions. There have been some adjustments since the 1.2 release but I'm reluctant to force an update on everyone for a few node tweaks and value changes only. The next update will likely be when i have the hangar storage sorted for applicable spaces
  5. Hi Sounds very much like you have installed it incorrectly, the exact path should be KSP/GameData/LShipPartsModern/Parts/stuff. I f it's any other way a lot of the newer parts will not load, as the filepath they use is fixed in the cfg, moving folders or incorrect installation renders all the defined paths invalid.
  6. Hi your game appears to crash even before it is properly loaded. I would suggest reinstalling KSP to see if that cures the problem,
  7. You have a problem with interstellar fuel switch , is it updated for 1.2.1? You are also running other mods that do not appear to have been updated . which can certainly contribute to frequent crashes. I suggest removing any mod that has not yet been updated and retrying your game.
  8. I've already made a couple of sets for 1.2 based on this example Nli posted earlier in the year for 1.1.x https://www.dropbox.com/s/pxjv6bowyzfisru/seeThruWheel.zip?dl=0. and although they aren't quite perfect they do work acceptably well and as with all these things gets a little better each time, earlier in the year i posted a clip of a tank with what turned out to be good wheels for 1.2.x onwards despite an hour searching couldnt find the damn thread it was in that had loads of relevant info
  9. It was released just i hour ago not 3 hours ago, check out the team members on the OP.
  10. I'd say not having measured one for a while, somewhere between 450 and 600mm total length, do not be too worried about the scale, but remember that Kerbs are 800mm tall and their body proportions are not human like , and in some ways it's partly decided by how it looks , for reference I'd use the M16 from the pack as that is more or less what you'll need to end up with. The ultimate snagette is that longer weapons have to be scaled smaller than shorter ones, and this tends to make them look a bit skinny , see below, note how much more butch the skorpian looks compared to the rifle types esp the 74, and one of the reasons I've resisted adding any longer sniper type stuff, it just looks daft
  11. There is nothing that sets any fps weapon apart from a standard BDAc turret apart from the minuscule size, if you can make working turrets you can make FPS weapons. simples All FPS does is provide parts to fit kerbals, no special modules or other plugins, everything needed for FPS code wise comes either from BDAc or KIS
  12. and indeed the heavy handed method seems to be the way of KSP, the latest wheels all have unity assigned rigid bodies on the wheel colliders.
  13. That's really cool, i think the boom needs to be a lot deeper in tone though, but the doppler is spot on to my mind and would make dogfights a much more sensory experience than they are right now.
  14. And i spend considerably more time in unity and 3ds than ever do in game, even in game it's never more than testing. I wouldn't mind having a look at some of the current assets though first to see if i can address some of the log issues, mainly collider generation problems, I'm sure most can be dealt with fairly easily. I know there's some call for bases on other planets so maybe that's an avenue worth exploring, who doesnt fancy a mun base
  15. It chose me, it's been kicking around in my folders forever, that's the only reason, didn't know about the other versions, either way I'm happy with the results.
  16. @Ger_space Taking into the above note from Ash( i so wish other mod authors would do this it'd make my life so much easier) If there's anything i can help with, model wise etc let me know, always happy to help one of my favorite additions to my game keep going.
  17. This mods from pre mu times, yes it's that old, there was even at one time a little parts lab tool that came with KSP that you could use to set up engine transforms etc, as back then the transforms were defined like nodes, just numbers in a cfg, those tangent etc are hangovers from likely pre 0.18
  18. I can simply send you everything i have all redone through unity and you can play to your hearts content. As I've said it all works and I'd say flies considerably better than before and really aside form the model updates some changes to the engine models and small tweaks, getting it flight worthy has been my main focus. And pm sent with complete Eagle
  19. Thanks so much. thats cleared up a lot of other questions, huge thanks for taking the time to put the video together. Now i understand I'll let you know how it goes
  20. Hi, I've still had no reply so as the license allows for it I can do a redux version and should the owner resurface he can continue with this version, I already have a good portion of it working properly. With 1.2 chaos receding. apart from the other BDA mods i have yet to release things have quietened down a lot ,and i should be able to get some time for the project
  21. Hi , thanks for that, seems to have fixed a lot of the issues i was having previously , fully repopulated my statics with no problems as yet. Launch options working well (although i usually only sea launch, so sea launch is working very well) Cheers
  22. I take it that you like them then not long now --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also as there is a new and pretty stable version of Kerbal Konstructs available I took the opportunity to update the water launch buoy with some extra locations, at north and south ice caps and the more interesting river mouths, there are opportunities to visit places you may have never seen before from sea level, The rivers i particularly like. and i threw in a landlocked sea spawn, handy for science etc I'd imagine https://www.dropbox.com/s/jx5duzrsq4f32sq/ChannelMarkerGreen.zip?dl=0
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