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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. I think it would be possible but not at all easy, firstly it would be a mod that consisted mostly of code/C#/plugins rather than cfg's, Do you know C# ? You need to be able to access the Kerbal eva's, I think there are a couple of mods that already do this , KabinKrarziness seems to ring a bell and I'm sure there was a mod for Kerbal fitness, although they may be one and the same. You could probably dig up some useful info just searching the forums, and of course KSP mod makers in general are a quite helpful lot compared to some modding communities, so if you do attempt it there'd likely plenty of helpful advice available, if I were you I'd post my idea down in the plugin development sub forum to see what the coders think of it and it's feasibility Cheers
  2. Same here, They seem unnecessary after all this time, and I've answered more than one request for help from someone new to the game, who thought that there should be something in those folders and were concerned that they'd accidentally deleted the contents or that their game has not installed correctly...
  3. Hi, congrats on the very welcome beta. In the OP you refer to non standard wheel arrangements, I have a few items that in previous lives had two independent wheel units, could you perhaps give an example of how you would set something like that up in the cfg, i took a look at the cfg for the KF mini track, that being the closest similar thing, and see that all that seems to be required is that the WC's have unique names, and the code does the rest, could you confirm ? Cheers
  4. Hi It was called wildfire and has been long since abandoned by it's author, who also no longer visits the forums, the mod code also has a very restrictive license so very difficult for anyone to revive
  5. Never thought you were , just giving a hint of where to look for the fix
  6. @DrunkenKerbalnaut bearing in mind that they all work before i send them on to you, the reference in the cfg for the texture switch is not the model name but the mesh name, objectNames = crank1 // not the model name but the mesh name if you use a good example is the double 45, the mesh name for that is crank1, if you open the mu with notepad++ the mesh name is usually the third human readable word in the mu, why is it different? it doesn't have to be, but in dev it has to be something i know exactly what it is by it's name, and in this case crank1 tells me what it is, I can send you the dev folder that still is in my pref'd form that has the dev cfg's etc. if you need it , but in this case it's not rocket science
  7. Rofl , just out of curiosity , is it just tweakscaled or have you had to shove a lot of ballast in there as the main hull seems to be floating about where i''d expect a light ship to sit, yeah i get it's supported by the CV parts but then they're a bit corky for my liking anyway
  8. And you know what it would be difficult for me to care any less, , all it is is a vague resemblance of an LCS nothing more was never intended to be, and was just a handy subject on which to test the plugin,,, and spends most of it's lives being blown to bits and sunk
  9. Hi you're using a very old version of Airpark if you are using the one from the smelly bootrash repo ideally you need the latest available version which is this one http://spacedock.info/mod/936/AirPark Continued/download/v0.1.5.5 Perhaps @gomker who is maintaining it and has done a lot of work on this and vessel mover to make them a lot more ship friendly, will pop in and clarify which is the appropriate version. However if you are using pre 1.2.1 you are doomed to suffer exploding/flying ships and there's very little that can alleviate the base problems. Pre 1.2.1 was so bad for ships and boats in general that i pretty much called a halt to dev on LBP and SMM, the correct version of Airpark can make it less painful but on the whole it's nothing more than a bandaid.
  10. Hi, tried this on some of my larger builds to see how it would work out, got to say i love it and it's perfect for my 146+meter needs cheers
  11. Hi gang just a little note to those using the static pack linked above and in the OP , thanks to @Ger_space the current brave soul who's taken on the maintenance of Kerbal Konstructs , I've managed to clear away some long standing irritations with the cfg's and models (yay) Ger_space has also been kind enough to create a water launch category to make searching for potential launch sites for ships easier on the users. I've also worked out most of what upsets KK and dealt with it appropriately . Also I've added a few more bits and bobs to make the docks start to come alive and expanded on some of the already created facilities, and as always thrown in some extra ship launch spots, the most recent are in proximity to KerbinSide bases. SO if you fancy some new launch spots or just something new to look at it's worth updating.
  12. I'll give it a go using your ref skipper and see if i can get the thing to work, i can't see a reason why it wouldn't though. I'll post back and let you know what i find
  13. Hi. if I've your intention correct, all you need to do is swap the engine module from the stock module engines to module engines fx and assign the appropriate FX and sounds. You may need to play with the offsets to get it lined up correctly but otherwise it should be fine, oh and you can usually get away with just calling the thrustTransform as in your example, you will find some FX that also call the smokepoint which is not present in the earlier engine versions
  14. Hi guys if there's no objection I'd like to swap out the already entered craft, mainly due to discovering that the intake i used has the heat tolerance of a snickers bar and an almost guaranteed first pass fail.
  15. Hi , the collision enhancers are usually on the Layer 26 WheelCollidersIgnore, well at least that's where all mine have always been. Perhaps a point of interest, for the wheels in your images I'd be tempted to have everything except the main collision enhancer aligned to the extreme outer edge of the outer wheel, this give for a much more stable platform and removes the outer wheel clipping through terrain issues that can be seen with a centered colliders, like those on stock landing gear.
  16. Hi nope never used that feature always gone with the hangar space mesh, cheers
  17. The combat is started and controlled from the BDA setting menu, all that is required is that brakes are on, throttle at zero and engine running and the craft are either marked team A or B as appropriate.. Once started it's in the hands of the gods
  18. Indeed it is, and as such i can confirm that I'm much better at devising incredibly efficient ways to shoot planes down than i am at building planes , so much so that my entry should be renamed as cannon fodder, I've just run all of the uploaded entries against it, to challenge regs and it's well outclassed, not suprised though as this is my first foray into such endeavors . I'll let it stand as it is though. if the entry list is oversubscribed feel free to pull it in favor of more capable craft
  19. But not that one, this latest version with quite a few tweaks and enhancements over the original https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/releases/download/
  20. We currently can't edit the OP so most links will be buried in thread, though i wouldn't swear to there ever being one for the latest, in which case you'll need this https://github.com/jrodrigv/DestructionEffects/releases/download/v1.2.0/DestructionEffects.1.2.0_11172016.zip
  21. That'll be me then as it's just done it to me , requires revisions i think
  22. Thats the maddest looking aircraft I've seen for some time, love it
  23. You'll depending on what you want to do import or not the mipmaps, i never do as the export can generate a new more relevant set, I've no idea what the YCoCg/AExp is for and i just leave it as is. For export never overwrite always export , for diffuse textures i use DTX3 and generate mipmaps and for normal maps i use DTX5 and mipmaps, do that and all should be good
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