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Everything posted by Unicron

  1. Engine effects will not work whatsoever, I have smokescreen, and everything it came with. its not working
  2. "•Interstellar/Alcubierre drive are mandatory to get to Cercani!" Mandatory you say, . I was able to reach it without the help of any warp drives, granted it took well over 1000 years, and the time warp unlocker mod, and a bit of waiting, but I was able to make it in the endurance space craft mod. I had it parked over Pequar before the kraken ate every ship in orbit and left merely a ranger on the surface
  3. The system will not work at all, even with The updated Kopernicus and Module Manager. In fact it breaks every other system I have loaded, such as OPM and Other_Worlds, as in causing them not to load.
  4. When you add Edmunds planet, you should most definitely add "Pentagruel" The White dwarf star that pairs with Gargantua. Edmunds planet orbits Pentagruel. I think that going to this system and starting colonies there would be very rewarding
  5. I just have a question feels stupid, but how do I get the ground modules out of the slots in the endurance?
  6. The Systems finally load, but the black hole at the center still has the corona glow and shines from everywhere. Also none of the stars register with any light, with all the planets having light directed at the "Black hole" in the center with the corona
  7. I have yet to really seen this question get answered. I am asking it again as I'm sure its been seen many times. I have used a fresh install of KSP, 1.0.2, downloaded this mod and no others. All that exists is merely a glitched black hole with kerbol's corona, with the only system being the vanilla system orbiting it. The mod is not working. Can someone shed light on what is going on? please I can say with certainty that everytime this question has popped up it has been merely skimmed over, or ignored. As I have yet to have seen an answer
  8. I need help, I really don't know how to really comphrend this mod. What I want to do is make the Mun look like a habbitble world by adding an Atmosphere, an Ocean, and change the textures. But I just don't know how to do that properly. For starters I would like to know how to add in an atmosphere, because I can only get in some weird pixaliated
  9. I get about as far as the Space Center, then its all zoomed in on the buildings and I cant click them, and when I go back to the main menu I cant click any selections
  10. Already tried, But you cannot change Sentar's configuration
  11. Think you can fix the Sentar Expansion pack for Planetfactory to orbit Kerbol instead of the black hole better yet another Star?
  12. I just figured it out using some thinking, Disregard my previous comments
  13. I try to read the instructions any I can find, but it just makes no sense. I'm not a coder or a modder.
  14. How do I replace the skybox, I don't know where to put Oinker's Skybox in the texture replacer folder. This makes Absolutley no sense, please help!
  15. Now, do you need 23.5 I have just have .23 And It keeps crashing. I have EVE What else do I need to prevent it from crashing?
  16. Also one additional thing, I downloaded the new update today, and the Sentar Expansion pack's Clouds are no longer working.
  17. Okay, I have been having the same problem, and its really bugging me as to why its happening. I don't know if it's just me and something is screwed up with my file set up. Or you just cant see Clouds from the surface yet. But I can see the clouds perfectly from space, But as soon as I go to the surface, I cannot see them and they become invisible, I have the Sentar expansion pack for Planet factory and there are no problems at all, I can see clouds from space and the surface. But with Urania system I cant see clouds from the surface but can from space. Can someone shed some light onto this?
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