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Everything posted by Cinocal

  1. Any, just has to happen somewhere in the flight envelope.
  2. Without vectored thrust super manoeuvrability is tough. I bet most of these designs would be with more gimbal limit.
  3. Well the single engine wasn't enough for a high top speed so I redesigned for twin turbos. Then I thought, because VTOL. And then I realized, it has too many engines. Back to the hangar!
  4. I tried your suggestion with the ignore for main axis in the cfg and it fixed my problem. Thanks!
  5. Is there a limit to what the cargo bays will shield? Im trying to make a VTOL setup and I can mount a wheezly pointing down in two cargo bays but if I try to go more than 3 or two in each the drag goes way up and the green, yellow and blue lines in transonic drag tab get offset at like 45deg. It does this with the bays open or closed. Any idea what would cause this? http://i.imgur.com/gxEuffb.jpg
  6. Had to up my wing mass on the main wings to 1.1 to safely be able to yank and bank at high G. Will hold 10g now even super sonic. Ship mass went up from 11.2 to 12.6t. Shown with hardpoints but no tanks mounted.
  7. I've got a single engine setup that meets all the criteria using a turbojet @ 49.5%. Needs a few more flights but specs are. 11.2 T Max @ 10km Mach 3+ Supercruise @ 10km Mach 2.4 @ 1/3 Throttle. Can carry drop tanks, which turn into awesome cluster bombs when dropped (unintended bonus!) Transonic drag w/o tanks .44, with .56. 9G capable 1:1 power @ 150+kN
  8. Finally got into the Big Orange club with something I like. http://imgur.com/a/Totns
  9. Use an air brake. You won't spend so much time at boiling speeds.
  10. Now that I understand Area Ruling, I built this as a test. Thing will glide supersonic for a long time.
  11. So sweet. I made one with B9 and Pwings back before these new spaceplane parts. So cool you can build it without mods now.
  12. Ok. I got it now. You need enough thrust to do a 45deg accelerating climb out as soon as you leave the runway. Just maintain this 45deg climb all the way up out of atmos. It's actually much easier than before, you just can't take as much Dv with you into orbit. The ride to orbit is less than half the time it used to take me in .90.
  13. Was thinking the 1.0 Aero would be good, but after much experimentation. It is faking the funk that is FAR. The stock drag model is a joke.
  14. Can't assign air brake to an action group key, well you can but it doesn't save or work when you launch. Only hitting the brake button or manually deploying them works. But yea the Aero and Heat totally didn't get enough testing.
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