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Everything posted by Cinocal

  1. 1 Pilot + 8 passengers to a station @100km orbit and back, or refuel at station for Mun trips.
  2. Air hogging, and NERVA's. Both of which I utilize.
  3. Latest build, inspired by the Sukhoi-Gulfstream S-21. Can carry 8 + 1 pilot to 100km orbit, with enough fuel remaining to link up with a fuel station or safely deorbit back to the runway.
  4. Sure. It needs PWing, B9, KWRockets and maybe TV. Also I have only flown it with FAR. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i5lp2movi4pk834/Hunchback%204.craft
  5. My take on the Sukhoi-Gulfstream S-21 Business Jet. This thing even flies like a Sukhoi fighter, will do power flips and sustain 10+G turns. Stall speed is 50m/s.
  6. Nice. I also like how you build an actual airframe, gives you freedom to place heavy bits where they need to be without altering the over all design shape.
  7. I appreciate you making the build video. How you build around the potential cargo weight to build it balanced and your fuel system setup are what I've been lacking when trying to efficiently build VTOL crafts. No doubt this approach makes any build better from the get go, less trial and error. Also link to the stock hinge idea for the bay doors?
  8. Gratitude! It works as well as it looks. Plenty of dv left after getting to a 100km orbit. Also glides like a paper plane when its out of fuel, in FAR anyway.
  9. So I have some control surfaces that were assigned to only Pitch but when in game I apply roll input and it also activates the surfaces that are only supposed to pitch. I've tried changing it but it still is doing it, KB or Joystick input same result?
  10. One of my previous SSTO designs that I have upgraded with B9 parts.
  11. Just posted this in another challenge but it's SSTO + Rover and VTOL. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36656-KSCM-XD-4L-Dropship-Design-Challenge?p=477662&viewfull=1#post477662
  12. I present my take on the Cheyenne Drop Ship w/M577 60+ tons w/rover 57ish w/o It's not finished or completely refined but as you see it now, it is capable of: Stable Atmospheric flight. (only flown with FAR). VTOL take off and landing with APC inside or without. Normal take off and landings with or without APC. Achieving a 100+km orbit SSTO with 1000+dv remaining with APC. Docking capability and RCS control. Can unload and reload APC. Drive straight out to unload. Back up to reload. Cargo bay also has 8 jump seats for reinforcements or rescue missions. Rover Specs: Computer or Kerbal control. 5 seats, 4 being safe from bugs. Nuke powered + some batteries & head lights. Good handling and ground clearances. Rugged. Will go where ever if you drive it like you should. MODS: MechJeb Pwing B9 KW TV FAR *Its like 255 parts combined and it lags, which makes me sad, but it's not that laggy.
  13. Moonraker 1 4 Seater Designed and Flown in FAR B3, TV Areospace, PWing.
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