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Everything posted by Cinocal

  1. Move the rear landing gears forward just behind the center of mass and you will get nice takeoff rotation and it won't swerve at high speeds further down the runway.
  2. Saw Interstellar and had to put some Ranger flavor on something that would fly with FAR.
  3. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76668-0-23-5-Kerbal-Aircraft-Expansion-%28KAX%29-v2-2-1-Now-With-100-More-Helicopters
  4. FAR since he added the dynamic pressure is quite the challenge to make things that resist disintegration. Even without DR re-entry angle is a big deal in an SSTO with FAR.
  5. So nice! I assume it hasn't been flown with FAR?
  6. Just looking at the screen shots induces lag. lol Much patience you have.
  7. Draco Prime Refined version of one of my all time favorites. Glides so well it's hard to slow down. Flown with FAR mod.
  8. Refueling in orbit seems to be easier than worrying about getting max efficiency on a climb out. Also can use tweakables and launch with non full tanks, then your T/W goes up on the same design and your accent is easier to manage.
  9. Decided to try my hand at a modular 2 man SSTO space plane, again. This is what I would call my 3rd generation Mk6 variant, the X10. First two generation designs worked but were not up to par. This works really well. The whole thing will get into 100km orbit with 2k+ dv remaining. The lander itself has 4000+ Dv if you separate it when you get to LKO. The whole thing can fly to the moon, separate, land, rendezvous back with wings in orbit and return to Kerbin. If you refueled it in LKO I assume it should make it to Duna, or even further if you ditch the wings en-route somewhere. It uses a 3 docking port setup so that when you reconnect it, it will line itself up. Lander has 4 chutes for atmospheric landings.
  10. I just felt the urge to build one of these last week! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68092-Terminator-HK-VTOL I like you take on it as well.
  11. Updated HK-VTOL craft file. Reinforcements applied. And now, something better. Will cruise at Mach 3.5 @ 20km. Press 5 to engage highspeed trim above 500m/s. 1 - VTOL engines 2 - Turbojets 5 - Highspeed trim above 500m/s 0 - Toggles spot lights https://www.dropbox.com/s/lthhh188bxqgumb/Caiman%201%2B.craft
  12. Thanks for the report! Nice to see it works in stock. I was just flight testing a new version and noticed that wobbly area when it snapped under G. I have reinforced that area. I do enjoy watching it crash, reminds me of the movie every time I do when they shoot one down!
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