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Ohm Machre

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Everything posted by Ohm Machre

  1. This pack is previously mentioned that it's 1.0.5 incompatible. So unless you're running 1.0.4, you won't be able to use it anyway. A shame, because I was hoping to use it in conjunction with NewHorizons.
  2. Anti-gravity in such a way as the Cavorite sphere wouldn't be hard to do at all. All you need to do is tell the game "Okay, on this part, this part of it has a very high thrust and ISP with an invisible particle, and this part is an extremely strong SAS or ASAS to keep it upright". As for the impact speed... just make it ridiculously strong to impacts like the I-beams.
  3. That actually sounds pretty cool! However, I'm having a hard time imagining that being.... practical? for lack of a word. It would probably be easier to just send up an K-sized shuttle to dock with an interplanetary craft in the first place. Although, I did attempt to design a multi-piece cruiser out of OPT parts (I suck at designing, so not even the core part is up yet xD).
  4. I'll give this a try! For my non-Real Heat save I have, I just turned the reheating down to 10%, but I found a way to retune it to 100% within the save, so there's that!
  5. So you aren't going to keep the freaking awesome J-60 and J-61 turbo-RAM jet engines? I know they're available separately, but the J-61s are extremely portable for their power ^-^
  6. YES YES YES YES I LOVE YOU OP!!!! SERIOUSLY, this has been one of my favorite mods since 0.90!! (Even THEN it wasn't up to date, lol!!) I'm SO GLAD to see it resurrected!!
  7. HI!! Just saying that I really love this mod. I'm having some EXTREME difficulty in reorbiting, namely in spaceplanes. Are there any recommended thermal settings I should try to use, or were there supposed to be different thermal values changed for the planets? I have several mods installed, including the New_Horizons pack. (I didn't add the planets centric to this mod, not sure how well that'd have played with N_H in there at the same time.)
  8. I can't wait for this to receive new additions! I loved this mod in 1.0.4 (even though I could never get even a cheated design off the ground, lol), and am still going to love it.
  9. Ahoy, Jolly Roger! Haha, I have a question. Is there a reason your Littleman craft isn't in the Dropbox? It's got an interesting design, and I'm trying to model off of it, which isn't exactly the easiest in Sketchfab. This is a truly awesome fleet.
  10. Oh man, that would suck SO much, haha!! But on the other hand, we might see an ENORMOUS performance boost with the new version... hopefully! (And maybe we can finally get a stable 64-bit version on Windows. ^^)
  11. I gotta say, blowfish, you're doing such amazing work so often, I have your bitbucket branch page bookmarked and I open it at LEAST once daily. XD
  12. No no! Backstory is good, it's really good! (I love lore.)
  13. Holy (expletive), Batman! That is one FIIIINE looking supercruiser! (Cruiser?)
  14. I don't believe I've had problems removing it before, so go ahead, but if things do derp, then you can easily re-add it from your download.
  15. Hmm... is there a way to extend the physics bounds of the Pegasus wings out larger than the model, for aerodynamics' sake? That's the one thing I can think of right now, seeing as you need bigger wings to lift up now. And, thinking of it further, the new BIG-455 wings have a LOOOOT of lift to them. Like, seriously. xD
  16. I'm greatly interested in the Pegasus shuttle. I remember testing it and having a hell of a time with it. Is the WT-51 possible, too?
  17. Do you happen to know off-hand if these work in the current version? Or if they're legacy only as of right now? Don't want to download them if I'm not going to be able to use them yet, heh.
  18. Very nice! Though I shoulda probably have known better than try to load it on my weak processor. XD
  19. I believe you can post crafts directly to KerbalX.
  20. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease post craft files??
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