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Everything posted by bulletrhli

  1. I think this is something that people should do live or record. I'm sure if people say they did it, they would tell the truth that's not a problem, its just better when we can see it! I want to do this and I want to see what everyone thinks first.
  2. I want to propose a suggestion as well, We want to keep our place clear of debris, but do not INTENTIONALLY remove it, if you can deorbit it, or find another way do so, but lets keep it real
  3. Not going to lie, I lost my save file However, I am purposely going to crash into minmus, but, saving the kerbal, then go and rescue him! Welcome back Gamah!
  4. Challenge Completed Total challenges completed: 18 Total kerbals lost: 0 So, my challenge was to rescue Bill off the Mun. He was running low on supplies and his lander had little fuel. I brought Bill to his lander and created the best orbit I could with the little fuel I had an then contacted Jeb and Bob to meet up in orbit, dock, and return home! That was all successful! We have successfully returned from the Mun, with NO CASULATIES! HURRAY! An accomplishment that is for sure. I'd like to take a moment of silence for our lost brethren before us... Okay times up. This was a simple challenge, this is basically stuff I do everyday in my KSP career so it didn't take too long. Please check out the album of images I have provided below and enjoy! http://imgur.com/a/QMkhK Oh Kristen Stewart, your killing us. Next Challenge Kerbin Hotel. Yes, you heard me. I want to start setting up a modular (If you don't know what that is, please look it up) designed hotel here on Kerbin by the command center. All of our men we return home need somewhere to stay. Make it so that it is movable, possibly a large rover design? It must be easy to control and must be VTOL capable with parachutes. If you can additionally add a abort system that would be great. It must be dockable incase we decide to bring it into orbit or some other planet so be cautious of your designs. I suggest making the Hotel carry at least 8 people, but remember, its modular, so we need to be able to attach more if we chose to add more to it. THIS IS KEY! Download the save file
  5. I like the sounds of that, so, if anyone sees a kerbal or ship that hasent been recovered and its MTA is over a year, then you must report their death. Maybe lets all keep a count? idk XD Lets try to keep them alive!
  6. Is anyone up for making this thread permadeath? Where we try to save all the kerbals? No matter what? Anyways nice job so far. Zingidy, you can have a few small tasks you want completed that's no bi deal XD multitasking a to further put our program in motion. I may be redesigning the station refuel module once the station starts coming together so it's way easier to dock
  7. Great Nice use of the quote to bring it over to the next page XD However, make your "ILL DO IT" text larger and bold so everyone can see!
  8. I second that, not many people have the ability to do these things. I would like to see your attempt thought OP.
  9. Well we can't start spamming up the forum with these threads you know XD just keep this one vanilla entirely and we will figure something out.
  10. Click the big Download button in the OP, if that doesn't work, check your popup blocker in your browser, it may be preventing it since its a direct download.
  11. No mods are allowed, because then EVERY participant would have to get the mod and 70 percent of people do not want to add more mods. Maybe we could talk to hawk and do another thread but with mods? Like, talk in here about what mods we could use for the new thread he could make and only those mods can be used nothing else, and this thread would be strictly vanilla?
  12. You need the quick save as well, the persistence file has the majority of the things, but the quicksave has the most recent.
  13. My challenge was to send the Shiva Station into orbit, then JUST build a refuel tanker for the space station in orbit already. I have completed such tasks! Alright, so I got the Shiva station module into orbit, sitting pretty 1km or so away from the Soyuz-117 interplanetary probe. You can easily dock with the station now with small bursts of RCS and I have set the station rotating North to South. As for the maker of the Delta Class Probe, this will be repurposed for another mission in the future. I absolutely love the design So, behold, the Shiva Supplies Module. It will EASILY get into orbit, however beware of the slightly high part count, the first one or two thousand meters up will be a bit lag filled, but it will DEFINITELY decrease. Enjoy it! PLEASE REMEMBER THIS, we recycle here at KSP, and all my lifter designs have the notable feature of being able to deorbit themselves. So, please kindly leave at least 50 units of fuel in the lifting stage before decoupling so we can deorbit it and keep our skies clear and free of large debris. Last notes, when you upload your files for the challenge, please, make sure you zip up the Ships folder, as well as the persistence and quicksave file and upload it either through your own personal google drive, or another site like sendspace or any other file upload site you know of. Challenge: I challenge the next person to get the supplies module into orbit and setup a rendezvous with the Shiva station within 2km. Once in close, stop. Quicksave. Switch over to the Delta Class Probe and setup a 100km ENCOUNTER orbit with Minmus. DO NOT go to Minmus, just leave the encounter as it is and that is it for now. Download the craft file.
  14. Okay, so we have to put that station node into orbit, then JUST build a refueler for the node but do NOT launch it?
  15. It just goes to show how much I want this thing to work out for everyone. I literally have been on the seat of my pants when it started heating up. I'm not understanding your challenge though, in the picture, is that the main node? Does that need to be docked as well as bring up an orange fuel tank to refuel the station before going to the Joolian system?
  16. If you guys are taking the save, actually work on it XD These 3 hours plus wait times are killing us!
  17. See, its a lot of fun in the kerbin system, but eventually we do have to move out a bit. We can still do a lot close to home, but its fun to multitask larger missions as well TAKE OVER TEH SOLAR SYSTEM!
  18. Okay, add the save file and the image album to the post you just made so everyone can easily get to it! I like the sound of that challenge. Who is up for it?
  19. Your not understand what we mean by a small challenge -.- Anyways, someone can make a challenge for themselves and take the save file, then we will get back on track!
  20. Beautiful probe, exactly what I was looking for. However, you have to tell the next person what their challenge is going to be XD
  21. Good luck buddy I suggest next time, make your text larger and with bold font so that everyone can see it
  22. False, because I don't get it. The person below me is a gay fish.
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