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Everything posted by MmPMSFmM

  1. Yeah, I just played way too much KSP...
  2. Love the mod... Anyway, I'm looking out to what you've got planned, as I feel like something's missing: Not giving any hints at all... Just... no...
  3. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to earthlight again... FML...
  4. Err... Your kerbal is stranded on Eve... Just sayin'.
  5. I love the colouring. To keep you busy, you could try working on shading. Too bad I can't add to your rep. twice. Also: yay Dutch If you don't like this thread. Why do you keep returning?
  6. Dump, random and bad are indeed the right words... And whilst I say this... It amuses me how bad it is.
  7. So much to look out for! Also, love the platform thingies, would love that for bases!
  8. Will the new hydroponics module replace or be an alternative to the current one? Also, I had this idea: Rotating habitat ring. I am pretty sure it will be pretty impossible, but it would be awesome.
  9. Nice! ... ehm... don't you mean ssswwwweeeeeettt? Sweat is the wet, stinky stuff...
  10. Would give +1... Something keeps me from doing so... Anyway, I love the pic. Also, maybe you could try to draw the neck a little thicker and less long (talking about sizes within 75%-150%) (constructive critisism)
  11. Even though it seems impossible, I think he's going to succeed. After much labour, you shall succeed!
  12. Ah, and what's the S in ST? So you say kerbals exhale IntakeAir? But of course! That's obvious! Why didn't I think of that?Edit: What's a generator heatsink?
  13. The attachment points on "Lean" are buggy... Anyway, I had 2 Ideas: 1. A combination of the Lobby and the Foyer. Being on 1 side, the window and on the other, the ladders with hatch. 2. Crossroads with just 4 attachment points. Edit: Back at the release thread Ehm... Intake air can only be generated from atmospheres with Oxygen in them. And, since you need water, there's a leaf on the generator and it generates oxygen, it would only make sense if it required carbon-dioxide, right?Edit 2: Could you confirm: HM = Habitat Module. OF = Orbital Factory. CO = COrridor. SH = ? PG = Power Generator. BP = Battery Pack OB = ? ST = ? Tank IT = ?
  14. What are your plans for Hydro-Gro? Oh and love the 3 new parts since the last time I was here.
  15. Do I get a prize when I tell what's with the strange Science equipment thingy?
  16. You son of a... The difference between German and Germanic is huge, you know? German is from Germany since 1918. Germanic is from Germania, which is a region since before Jesus Christ. Germania includes mostly Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech republic and Slovakia. These people believed in lots and lots of gods, one of these was Freyja. Freya is only a modern writing of Freyja. AND therefore it comes from Germania.
  17. Can't wait to try it out! I really feel stupid to notice but shouldn't /aiesorbiterpod/ be /AIESorbiterpod/?
  18. ... How do you put fluids in? won't they fall out?
  19. So, I was bored and decided to make this: It's supposed to look like Duna with Ike Do you like it? Anything I could've done better?
  20. A lot of the attachment nodes are bugged. Does anyone else have this problem? Here I'll give you a pic:
  21. Rainbows and lasers and asteroids and unicorns and flying banana's and flaming water and explosions! The IVA of the 2m command pod.
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