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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. Yes, the (inflatable) lifeboats are stowed internally and can be (are) taken out the escape hatch if needed.
  2. As someone who does historical re-creation cookery at a fairly serious level, it can be as difficult to replicate a recipe from 1960's as the 1460's. Grocery store foodstuffs have changed radically over the last few decades.
  3. Bug: Module Manager informs me the mod is not compatible with this version of KSP. (1.10.1) Using Module Manager 4.1.4 Click Through Blocker ( and Toolbar Controller ( are both installed. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtzdxi6yrpmjjvm/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. On SSBN 655, we had a dude who was 6-6... Walked around with a permanent crick in his neck.
  5. The mod I think I need, just as I think need it! I thought I understood Github, but I guess I don't - because I don't see a download link, just a list of packages (I guess they are).
  6. Because regardless of the medium, die hard fans will always remaing die hard fans! I still miss your old station parts....
  7. I do not believe slope is available natively (directly) in-game. I think SCANSAT can do what you ask.
  8. Four words: Trim. Your. Quotes. Please!
  9. Came here mostly to see if that had been posted, and post it if it hadn't. +1
  10. Having longitudinal control problems with my airships. Then my brain dredged up memories from a couple of years back and I remembered you had to statically balance your ships to minimize control issues. Took a couple of hours to remember how... This version uses the fuel in the Gyro Rings, which messes up my resources display. Next time around, I'm going to try one of Angel-125's custom resources instead, that way the fuel gauge isn't screwy. Still having control issues, ones I don't recall having before. Either I am forgetting them, or something with the game/mods has changed in the interim. OTOH, this is about the smallest practical airship, and I never built one that small before, so that may be the source of my problems. Still, having fun even while being annoyed. Engineering challenges are fun, and as soon as I'm done screwing around in the SPF I'll head out into the world.
  11. Having longitudinal control problems with my airships. Then my brain dredged up memories from a couple of years back and I remembered you had to statically balance your ships to minimize control issues. Took a couple of hours to remember how... Still having control issues, ones I don't recall having before. Either I am forgetting them, or something with the game/mods has changed in the interim. OTOH, this is about the smallest practical airship, and I never built one that small before, so that may be the source of my problems. Still, having fun even while being annoyed. It's fun to just float over the landscape....
  12. There's two in the current release of MOLE... A 1.875m set, and a 1.25m/.625m set.
  13. Fiddling about with airships for the first time in a couple of years... It flew, but not well. Need to relearn design and flying...
  14. Fiddling about with airships for the first time in a couple of years... It flew, but not well. Need to relearn design and flying...
  15. It's no different than sending a 3.6t payload to the station... You just need a bigger booster, transfer stage, etc... Just takes practice and experience.
  16. If it only says fuel... "Total fuel" might mean something different.
  17. No. No. As @Gargamel points out, even minor variations in your burn can cause large deviations at your destination. Your best bet is to use the "fine tune closest approach to target" option in the Maneuver Planner. (Set this burn up as soon as your transfer burn is complete.) Even then, you still might have to trim your periapsis when you enter your target's SOI.
  18. My Jool-5 parked a mothership between Val and Tylo... I used a dedicated Laythe lander, and the core of the Tylo lander landed on the remaining moons.
  19. That's an orange tank, it takes some practice to build a bird that large but it's pretty much straightforward. The Sandbox is useful for such experiments.
  20. No. At least not for stock. You just have to below the border for long enough to activate your instruments, a minute or so max. If you can't do it that fast for whatever reason, just timewarp ahead until you drop below the border again. Lather, rinse, repeat as needed.
  21. No. The payload provider is generally responsible for providing the required adapter and separation hardware (if any). Even if it's just an adapter to support a inert payload, it's still precision machining. Even if it's an inert adapter and payload, there's various certifications and proof testing required by the launch provider. Even a cubesat, with everything but the payload proper provided by the integrator, is going to have certain minimum requirements - and proof (paperwork) that the payload meets those requirements. Most providers and integrators have a user's guide online, so you can look up the requirements. Then there's the cost of all the paperwork... With the launch provider, potentially with the launch site, almost certainly with the responsible government agency. After the Swarm Technologies fiasco in 2018, I suspect few launch providers will risk a launch without ensuring all the requisite paperwork is complete. tl;dr There's a certain minimum cost, and you're not going to pay it with change from your couch cushions. Without detailed information, it's difficult to give a reasonable floor or range for the minimum cost.
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