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Everything posted by Climberfx

  1. Ferram4, you think in restore the power we have on stock KSP on higher grounds with extras intakes? Like after i got 2200 km orbit, now i only get 1400 km orbit speed. And needed to put extras intakes for that, and extra jet. So, i think the underpower is to much.
  2. The only module i have installed, instead Mechjeb 2.0.7 is KSPX, and i'm not using his parts...
  3. I Fix and Update the file, try download it again. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rteahtz00s4s5rg/Star%20Supreme.craft
  4. Sad that my entire STAR Family won't go into space as easy as in stock system then now, with the FAR system...
  5. Now, i need to rethink my Rocket SSTO Jet Hybrid family. (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26502-0-19-1-STAR-series-Turbo-Upgrade-more-effective-and-efficient%21-double-intakes) (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26542-0-19-1-STAR-Supreme-The-big-Mama-of-STAR-series-SSTO-VTOL-Orbiter) Before i can get near orbit velocity only on the jets, and then do the final circularization on Nuke. This is the sad part of FAR. It make the RAMJETS a lot weaker then before. But the others parts is to dam amazing. Now i can fly near ground like a pro. I feel the jets working as they should...
  6. I recheck, my pay load for the STAR is 3.2, not 2.2, but you can leave that way, or count the parts..
  7. Cool! That show us how hard is to get out of the big purple. Until one get and do it, for now, i declare the Challenge Impossible!
  8. What is the purpose of that, you still need to get an orbit in ssto. with or without the exploded tank. I don't see the point!
  9. Man, No words! Let me see the video, i'm very excited! And for you to know, i put the FAR system here, and i'm loving it. The planes, now, are real planes... not paper on sky. Amazing job. I can't put in the grid, because is not an SSTO. But this not make less of what you done.
  10. Man, it counts only with the ship intact. SSTO means, Single Stage To Orbit. Not Jet Stage to Orbit. So, SSTO can be applied to Rocket only vehicles, rockets or planes and even alien stuff!
  11. Be Aware. This use mods. Mechjeb and edited Suspensatron (original DamnedRobotics) Well, i'm making some studies, to be able to land on inclined grounds. This suspension are not automatic, but is kinda easy to level, before land, with mechjeb. And can be done without it too, by an skilled pilot. I was tryind some aerobraking (because i'm know testing FAR systems), to make my rocket keep pointing in the righ direction on the way back. Not successful, yet. Because is not a finished work, is just pics for now! I hope you enjoy it.
  12. and with wings you don't need to start with a TWR higher then 1. You can use a lower value...
  13. Mcbmaestro, i made it work, putting control by control, and one half with positive value and other with negative. And the thing is without it, the rocket goes with nose down, because the cockpit weight and aerodynamic, but with these winglets on top, that i use with brakes when coming back, i managed to work and solve my problem. And have a aerobrake to help slow down too... It got almost perfect. Son i post a video doing the orbit and coming back. And for the fps problem, is a bug of FAR with Debris. I put my config with zero debris and all come back to work again.
  14. I'm having the same here. Start an hour ago, after playing well a long time... I did not made anything different, just from a moment to another , start the lag and never get out. now happens exactly like your video, first seconds work, then , lag...
  15. I can try to help you, with TEAMviewer. If you agree, send me a private message....
  16. I an having difficulties to port my Rocket SSTO with hot landing, to the FAR system, because it keep turning my rockets or point it to front fall. I try to put the back heavier, and use rcs to force position, but because the speed and forces are to much, i cant control my back fall, to them be able to made the hot landing. So i think in put aerobrakes on front of the rocket, and use it only on the descending, but this wont work. Appear to me that the FAR system is not for rockets, because it don't agree if the up position on things. Look: OFF ON Can this be fixed, so we will have a new use for the aerobrakes? on rocket too? will be marvelous! Thank you By your attention Ferram4!
  17. Explain? It work fine in full trust. i use it! but need to use the "5" and "6" key in the right moments. Is that why i put the video for that... http://youtu.be/M9MjaTrNYXA
  18. You use, transfer to another planet, from moon to moon, and then fine tuning approach.
  19. Thanks! I'm in. Working, and loving. By the way, i already put my first pre FAR Space Plane SSTO Rocket only into space, just need a minor changes, and last more dV on fuel then before. Other thing is that the center of lift got crazy. A bit! But i could contour that using my feelings. Thanks a lot Ferram4! You are the man. But the jets got less powerful on high altitudes.
  20. Any one have this plugin installed and working on a Mac OSX? I tried to use it, and it make my KSP not to open, so i had to restore may backup, that i did... Sad...
  21. For the control, you still have the Giroscope of ASAS or cockpit, with you fly mine Albatroz, you will see it still have control on space because that. The RCS i use only for docking. No need for gin ball when the craft is well balanced. Really. And in some critical configurations, a .25 ton (difference in weight from a 45 to a 30) is enough to lose goods dv. And Eve is that critical. The thing i wanna to show you on that plane, is that when you put a decoupler between the engine and the tank, you can pipe the fuel from the center tank, then the engine will use the fuel toward the center of mass... But, nice Plane you have here, maybe son we reach the goal of SSTO from Eve! I'm backing up to try the FAR! Wish me good luck!
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