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Everything posted by UAL002

  1. I'm not sure he really did. I'm wondering if Lite could somehow integrate into the stock tree. I'm not familiar with the parts though as I haven't used it yet. I want to but the treeloader issue is stopping me.
  2. I believe tweakscale was updated to the latest. I removed all the configs as I only use it on infernal robotics and this. I went into the DMagic cfgs and just edited their resale factor. They weren't perfect but it works.
  3. Well done ash, would it not be a good idea to upgrade with some of your 1.0 strategies still active?
  4. I see no problems. Mechjeb is actually quite nice Nereid. Its a tool for experienced KSP players who want to automate some of the repetitive stuff.
  5. Just coming back to say all my probe and rover parts are super small, at even the highest tweakscale setting. The onlt two parts that look normal to me are the soil moisture collector and the solar particle collector. Any ideas?
  6. I swear. I need to learn a programming language. Github looks like a playground.
  7. YES! VICTORY! No I'm not Danny, but he was my inspiration. I had idea for a "proof of life" style photo tonight to prod evilreaper with. I might do it anyway. EDIT: Update or the little green one gets it.
  8. See this works too. I agree, having your most amateur crew fly all the time was a bad idea. I didn't think it through enough.
  9. In that case, do you think you could/want to see if your plugin could recognize kerbals with least number of missions from the Final Frontier mod and put them first? I know that's kind of a big order.
  10. Here we go. This is archival footage of kerbals being used as landing gear. This will continue without an update. Next, I will use the grabber claw.
  11. If you're having trouble reaching him, try here as well. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2j0ipt/time_to_say_goodbye_mods_for_the_taking/ He posted an official goodby message on reddit. It was sweet, I cried.
  12. I'm so excited.... but I rolled over to windows to play some IL2 tonight. How you tease me so.
  13. I think im having toolbar issues or something. I dont see your icon on either stock or blizzys. Could it be a linux x64 issue? edit: unsure how but I fixed it.
  14. Dont forget an option to filter known biomes. And I would change the experiment filter from unlocked to known meaning you have to do at least 1 experiment with the equipment for it to show in the list. And same for the biome. Just my two cents.
  15. Ok that's what I was afraid of. I'm well aware of the treedit/treeloader issues. My own tree is quite gone and will need a rebuild. I just cant until some enterprising you modder decides to take up the gauntlet. ( I HOPE THEY'RE READING THIS)
  16. Ok, that's what I'm using. Good to know I'm not lost. Like usual.
  17. So what is everyone using these days, 7-4? I remember a while back everyone was trying the overhaul versions but I wasn't having luck.
  18. Oh man, enneract, are you about to update? I'm so excited.
  19. Assuming you get tweak-scale working can you report back? I think I'm going to try interstellar lite for the first time. Does this add new nodes or does everything go in stock nodes?
  20. I hate to nag, but this desperately needs a fix for .25 Its funny how there are just some mods you cant live without, and don't realize it until you cant use them.
  21. My magnetomer thingy's scale is way off (its super tiny). Is that the same for you guys or is it because of tweakscale. I got tweakscale for infernal robotics and it might be causing issues.
  22. Im assuming the GUI rc2 version also doesnt work for .25?
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