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Everything posted by UAL002

  1. Oh I love the English bud, Scottish too. The Welsh, well they're Welshman, what more can you say? And yes, I'm a Texan, and quite cynical of all Governments. I just like to be cheeky.
  2. I entirely missed this post. My apologies. Can you explain the first one? I must be daft.
  3. Can you make a check for air breathing engines? That's about the crudest way.
  4. Do you have a method of re-entry as to not get high mach ribbons? I really hoped I could use the mach ribbons as a gauge of how fast my Kerbals have gone in powered aircraft but I seem to get high G ribbons regularly on reentry of powered pods. Thoughts?
  5. v1.2 Added 2 new flags, Republiko Brasilo and Duskgaze. Added a bio and name for Yaeger.
  6. Same but it may not have been this mod. I wasnt updated to the latest fine print. That may have fixed it... maybe.
  7. Absolutely, my apologies I haven't given this much attention. Ill clean that up a bit and add it. Got a bio?
  8. I'm assuming you do it that way to avoid cheating. Could you make a config option to completely disable the docking goal? Then I can do the repairs like I wanted too, unless of course it causes weirdness.
  9. Shoot. I must have used pipes. I was hoping that I could do the whole thing eva using the grab feature. Was this not an intended way to do it? IE get close, eva, grab KAS can, attach to sat. then do the things without ever connecting directly to the vessel.
  10. I just had a repair mission that I did not use docking on that would say incorrect vessel ID when I would use KAS to attach the repair can to the vessel. I'm pretty sure this worked before. Not sure what happened. Any idea what could cause this? Im still on 2E.
  11. I cant get it to stop black listing Bill Bob and Jeb, even after commenting that section out in the cfg. Also, I'd love a feature if you feel it fits in with the scope. "Disable Auto-Hire" to keep the game from autohiring kerbals if I'm running low in the roster.
  12. What this mod needs is a button in the GUI to temporarily turn off the flares. Call it "Flare reduction filter" or something.
  13. It defiantly needs a button to turn off the flares.
  14. hmm, I was not, either way. This is how a bunch of others including myself are doing it. It seems to work. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6911908/Agencies.zip Changed: -Added 25% smaller logo, added "_scaled" in the name, renamed .png extension to ".truecolor" (apparently that's how you do it.) -Changed name of MCEAgent.cfg to Agents.cfg not sure if that matters. Added an entry in the cfg that points to the scaled.truecolor -profit? Yours truly, UAL002 Off to bed for now. If I screwed anything up Ill be off work tomorrow afternoon to help fix.
  15. Quoting from earlier for visability. "Also, Malkuth, I think you might need a scaled truecolor for your agency to show up as a contract giver. Let me know and I can fix your agency cfg and scaled logo." Ill assume you need this and knock it out real quick.
  16. I have texture re placer, but I wouldn't go so far as to says its the culprit.
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