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Everything posted by Fyrem

  1. ok, while reading the post above me, I couldn't help hearing this song in my head
  2. -Improved server flood prevention would this aid to prevent Snapshot spamming, or does it ALSO aid in the prevention of Text spamming? This question relates to an issue that ocoured recently where a spammer jumped into a well used KLF server, and made it unusable for over 2 hours.
  3. Luke AFAIK, nothing.. at all.. will dock with a ship that has a PMA part on it. Wether or not you are trying to dock to the PMA doesn't matter. if the PMA is ON the ship, it will not dock. I understand that they are working on the issue.
  4. same here, I just presume that any Fuel lines need to be re-done when I pull out a lifter. but even with that issue, this is saving me SO MUCH work, that I can deal with it.
  5. 6677, you could just use any of the existing servers... there are quite a few, and they work fine. for list, look here ->> http://klf-info.general-physics.de/ I know many people want 'there own' server, but ... perhaps try out using one of the existing ones first? some are low use, and if you wanted 'just you and your friends' it likely wouldn't be too hard to find one that isn't being used and your friends can all connect to that one.
  6. if you installed it in <ksp top folder>\Gamedata\Mechjeb2\Parts <ksp top folder>\Gamedata\Mechjeb2\Plugins AND you deleted any and ALL other versions of MJ from any and ALL other places you may have loaded it in the past, Then yes, you installed it correctly.
  7. Rockhem, it works just fine. (make sure to get the latest version, currently 0.6.5)
  8. it isn't a compatibility issue. see : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32762-KSP-v0-20-1-mod-related-memory-bug if you have too many mods that use PNG file (which are most mods) then your computer will choke to death. This seems to be a high priority problem for Squad, and I would expect a 20.2 patch soon. (just a guess, but likely)
  9. for those of you that are having problems getting this to work. 1) from Page one, First paragraph : this means That the links on the first page ARE NOT THE LINKS YOU WANT. You Have To Go To His Blog And Get The Link From There. Not The Space Port, Not From any other place, At All. If you did not get the ISA sat Files from Innsewerants Blog page, then you got the WRONG files. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/blog.php/16471-Innsewerants <-- This is the ONLY place you will find V20 working files. ONLY here. Just here, No where else. (atleast for now) And please remember to delete the OLD versions of ISA out of where ever you put them.
  10. Daunting, do not use ALT-TAB while KSP is loading.ever. it messes with lots of things. and your screen issue is just one example.
  11. I appriacate the work you are putting in for the magazines, AND that you are going to continue support for the "fixed/original" style as well. (however, I guess the plug in could still let you 'select' the kiloton size even with the original version). anyway, jool transfer time, (not that I really need to care about transfer windows anymore)
  12. Timdeplatvis, thats from the mods description, on the first post.
  13. Khaos, only the Soviet pack had the extra .dll, and you dont have to remove the entire pack, just remove the extra dll.
  14. why wait.. just use a ladder or something. Or a pod, eva out on the pad, WALK to the seat, sit. undock, or stage the now empty pod.
  15. I think he meant just use the color on the Radiation symbol, like you already have, and DROP the text completely. put the Kiloton information in the Description of the part in the VAB.
  16. btw: when pushing a ship that tops over 1000 tons (due to a Full Orbital Construction Warehouse) each bomb results in a Dv change of just about 50Dv... not bad at all.
  17. Hint: if you want to get JOOL V and the MPSS working now, just add the line Scale = 1 to each part.cfg use notepad, they are just text files.
  18. Nyrath, Ok, I found more details about the 'one bomb at docking'. It has to do with "engin activation", not throttle. When you dock to a ship, and have Mechjeb, that happens to still have "AutoStage" turned on, MJ will 'Re-Activete' the engines of the mother ship. normally this is a non-issue, since the throttle is at 0. however, for your engine..... one bomb. So, since this isn't exactly a problem with your mod, it is really an issue with the combination of MJ and your mod. I will rebuild my station and attach the Orion engin LAST. and also make DAMN sure I have unchecked MJ's "Auto stage" button before I do. Also, it would be helpfull if your Engine had the 'activate/dectivate" toggles.
  19. Kethane, is working fine. (not to make this a kethane thread, so...) For those people that do not see the purpose of the "connecter" as an extra, but yet required part. - it has not be. also, some people may be missing the beauty of the "Radial De-tachable" part. you can take this to your existing ships, the ones that do not currently have KAS, and ATTACH them by a kerbal in EVA. and presto! your ship now has a fuel port!
  20. The only cause I can think of is for some (silly) reason, you are losing processing power due to Textures of the planet being loaded? that is the only thing that would seem to be common amonst all celestial body's - as the resolution of the maps change per your altitude. Personally, I have the .19.1 version hacked into my ksp v.20 so I am good untill the new one becomes stable.
  21. When even I dock to a ship that has this engine one of the bombs is launched. this is really messing with my orbit, as I am sure you can imagin. is there any way to prevent (or to recode) the engine so that when it is 'activated', or 'staged to' so that is doesn't launch one bomb?
  22. PLEASE people, if you are going to use the new version of this (or any other mod)... DELETE the old stuff out FIRST. Dig the old Part files, and old Plugin and plugin data files for a mod BEFORE you load a .v20 version of the mod.
  23. Going to use this to move a fully loaded Orbital Constrction werehouse from LKO to Jool orbit... thats 1000t of mass just in spare part cargo. May I juggest a larger side connection node between the tank and the Engine? such a small node is very .. fragile.
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