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Everything posted by Fyrem

  1. "Launch to rendezvous just waits for the target to be directly above it then it launches. " yeah, that IS what it will do the FIRST time (per rocket). Once it launches , let it get to the Alt and then let it Circ... and finish. THEN it will know the proper Lead Angle that this rocket needs. ESC- Revert to Launch. Now when you select your target, you will see a NUMBER other than Zero, in the Angle box. Click Launch to rendezvous. All will be well.
  2. that is exactly the same thing that is happening to me. CCFE shows : Status Running : Testpoints 0.00/18.00 MSL-1000: State: Operational Productivity : 0.53xxxxx Vessel productivity 1.7xxxxx Mep825: Lab status : idle Platform extended (it can be made to extend and retract just fine) Pause Research: can be paused, or resumed just fine however, the TEST animation itself never ran. nothing was pulled out to expose. TH-NKR State: operational Eurekas : no experiments If it helps This is on 32bit, and the Station Science mod itself is working fine.
  3. Rakh, right after 24.1 came out, Ethernet published a NEW version of this mod.. you likely will have to update. The problems you mentioned are exactly the problems Ethernet fixed
  4. umm, not exactly. The ORIGINAL author sure, but Majiir is active. even post in here just a few days ago.
  5. gRR, Curse can take 24 hours to update.... sigh. will wait....
  6. looks like 24.1 will add the KAS price adjustments that Majiir was looking for. Hope that fixes everything he needs!
  7. the link isn't SUPOSE to work. just hover over it. and see where it would go. it is a poor forums "spoiler" tag. it is enough information to let Yogui87 know that I found the Easter Egg. With out actually ruining it for everyone else.
  8. If I knew how to do spoiler tags I would.. but all I can do is to hide it in a url tag. Hover over to see Easter Egg Spolier
  9. call the Kerbal Police, someone stole my Internet packet! Anyway, thanks Vendan, I will be RE-enableing that update check as soon as I update ... if I remember to update.. since.. .. well.. I am not reminded anymore....
  10. psst, are you sure the "new account registration" emails are being sent out? edit: got it! yeah, about 30 min.
  11. Woot! thank you for Hosting! Are you requiring the actual ribbon images to be copied out, and served from imgur or such ? ... that would dramatically reduce the hits.
  12. Shouldn't you ask that in the "CSS space shuttle" thread? This thread is "BobCat Ind. Space & Planet products "
  13. To anyone that can not find all the parts , AND you are using career mode... you need to make these edits.
  14. somewhere after the // --- asset parameters --- or the // --- editor parameters --- Tags, put these 2 lines TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry entryCost = 15000 (or, you can change the TechRequired to be "nuclearPropulsion" or "specializedElectrics" or any other late stage research node, if you prefer to mix up where the items are found, based on if they are solor panels, or what ever) also you can adjust the "entryCost" to be anything you like, but something atleast 300 for small parts, ... 5000 for pressurized living areas, and 10000+ for complicated (living, plus thrust, plus other stuff) items. so, I put all the truss parts in the specializedElectrics for example.
  15. the parts are not loadable in Career mode because they do not have the Research Nodes defined in the .cfg files for many of the parts. I am going over them myself, to put that info in, and will offer the results to Dragon01.
  16. and BOOM there he is! As always, thanks for the work, Bobcat. and thank you ask Dragon01, and to everyone else that MODS at all!
  17. so... what app do I use to open psd, and xcf files?
  18. oh dear, this is unfortunate, .. and with .24 about to release, I was planning to use this again. oh well, .. Moustachuve, can you provide a final zip with all of the .png (or wantever) files, so industurous people can MSPaint/Paint.net themselves ribbons once you close up shop?
  19. Dragon01, I get that, thanks. Ok I will just keep trying getting my Lathe BASE parts to dock..
  20. Dragon01, first .. thank you for your rework and taking up the Bobcat banner, ... and of course to Bobcat himself. I do have a issue, I have tried and tried to get the docking ports on the HOME3 habitats to work .. but they seem to be 'built' at a 90 angle. to reproduce, launch 2 habitats, with at least one docking tube each, add required RSC to maneuver... then in open space, try to dock one to another... try it with Meckjeb auto docking and you will see that the 'ports' are at 90 deg from where they should be orientated. If this is an known issue, sorry, I scrolled back a few pages and didn't see anything about this.
  21. AND you got the Powerplant to ... WORK!!!!
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