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Everything posted by Fyrem

  1. I think he meant just use the color on the Radiation symbol, like you already have, and DROP the text completely. put the Kiloton information in the Description of the part in the VAB.
  2. btw: when pushing a ship that tops over 1000 tons (due to a Full Orbital Construction Warehouse) each bomb results in a Dv change of just about 50Dv... not bad at all.
  3. Hint: if you want to get JOOL V and the MPSS working now, just add the line Scale = 1 to each part.cfg use notepad, they are just text files.
  4. Nyrath, Ok, I found more details about the 'one bomb at docking'. It has to do with "engin activation", not throttle. When you dock to a ship, and have Mechjeb, that happens to still have "AutoStage" turned on, MJ will 'Re-Activete' the engines of the mother ship. normally this is a non-issue, since the throttle is at 0. however, for your engine..... one bomb. So, since this isn't exactly a problem with your mod, it is really an issue with the combination of MJ and your mod. I will rebuild my station and attach the Orion engin LAST. and also make DAMN sure I have unchecked MJ's "Auto stage" button before I do. Also, it would be helpfull if your Engine had the 'activate/dectivate" toggles.
  5. Kethane, is working fine. (not to make this a kethane thread, so...) For those people that do not see the purpose of the "connecter" as an extra, but yet required part. - it has not be. also, some people may be missing the beauty of the "Radial De-tachable" part. you can take this to your existing ships, the ones that do not currently have KAS, and ATTACH them by a kerbal in EVA. and presto! your ship now has a fuel port!
  6. The only cause I can think of is for some (silly) reason, you are losing processing power due to Textures of the planet being loaded? that is the only thing that would seem to be common amonst all celestial body's - as the resolution of the maps change per your altitude. Personally, I have the .19.1 version hacked into my ksp v.20 so I am good untill the new one becomes stable.
  7. When even I dock to a ship that has this engine one of the bombs is launched. this is really messing with my orbit, as I am sure you can imagin. is there any way to prevent (or to recode) the engine so that when it is 'activated', or 'staged to' so that is doesn't launch one bomb?
  8. PLEASE people, if you are going to use the new version of this (or any other mod)... DELETE the old stuff out FIRST. Dig the old Part files, and old Plugin and plugin data files for a mod BEFORE you load a .v20 version of the mod.
  9. Going to use this to move a fully loaded Orbital Constrction werehouse from LKO to Jool orbit... thats 1000t of mass just in spare part cargo. May I juggest a larger side connection node between the tank and the Engine? such a small node is very .. fragile.
  10. pumps and controllers havnt been in Kethan for...6 months now.
  11. Frostiken, I presume (ok, its really just a guess) that the "root node" - eg: the command pod, needed a free connection on it due to the way v19 (and 18, 17, 16, etc) had to have a defined root node. when you saved the assembly I am presuming that this was needed in order to keep things working. It wasn't a "hand hold" it was instead a requirement of the part logic KSP used at the time. Now, in v20.. this might not be needed.
  12. SodiumEyes, [Feature request] On the main display, it would be very nice if the current ships selected 'flag' would show for the other users to see.
  13. i have heard, that the Scale/Rescalefactor settings MUST both be used, not just one of them. add Scale=1 with your rescalefactor, and see if that helps.
  14. hoy, that is very odd, on the server I have been on all night, no such reports have come in.
  15. no , you are not understanding. Limit to Terminal Velosity IS limiting while in atmosphere. All thust while in atmo is fine, UP TO and NOT PAST "Terminal Velosity" this is where air multiplies its resistance. trying to burn Faster that this speed is very wastefull. Trying to burn SLOWER than this speed, when you could go faster, is also wastefull, because you are staying deep in the gravity of the planet when you could have moved further away. Best case is to : a) full thust UP TO terminal velosity. lower throttle to maintain just a touch under terminal velostiy. (note, Tv changes as you go up, so you can slowly add throttle back in).
  16. a few ways, .. open the Throttle control page. you can limit by % by prevent overheat acceleration x m/s/s and terminal velocity <--- this is the one you are looking for. thrusting PAST terminal velocity is a waste of fuel true. but it will thust @100% up to that point. etc
  17. 2.0.8 MJ is out, and is fully compatible with KSP 0.20
  18. r4m0n, does 2.0.8 have the other fixes that were previously only in 2.0.7.devbuild? or is the only change in 2.0.8 the fix to 0.20 ksp?
  19. the mod KAS has issues, but read the KAS tread, and the solution is listed there.
  20. the only mod I know that has problems in .20 so far is KAS, but that has a fix in the forums already. why did you lose all your flights?
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