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Everything posted by TMS

  1. ...then package that mod with every KS download as standard. (joke)
  2. True. But the ad revenue from YouTube vids would fund a resurgence.
  3. Somebody will mod it out. As ever. I predict a mod called "Damage Control".
  4. Interesting idea. Similarly for the launch pad, there is some analogy to real life. The Space Shuttle's launch pad/tower was frequently repaired post-launch.
  5. I'm happy that the world has an overabundence of celebrities with money to burn on measly suborbital hops. Such early adopters are necessary for the commercial viablity of the sector. Ultimately, it will contribute to improving technology and drive down costs in the future, thus increasing accessibility of real space travel for the rest of the peasantry.
  6. Yeah, I would have offered the lad a flag and have him set up as an in-game company, but that's contractual work. No pension or dental either.
  7. The same person who wound the "I dream of space" competition?
  8. ^ see bottom of post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43901-0-23-5-Docking-Port-Alignment-Indicator-%28Version-4-0-Updated-06-29-14%29?p=1402879&viewfull=1#post1402879
  9. Sure, I'm just giving the short and pithy answer as to why his notes are often the same at this point in the release cycle. Personally, I felt the most useful point in the latest dev notes was a public acknowledgment that the aero model was "not the nicest". I'm sure the timing of that statement and Max's Twitter feeds is not coincidental. Keep up your misanthropy. Our future playability depends on it.
  10. Basically because there's sweet FA for the poor lad to say during experimentals, but the pitchfork crew demand that he scribe a paragraph to satiate their cravings.
  11. TMS


    Looking amazing. Thanks for linking.
  12. Default to off, imo. Potentially intrusive setting default to on. It's one of those setting that should be discovered as you explore the mod.
  13. Welcome to KSP. Wait until you get a look at the edges of the skybox. When you see it, you'll sh1t bricks.
  14. I'm hoping for a Gone Fishin' minigame.
  15. Recent reedit thread with some very detailed replies: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2hf9s5/kspman2kpm_an_extendable/
  16. Especially if you had to rebuild from scratch. That would be so much fun. Plz do.
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