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Everything posted by TMS

  1. One tiny request, if you do end up importing these city textures, can you make sure that there's a large "exclusion zone" around KSC? It's always bugged me that the cities disappear as you're coming in to land. Or is this artefact being solved with the "baking" method?
  2. Agreed. It's the stuff that awesome is made of. I love how it's slightly thinner than the wing pieces, so doesn't z-fight when used further up the fuselage. That piece damn-near inspired me to make an entire fleet...
  3. Been using this quietly for the last few weeks/months. It's great! Had a lot of fun building cruisers. This one's going to Duna. One potential feature requestion, which you indicated you might look at... in the album (fourth image from last), you can see I'm using the hollow truss as a 'cradle' for a lander. Would be great if there could be a slightly expanded version to accommodate landers with karbonite drills, etc.
  4. Use module manager and try something like this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-2-2-1-%28August-3%29-The-pony-is-not-here-yet-edition?p=862023&viewfull=1#post862023
  5. Four ways of doing it: Add it as a smiley, which requires an image (yuk). Add a specific term under the Replacement Variable Manager and have it spit out an agreed ASCII character instead (applies retrospectively, but is style-specific and not constrained to post content... so yuk). Install a mod that can replace post content specifically (overkill, introduces version fragility... so yuk) Add it as a custom BB Code and use aforementioned ASCII character (best option, simple, but requires fannying around with CKEditor if you want it linked as a button a la Sketchfab)
  6. Relevant reading: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68502-WIP-Principia-N-Body-Gravitation-and-Better-Integrators-for-Kerbal-Space-Program
  7. Would love to see this mod stock, as per rampant speculation. Maybe one day, now you're using PQS? The overhaul's looking very interesting.
  8. TMS

    Which one?

    SP+ or KAC. My immediate preference is for the latter
  9. Just stopping by to give a quick 'thankyou' for this mod. Played a new installation for about 10 minutes before confirming to myself just how absolutely essential it is. Stick a donation button in the OP. Happy to send you a few beer tokens.
  10. Nice thread idea. But doesn't this happen already, to some extent? Albeit in a less formalised fashion? When I look through many threads, the existing users of that mod tend to pick up a lot of installation queries (which directory do I put this in?), tweaks (is there a way to make it do this?) and end-user errors (I superglued my fingers together, halp!). On a large number of occasions, some of those queries could have been prevented by proper documentation in the thread OP - particularly around file structure for installation and the editing of configs, textures. etc. Many has been the time when I've wanted to take ownership of the OP and tidy it up with information scattered through the thread so I don't keep reading the same damn questions. Admittedly, there's a similarly-large number of occasions when the OP instructions are completely ignored. Nonetheless, I have always wondered whether the community (or a designated single curator) would be a better guardian for a mod's FAQ/wiki. One simple-ish way would be for a mod author to request that the second post in a thread have it's ownership transferred to a person of their choice (there's ways to do this in vB without destroying anybody's post). That second post in thread could then be actively maintained by the interested party. Other than that, I reckon the number of people who are intimately familiar with code (who aren't already managing their own mod) may be limited.
  11. Many thanks. Can't ask for anything more than that.
  12. OK guys, I don't want to make a big issue over this but I do need to give you some feedback. I'm getting the impression that nobody really knows what's going on, as there seems to be different opinions amongst staff and non-staff alike. That's fine, I don't expect a well-oiled machine. However, I do expect to be treated fairly. If you expect your members to do something (or understand the nuances of what not to do), you need to inform them in advance and keep that information consistent. The only written information on post deletion describes a process that can only be followed under specific circumstances. Self-sufficient persons will likely fill in the blanks in that process, rather than bothering staff with minutia. That's what happened here. Notifying users of the correct process (or of a partially-implemented policy) by way of issuing warnings to individuals feels unfair and inefficient - although no less efficient than having staff handle every minor deletion. I don't feel that I've done anything wrong here. In fact, I feel I did the right thing by clearing up my own error in judgement. I understand that for purposes of transparency amongst staff, you'll run disciplinary/advisory communications through the infraction system and have it auto-dump a copy into a hidden forum. That's fine and I understand the reasons for it. My problem is that it was issued inappropriately, under circumstances in which I could not have been expected to know the (possibly) correct course of action. We both know that large forums use that record to determine future courses of action when dealing with individuals. As such, I'd like the 'notice' reversed or, ideally, deleted via ACP.
  13. Project Daedalus. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Daedalus Totally unrealistic in terms of the level of financing and co-operation it'd require, but I love that it's almost possible.
  14. Hi, Post deletion is a core feature of vB. It's not the result of a plugin. There's no way on earth (or Kerbin) that the update script to 4.2.1 removed or disabled that functionality. If it did, I'd be extremely worried about your installation. I run several installations of the 3.7x, 4.1x and 4.2 series and I've never heard of or seen that happen. Or are you saying that a policy decision was made during the last upgrade to remove that functionality?
  15. To be clear, the working policy is that users have to notify staff for every post they want deleted? That's a very odd workflow. Haha. Yep, knew I'd read it somewhere. Thanks for posting. Ironically, my edited posts is in a thread about inconsistent copyright policies, and the overreaction to it.
  16. Hello, I have just received a note/warning/handslap for this post (visible only to staff with cross-forum rights): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php?p=1327751#post1327751 For the record and the benefit of those who can't see it, the post contains a series of ellipses, specifically, "..........". The reason given for this warning is that the post is "content-less". I agree. The series of ellipses are the result of an edit. I felt that the original content of the post would be unhelpful and figured it wouldn't achieve much by posting it, so chose to delete it immediately. Unfortunately, usergroup permissions haven't been applied in the same way across all sub-forums. When I edit a post in most other sub-forums (such as the Add-Ons Forum), the option is there to delete the post. That doesn't appear to be the case for General KSP Discussion. As such, I chose to remove the content by editing the post with the minimum number of characters allowed, as I genuinely couldn't think of anything positive to say about the thread. From experience of administrating several large vB boards, this inconsistency usually happens when different staff members apply permissions in different ways (usergroup settings, forum-specific settings, botched access masks) which create a bit of a permissions mess. Two questions: Are the permissions intentionally set like this (and why)? If so, what is the correct method of deleting one's posts in sub-forums that contain no delete option? Thanks, TMS
  17. Try the Jenkins server link. https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ResearchThemAll/
  18. Yep. That whole thread gave me the creeps. For a PR company, they really suck at PR.
  19. x3 Class act, man. Rbray is like... the perfect stepdad for a graphical enhancement mod.
  20. That's basically what I was getting at in the earlier post. The two styles just look weird and give the impression that you're dealing with two separate concepts. I'd have both read outs in the digital style, and colour one red to indicate expenditure.
  21. Not sure which pages your using for subs, but vBulletin doesn't make this particularly intuitive. Your UserCP displays the default subscribed threads list, but only those threads with new replies. If the board uses cookies rather than server caching, that list can deplete quite quickly. Your full subscriptions list can be found under the "Quick Links" drop down in the navbar at the top of the page. Any customised subscription folders will be under: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/subscription.php?folderid=1 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/subscription.php?folderid=2 etc respectively.
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