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Everything posted by TMS

  1. Just checking in to say "thank you" for the HUD development. They are what I've always expected KER to look like if it was ever to be rolled into stock - unobtrusive, configurable and neat. It would be great if the positioning of the HUDs had a 'snap' feature, so that they were level. Snapping to the top of screen would be great, somehow also snapping to fractions of the horizontal would be awesome... but this is really polishing.
  2. We should not make features to cover up bugs. That said, i played on hard mode with no reverts for a few days, before getting slightly irritated with being punished for bugs beyond the players control. Reverts are essential for vessel testing.
  3. TMS


    That review is flip flopping all over the place. It reads like it was written by a man who's pressured to write something before he's actually had time to reach a considered opinion.
  4. How the hell did I miss this? This is one of my biggest bugbears. I'm amazed they even implemented it in this disjointed way (and then 'fixed' the commas in 0.25???). Mad. Thanks. Immediate install.
  5. Would be good to have landing gear that actually retracted into the fuselage. Not sure if that's possible, because the current stock landing gear opening/closing animation tends to spaz the physics engine if they're clipping other objects.
  6. Interesting point, really. I think of my hubs as being the core of a station and, as such, it always bugs me that they aren't natively self-sufficient in terms of their ability to store power and manoeuvring resources. I always end up clipping batts and RCS tanks into the stock hubs.
  7. Very interesting. Would love to see this combined with the ease of tree building that ATC offers.
  8. Didn't the problem of breakages during high warp parachute deployment get fixed in 23.5? I mean... it used to be a killer problem, but I don't recall experiencing it since they reworked the nodes.
  9. Heh... Just an aside, but back when CC was released, a similar principle to that which the XKCD comic is describing was what sprung to my mind. It was announced that the reason for CC's development was to minimise the amount of time spent by modders responding to ghost bug reports based on outdated versions. I choose not to code publicly, so can't quantify the time spent on this activity (although personally, I'd just ignore bad reports on general principle), but this reasoning always struck me as odd because it was almost inevitable that the dubious bug reports would be replaced with questions/complaints about compatability checker's behaviour and how to circumvent it or recompile. I can't say for certain whether the questions around the appropriateness of using CC exceed or match the time spent reading crappy bug reports, but the fact that it's escalated to this point makes me suspect that the Y-axis gains of CC might be a little overstated. Interesting thread, nonetheless. Hope to see it reach a sensible conclusion.
  10. Got it. Just something I'd always wondered about. Cheers guys.
  11. Stock docking nodes have both of these options ("undock node" and "decouple node") available as action group settings. What's the difference?
  12. Yeah, I plant a flag at the western end of the runway as my first mission... unless I'm using remotetech.
  13. No worries. They look great as they are. Looking forwards to putting them into my builds. Thanks for putting the time and effort into these. Haha... Looky looky.
  14. Interesting utility. I think it's something that the stock game should consider handling at some point - especially if Squad start producing their own DLC. I get The Fear with mods like this though... like, it won't load a parts mod one day and then half my fleet disappears! Haha! I suspect I'm not the only one. Might explain the slow uptake. My 0.25 install is unlikely to be too critical, so I'll test it out on there.
  15. All. Only. Just. At least. Four words to drop into conversation with a software developer. They'll always value it when you do.
  16. Sounds great. Good idea. Good, good. I always regarded the hubs in the same category as structural fuselage, rather than living quarters. I still regularly use these parts as they really fill an angular-but-low-profile niche perfectly.
  17. On the plus side... this is the first career mode that I've enjoyed! With a 10% commitment to funds-to-science on hard mode, there's been very little grinding, and very few spurious part testing 'quests' - just those that fit into the mission profile. Got to the spacestation and docking parts in what I would consider and acceptable time frame and onto the fun stuff. I must admit that it seemed trivially easy, but it makes such a change from progress and 'difficulty' being based around drudgery and mindless clicking. Optimistic for the future.
  18. It's under one of the eastern oceans of Laythe.
  19. Slight problem using v3 and .25. When KAC window is activated in the stock toolbar, science windows (temp scan, goo cannister, etc) produce flickering tooltips when you hover over their button. Flickering not observed when KAC window is deactivated. Currently only using the following other mods: Editor Extensions (sarbian's fix) Precise Node RT2 Select Root Science Containers Module Manager Will attempt to replicate with fewer mods.
  20. Thank you for this button.
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