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Everything posted by TMS

  1. You know, rather than redistributing mods as "mod packs", I always wondered whether a solution like KerbalStuff would allow users to create 'virtual modpacks' - in the form of a list of mods that downloaded as a complete set? Dunno if that's on your radar, SirCmpwn? I'd imagine it's fraught with difficulty given differences in practice in how modders package their zip files (some include GameData folder, some don't, others are installed in root, etc). Still loving the site. I think it does a great job and I'm happy to see it gaining popularity.
  2. FAR compatible? Deadly Reentry should flame grill it.
  3. Yeah, don't. Everyone who uses RT has experienced this. It's just something you get used to. Inevitably, you end up developing geostationary stations that have multiple dishes pointing at every body in the system. Or that's what I did!
  4. I rarely post suggestions as a I figure most of the sensible ones will be implemented anyway, but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one who thinks this would be useful... Basically, the tracking station quickly becomes a usability nightmare when you have anything more than 15 active flights. Finding things becomes awkward and the whole thing is cluttered. Naming conventions will only get you so far because the flights are listed by MET. Anyone who has used RemoteTech 2 and built absurd networks of relays will know what I'm talking about - as will anyone who has multiple flights in progress or likes leaving crashed ships as active. As a solution, I would want the ability to assign flights to a group of my choosing. Like this... Ideally, I'd be able to name a 'group' and assign flights to it - either in the Tracking Centre or via the vessel view right-click menu. Anyone else have this compulsion to organise? Full disclosure: this was posted in add-on requests a few months ago but was pruned
  5. To be honest, I'd settle for tweakable fuel tanks and structural parts. That would be a huge benefit. Engines should use fixed values IMO.
  6. Me too. I'll be howling if it turns out to be the return of the KIA screens or something.
  7. Loving this mod. Been using it under stock conditions for a while. Seems to give pretty accurate results, although I have had a few (non-winged) crafts where the impact site drifted and needed continual adjustment in the upper atmosphere. Again, I haven't got enough replication steps to detail further. I would say that updated versions seem to have affected (resolved) the frame rate issues I was initially having. Any chance of hosting this on kerbalstuff? Users are notified when the mod updates and the site has an API for synching GitHub releases.
  8. Cheers Trigger. Just a heads up, but the author of KerbalStuff has stated that he is developing Github integration into the site, so each public release would be synced automatically.
  9. I love the fact that the PR guy is wearing a hazmat suit! Haha! Mortimer the accountant? Surely a Trading Places reference? The press lied!?!? This changes everything! Don't let them know about the Christmas surprise...
  10. Also experiencing this. Using 32-bit version. System specs and mods in sig.
  11. Trigger: any chance of you hosting your wares on KerbalStuff?
  12. Yes, tweakscale would be a huge bonus for tanks - both in reducing clutter and improving consistency of visual style. Doubt it'll happen though. Squad generally don't like that level of 'complexity' (read: options) in user interfaces.
  13. I bought DF-9. It was always a buggy mess with promise. Ah well, got it on discount... so no big loss. Rimworld is infinitely better and has a very open and active dev cycle.
  14. Been having some fun with this. Reverted to stock for the time being. However, the game begins to chug when the active craft is destroyed (by ploughing it into the ground). Lots of frames dropped until you leave the scene.
  15. Been using kerbinside and KK the last couple of days. Really good fun. Launching at various latitudes introduces some fun elements and also takes a bit of the early biome grind out of the equation.
  16. Wrong. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92736-The-WORST-thing-about-KSP
  17. Go home girder, you're drunk.
  18. Oh my god! I'm part of an online gaming community meme thread! Pinch me!
  19. This. So much this. What the hell is wrong with some people?
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