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Everything posted by TMS

  1. As long as it's the obtuse ones, I'm fine with that.
  2. All the 0.23 will be gone by the time you get back. nom nom nom
  3. store is offline with sql error...
  4. Thankfully, most of us speak gibberish.
  5. Gonna take a hit on that one, man. Most flights are reverted for that very reason.
  6. Increased awesomeness and clean separation.
  7. I had wondered something similar myself; whether the development of the system was such that it could be packaged as-is and tapped into by mods.
  8. Before I go any further, I'll state that I'm perfectly happy with having multiplayer, thought the original resources diagram was probably a little bloated, and have long understood that the mod community will ultimately provide the depth to the game that I want. I generally trust SQUAD to get it right in the end, even if my faith has been shaken with the last few updates and their staff turnover. Anyway, that being said... The genesis of this latest PR gaffe is the same as the DLC fiasco: there is no clear and official definition of what is in scope and what is out of scope. For all the talk of 'scope completion', I don't think anyone actually knows what that is - something Felipe acknowledged in his Twitch broadcasts. What we have is a ropey wiki page, and four bulletpoints on the main site for planned features. No official roadmap on the main store site, no deliverables, no "we will do x" in sight. The result was (and currently is) a lot of contradictory ideas about what people were 'promised' or what they assumed they'd bought. In comparison, when you have a clear definition of what is a deliverable, it doesn't really matter if a dev runs his mouth at an inopportune time, nor does it matter if you change the specifics of the content... because both community and developer have a clear-enough and mutual understanding of what is happening and what outputs they are being held to. The game-playing community contains a sizeable number of people who will behave in a petulant, dramatic and emotionally spiteful way. Recent threads are evidence of that. You'll never get away from it, but you can minimise their (emotional and financial) effect by minimising the opportunities for misunderstanding. I've noticed that SQUAD don't do that very well, which is surprising for a PR company. The Devs have said on a number of occasions that they don't plan each update in advance, more that they sit down at the start of each update process and determine what will be included. I guess they feel they can work like this because of the very nebulous concept of what is in and out of scope of the final game; and continue in this style because they prefer the creative and legal freedom it affords. I wonder two things: 1. Will the cost-benefit still favour a nebulous output definition as the game becomes bigger on people's radar and, consequently, misunderstandings become more costly? 2. If SQUAD walked away from the DLC fiasco incorrectly believing that the solution was more PR people and firing staff (rather than having a publicly defined scope), then I wonder if lightening will strike twice.... twice?
  9. That's kinda why I asked... because I'd never heard of the guy or seen him on the forum - unlike the very active fellas who he replaced - so I assumed he'd been appointed internally or something. There was an application process?
  10. What exactly is the process for appointing a community manager? Is it standard practice for random people to be parachuted into the position?
  11. As Communist China knew all along, the moon is actually red.
  12. Harv addressed the issue of footprints and tyre tracks on one of the kerbalcon broadcasts. Basically... cool, wanna do it, not sure when.
  13. [snip] Sounds good man. I'd laugh if you implemented something close to the 0.19 resources chart.
  14. 2000 watching. 400,000 channel views. Slightly different.
  15. Yeah, I had kinda interpreted it in non-computing terms, rather than "I wrote a procedure that accidentally wiped out the source code and the backups. Whoopsie!" Being let go for what is essentially protocol... yeah, that sucks a fat one. Can't imagine there's been too much damage. Much love for Rob.
  16. Agreed. Rearranging symmetrically placed decouplers and separatrons is just a completely fiddly pain. This is a great little mod.
  17. Not sure what a "procedural mistake" is, but it doesn't seem like the kind of thing one would be let go for - especially if the product/company has benefited greatly from other things you'd done (which it has). Many thanks for your work, N3X15. I always appreciated it from afar.
  18. This is interesting. Presumably, it'll handle planet surface textures as well? Would be good if we could get a centrally compiled list of textures. The reddit page was always doomed.
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