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Everything posted by sarbian

  1. I already had a look in your logs and nothing stood out. But then I do not know each of those mods. My guess would be something adding some particle effect which would be the same problem there was with firespitter. It s actually an interesting puzzle to solve but the timing is terrible on my side since I do not have that much time/will to look into it. But it is something I want to solve because there is nothing obvious in the log that can show the real origin of the problem and I would love to add something to ModuleManager that could detect this.
  2. So you did reproduce the game not finishing loading ? Because with the "broken" AVC and MJ the game loads fine. The problem is maybe a bit more complex than a texture not loading in AVC
  3. Honestly the explanation was not aimed at you I don't get why you gave up on KSP. Remove all mods and then add only mods that have been explicitly updated for KSP 1.8. You might not get all the shiny parts but your game will work and will still be enjoyable. If you must play with some specific mods then downgrade your KSP to 1.7 (steam, right click on KSP, properties, Betas tab, 1.7.3 in the list) and install the 1.7 versions of the mods. Right now there is no easy way to find out which mods is the culprit. Someone may want to write something that could detect preemptively the bad mod but now I need to see other things than code after work so it won't be me.
  4. I am getting tired of explaining the same things in various thread. Your KSP install includes outdated mods. Those outdated mods references dll or classes that are not present in KSP anymore. On the load screen MJ call a KSP stock method that search all loaded dll for some specific class. That method generate an exception when it tries to search in the outdated dlls. MJ actually properly catch and logs the exception. The game then explode a bit later when the extension loader does his things to check which extensions are present. If MJ is not present the extension loading may work for the simple reason that the needed class are found earlier by the call than when the same call is done my MJ (K being before M in the alphabet. Amazing right?) and does not reach the mod that is actually broken. So you reach the loading screen, launch your game, play and when you save you may get a similar problem but this time it will be silent and will just mess up (to stay polite) your save. TLDR; MJ is fine, your install is not.
  5. There is no DLL cache. RD did not find useful to update the version in the dll so it will keep reporting the same version...
  6. Have you tried to use a different layer for your raycast ? I am quite sure one layer actually works on water so you could combine it with the one you use for the ground. S
  7. Yes, last week was a bit busy on the life front. I just need to solve the CKAN config trouble and I ll release something
  8. ckan file question. I want to release builds of CustomBarnKit (currently available for 1.8 only) for previous KSP versions. What would be the best way to do it ? Do I append something to the mod_version, do I use the epoch or something else that I missed in the spec ? Could I have different .ckan with the same version but different link and ksp_version specs ?
  9. I need to backport a CustomBarnKit fix and wanted to be sure of the version I should target. 1.6.1 seems to be the one ?
  10. No, what is a shame is that FireSpitter was so messed up that it crashed any mod that do a loaded class scan. MechJeb is not the problem here and I am getting quite tired of explaining it. Firespitter was fixed yesterday.
  11. Dev xxx are the version available from https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/ and from CKAN if your configured the dev repo with the instruction in the OP. The csv exporter should be in the Flight Recorder window.
  12. Yeah of course it is Mechjeb. Now post your log so I can show you what is actually wrong with your install and explain to you why MJ triggers a problem with an outdated mod that will eventually mess up you save , MJ or not. $5 on your install having firespitter
  13. The problem is that when you select a point on the prokchop or just press the button to get a solution then MJ tries to optimize the ejection and it does not always work with object like asteroid that can have "exotic" orbits. KSP logs should have a couple of line of log that may help us see what is the problem. Look for "Transfer calculator: termination type" in the log. Usually the problem is that the orbit is so eccentric that the optimizer just fails. Others may have some suggestion on how to use MJ to do that. I spend so little time actually playing the game that I do not have a ready answer here...
  14. The pod has been disabled a long time ago. Some changes in how KSP handles the pod legs made it unusable.
  15. Thanks, fixed in Dev #903. It has been there since the end of august but no one complained. @JakeFor once the report was well written and by someone who clearly code An other great news: someone took the time to do the localization code changes. Dev #904 has all the changes. Now others "just" need to provide localized versions of en-us.cfg
  16. As far as I know you can not. The package API is only available in the editor. And some package seems to require some configuration in the game data files. Which package did you want to add?
  17. And to make this clear to everyone: MJ is not the problem but it calls some stock KSP code that loads and enumerate all Dll class. If a dll was not build for 1.8 it will trigger an exception. I can "fix" MJ to not prevent the game from loading but it would just hide the problem under the rug.
  18. It would have been better to share the file on dropbox ort something like that. But the result is the same: [LOG 17:18:57.955] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\ModuleManager.2.6.25.dll [LOG 17:18:57.997] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\ModuleManager.3.1.1.dll [LOG 17:18:57.999] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll [LOG 17:18:58.001] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\AttitudeAdjuster\AttitudeAdjuster.dll [LOG 17:18:58.003] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\BetterBurnTime\BetterBurnTime.dll [LOG 17:18:58.004] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\Atmosphere.dll [LOG 17:18:58.005] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\CelestialShadows.dll [LOG 17:18:58.006] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\CityLights.dll [LOG 17:18:58.007] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\EVEManager.dll [LOG 17:18:58.009] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\PartFX.dll [LOG 17:18:58.010] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\PQSManager.dll [LOG 17:18:58.011] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\ShaderLoader.dll [LOG 17:18:58.013] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\Terrain.dll [LOG 17:18:58.014] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\TextureConfig.dll [LOG 17:18:58.016] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\Utils.dll [LOG 17:18:58.017] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\_BuildManager.dll [LOG 17:18:58.019] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\KerbalJointReinforcement\Plugin\KerbalJointReinforcement.dll [LOG 17:18:58.021] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground\GameData\Squad\Plugins\KSPSteamCtrlr.dll You have 3 different version of ModuleManager, none of them the version that works for KSP 1.8. Then you have AttitudeAdjuster, BetterBurnTime, EVE and KerbalJointReinforcement which are also not build for 1.8.
  19. There is no UI so it does not really matter and it compiled so the required refs were there. Your dll works fine here.I get the "Hello world!" with the time. Did you wait until you reached the main menu ? It is set up to run only in there ( KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu ) Or it could be an over zealous anti virus.
  20. I agree that the windows is getting a bit large. Right now I can not spend too much time on MJ UI. I will have less free time to code for a while and I would rather spend it on SmokeScreen and a new MJ UI (MJ still uses the old Unity UI system and the performance is just terrible but don't hold your breath since it will take a while). So if someone provide a PR I will gladly merge it or you will have to wait until I get some time to at least code point 1. You may want to open an issue on github to remind me about it/ Actually KSP added a feature a while ago that makes that easier to do but as I just stated I do not have as much time as I want. Open a issue on Github and I ll do it when I get some time.
  21. It looks fine. Can you share the dll somewhere ? Also, do you run the game from "Program Files (x86)" ? I used to disrupt mod loading on some PC
  22. HebaruSan was faster than me for the KSPAddon but the HelloKerbinMod should work as a PartModule. Can you show the CFG you used ?
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