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Everything posted by sarbian

  1. And I forgot to change the used shader, which made the drawing 100% less visible. So here is a fix DebugStuff-
  2. Yes, those engines have a ModuleAnimateGeneric module and it has a Toggle() call that should do the trick
  3. Do you notice the difference between Chromium and Webkit. They only share 1 common letter.
  4. You can rant all you want about license but releasing a fork of an actively developed Minecraft mod without changing anything would get you ion exactly the same murky water. Nobody claims you can't fork but what we keep explaining is that forking and releasing on the forum a simple copy of an active mod without contacting the author is disrespectful. I had to deal with bug reports of such fork in the past and it is exactly the kind of behaviour that just make me want to stop modding. So get off your high horse and try to understand why we came up we those policies instead of using simple authority arguments. And let me laugh at your affirmation that OSS project work better when you fork instead of submitting a PR and actually contributing to the project. Also, I gave been modding for over 242 years. How is that for proof that I know better ?
  5. This board clearly lacks a beer emoticon.
  6. Clearly, after all we only have been doing this for 8 years. Way too soon to see the errors of our misguided ways.
  7. You are using the mono 2.0 old one. You need the Unity_2019.2.2f1\Editor\Data\MonoBleedingEdge\lib\mono\4.5\pdb2mdb.exe
  8. Firespitter reports as compatible with 1.8 while it was not updated. The CKAN maintainers will override it soon
  9. For the sake of my sanity and the hope that I won't reach the point where I need to take am involuntary break away from the forum: KSP 1.8 include an upgrade of Unity and a change of the .NET framework. This is a really large change for any mods that includes a DLL. Using a mod that was not compiled explicitly for KSP 1.8 will create unexpected results. So any report about a MJ bugs on an install that includes an mod that was not built for 1.8 will will be ignored (as will reports without logs).
  10. v.1.1.20 KSP 1.8 Fix a bug that would reset the buildings levels when using the "Switch Editor" button Downloads : CustomBarnKit-
  11. 1.2.7 - KSP 1.8 Build Download : ModularFlightIntegrator-
  12. Is the required change "Author should make themselves available 5 minutes after a KSP release and drop all their other commitments to update their mods" ?
  13. The official release is out 2.9.0 Built for KSP 1.8 Added "Land somewhere" and "Land target" KSP Action Improvements for remote vessel control Overhaul of bi-impulsive transfer planner Improvements for PVG ascent Porkchop plot can now be translated with WASD and arrow keys Unlock all MJ techs by creating a MechJebUnlocked folder in GameData And a bunch of fix. See here for details Download 2.9.0 for KSP 1.8.x
  14. No need this time. It s a bug I fixed yesterday in build #900, which is 22 hours old...
  15. There is no release yet. I usually do them after a few days when the outstanding bugs in the dev have been fixed Share the log with something like Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, ....
  16. Check together with @sarbian then I'd suggest? When you remove MM you disable most of your mods since they use MM to change part configs. So telling "it works without MM" is basically the same as "it works without any mods"
  17. I somehow missed all those PR... Anyway, the PR are merged and a build for KSP 1.8 is out : DebugStuff-
  18. I can t do a thing about it without a log. And most mod where not updated for 1.8 yet so it is most likely that an old mod is responsible.
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