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Everything posted by sarbian

  1. Take it from an exp KSP dev : don't. To do it properly you need to do a lot of things and missing some will lead to really strange bugs.
  2. And you should not change their state unless you know exactly what is going on.
  3. When you fire a decoupler the game calls part.decouple on the detached part.
  4. I clearly need to redo the op.... 1) like in the version from 2 days ago ? 2) yeah, it would be 3)see literally 5 post higher
  5. I am traveling for a few days so I'll have a look at the end of the week. Landing on the pad worked with the old aero. I just need to find the will & time to debug the current code...
  6. That's not how thing work. Others told you so, and I am telling you so. As a modder on KSP for more than 4 years and en ex member of the dev team I think my word has some weight. But why do I even bother? You clearly do not care about answers. You just want the narrative of your story to be the one you decided to be: Squad is lazy.
  7. Before claiming that something just needs to be turned on you may want to have a look at the code of the mod. It creates the whole code to handle that effect. The only things that's already in stock KSP is the particle effect definition. i.e. a few sprites, a shader and particles animation. There is NO code in the game that handles that effect. But hey, Squad may need more armchair devs to explain how things should be done. So please, Go on
  8. By reading the first line of the OP or my signature and clicking on the link. But if you don't run an up to date KSP I won't be able to help.
  9. No, it s not possible currently. @M4GiC The main constraint with engine interacting with each others and plume when going retrograde is that it would require a lot more CPU (unless someone has a brilliant idea). I had some ideas for engine clusters (like on the Falcon 9) but I never managed to make them work properly...
  10. It would help to have the whole log because what you posted is only 163 lines long... Also with the first line saying that the Unity version is 5.2.4f1 I highly doubt that your KSP is up to date (I would guess 1.1.3)
  11. I can be quite obsessive about memory allocation but it s not the case there MFI needs to runs at some very specific timing and to do that I use the stock TimingManager (since it can not be done without it). So the memory allocation was most likely moved there since TimingManager will call the delegate and thru them the stock code.
  12. The TTL is 3H. That kind of things is the stuff I am paid to do
  13. I moved the server to its new home. The DNS is updated but it can take up to 3H to propagate...
  14. I am working on it. Hopefully it won't last too long.
  15. It is. And I have no idea why because I never saw anything that uses the float values directly... Yes, there are calls to do that. UpgradeableFacility.SetLevel(int lvl). The main problem is grabbing the proper instance of UpgradeableFacility. ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.protoUpgradeables is a Dict with the id of the facilities and ProtoUpgradeable. And ProtoUpgradeable has List<UpgradeableFacility> facilityRefs So something like (not tested): ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.protoUpgradeables[SpaceCenterFacility.LaunchPad.ToString()].facilityRefs[0].SetLevel(2);
  16. And I don't get the same result at work . @Jake I know that I the best result comes from using the explicit calls and that's what I do with CBK but the lack of consistency between my test at home (VS 2017 .NET 3.5 + Unity Mono) and work (DotNet Core 2.0 cmd line) sure is confusing.
  17. Yes, it gives "Test 6 7". The 6 makes sense when you know how things works underneath but the 7 does not. Why does the compiler uses a different method ?
  18. I found some time to debug this mess before my vacation so have fun with 1.1.15. Hopefully it should fix it all. Trivia test. What is the result of this code : float n = 0.35f; log("Test " + (int)(n * 20) + " " + (0.35f * (int)20));
  19. Your project is setup for "Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform". It may be that your VS does not have the proper workloads installed. I think I had the same problem when I installed 2017. You should have a "Visual Studio Installer" in your start menu. Launch it and select the icon next to launch under VS 2017, and select modify in the menu. IN the next Window you should have at least that checked. The important one is the ".NET desktop development" (center) and the ".NET Framework 3.5 development tools" (right side) And when you create the project select "Class Library (.NET Framework)" then open the project properties and set it to ".NET Framework 3.5"
  20. It tries to load v4 of System so I would say it is most likely compiled as a .NET 4 dll. Could you put your .csproj file somewhere ?
  21. Nope. I never had this particular problem with the reentry AP. One useful info would be a screenshot of the dV window. Most of the math are done using that.
  22. The pod was retired after the release of 1.2. Its legs are broken with the new wheel/landing gear code and I do not have access to the model files to fix it.
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