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Everything posted by rhoark

  1. What Sherkaner has done is totally different in philosophy and implementation.
  2. The stock tech tree has some well-known problems that I won't re-enumerate in detail, but it mostly has to do with essential modules being too late in the tree. I've rearranged the tree so docking, ladders, wheels, lights, fuel cells, etc. all appear much earlier. There shouldn't be any type of technology used in Apollo that's not available by the 90-point tier. High powered rockets and sturdy capsules, however, are not in the start node. To fill the interim, I've included a few parts from Rubber Ducky's Bargain Rocket Parts in the first tiers, as well as a few low-end contracts to highlight these parts. In terms of philosophy, I've tried as much as possible to make each node stand for a conceptual development, such as rendezvous or semiconductors, as opposed to being part-oriented (docking ports,probe cores) or just super-vague (Specialized Construction,Advanced Flight Control). This is not a probe-first tree. If you want more unmanned options in the early game, I suggest using this along with USI Sounding Rockets and dtobi's Smart Parts. I've also made a few adjustments to make career mode more palatable in general: 1. Basic action groups are always available. (Some of us like pure IVA.) 2. Doubled the part count limit for level 1 VAB/SPH from 30 to 60. (You'll need this for potato battery rovers.) 3. Halved kerbal hiring cost. (It's their dream job!) All stock nodes still exist and are close to their original position and cost, so other mods shouldn't be broken. Configuration is included to map Community Tech Tree node names to this tree. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0efwvntf7lngxsx/WhereYouComeIn-1.01.zip The download includes material under the following terms: Bargain Rocket Parts by Rubber Ducky licensed Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) Module Manager licensed CC ShareAlike Contract Configurator under the MIT License (portions under GPL) Coherent Contracts by Peter Collings ("peadar1987") and William Cornwell ("Xacktar") (non-standard license described in the download) Community Tech Tree by Chris Adderley licensed Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) All other portions not otherwise under license are made available as Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
  3. It seems to work fine with unadorned definitions (no @ symbols required)
  4. Nevermind, one of the debug screens made underscores look like periods for some reason.
  5. This gives you things to fight: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116245
  6. It reads the file from the Squad directory every time you go to the R&D screen.
  7. Using this without KAS, what capabilities are lacking? Winches? Will the two eventually converge?
  8. How about you just don't delete the agencies subfolder of any mods? That seems better than asking everyone to add a step to their installation processes.
  9. What about BoxSat pieces? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91616-0-90-BoxSat-vA-02d-Updated-01-13-2015
  10. Modding is more than just models, but here are some pictures of a linear aerospike. http://imgur.com/a/Ve9t0
  11. Here's a series of NASA blogs that explain engine cycles What Is a Rocket? http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2010/11/10/post_1289340446851/ Rocket Equation http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2011/03/21/post_1300716962948/ Gas Generator Cycle http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2010/12/15/post_1292427437018/ Spinup http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2013/12/19/inside-the-leo-doghouse-start-me-up/ Ignition http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2014/01/24/inside-the-leo-doghouse-light-my-fire/ Steering http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2012/03/05/post_1330983507422/ Power Balance http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2012/05/15/post_1337025676240/ Control Loop http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2011/08/24/post_1314211055714/ Beyond Gas Generators http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2012/08/08/post_1344432475773/ Expander Cycle http://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2014/03/24/inside-the-leo-doghouse-the-art-of-expander-cycle-engines/
  12. http://spacenews.com/20-year-old-military-weather-satellite-wasnt-first-of-its-kind-to-explode/ Runaway hydrazine dissociation seems likely.
  13. Alright, I figured EngineIgnitor had to be doing basically what I wanted, so I looked at that and found localAcceleration = engine.transform.InverseTransformDirection(vessel.acceleration - FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(vessel.GetWorldPos3D())); With this I'll just need to account for the part's rotation about the vessel CoM.
  14. I'm writing a plugin that deals with a Part in terms of a coordinate system fixed on the Part. I need vectors for the g-force acting on the part as well as the actual acceleration in terms of this coordinate system. I don't see anything in the Part interface to directly access coordinates and rotations. Am I just overlooking it? Should I ask Rigidbody? FindModelTransform?
  15. You could use OpenComputers to build a mission control in Minecraft that controls Kerbal vessels through kRPC.
  16. It's all part of an interconnected system. Other concerns dictated which heat removal strategy was used, but one of them had to be used.
  17. NASA has been blowing a lot of PR smoke about how Orion is going to Mars, but the fact is that it's a single component with a very specific purpose: re-entering Earth's atmosphere from a circumlunar or interplanetary trajectory. Everything else about a mission to Mars would have to be provided by other hardware.
  18. I like to think that the space shuttle succeeded less thoroughly than it could have.
  19. This article came across my twitter feed about the tradeoffs of antennas and attitude control in cubesats. http://www.dycoss.com/program/final/IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-10-09.pdf
  20. Heat shields aren't very conductive, but that heat will still enter the spacecraft if not mitigated in some way. That could be ejecting the heat shield (Soyuz), landing it in the ocean (Apollo), or boiling off on-board coolant (Shuttle).
  21. There could be mirrors placed to project all the moss in a single frame.
  22. Like the nozzle, its a covering that will be removed from the bottles, not the bottles themselves.
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