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Everything posted by rhoark

  1. Does anyone have an example pic of an antenna/reflector arrangement?
  2. I tossed a probe up with a NERV and no radiators. After a little bit it shut down due to heat, so I said YOLO and turned the cutoff temp up to max. A little while later it said the core melted down and was destroyed, but the engine kept going until out of fuel.
  3. My only wish would be hollow versions of the nose and fuel tank to put small parts inside
  4. Okay, sorry. Just read in the OP that a part can only be in one loop at a time
  5. Is there much standing in the way of having a part that bridges two loops? If you can do that with a rate limit or a toggle, that opens up lots of interesting possibilities.
  6. Just simulating n-body orbits at one-tick-per-tick would be way less demanding of the computer than Unity physics of a single rover on the ground. The hard part is drawing the future orbit paths.
  7. Is there a way to still see stock science text blurbs with Kerbalism?
  8. Can anyone confirm stock fuel cells can run with H2/oxidizer? They show me a button in VAB to select fuel type, but in flight they do nothing when set that way. I hesitate to say there's a bug or if its just me.
  9. Just do it. Expending mental effort on optimizing a craft for stock non-physics is just pearls before swine. I highly recommend procedural wings, since the shape of wings will matter.
  10. By stock editor I mean Squad-supplied, with the DLC. My understanding is the created missions are run by choosing "Scenarios" at the main menu. I am wondering if a plugin could load a saved mission into career mode.
  11. Does anyone know specifically where the new scenario functionality resides? In particular, I'm wondering if it's possible to design a mission using the stock editor, then programmatically activate that mission in a sandbox/career context.
  12. Information about this seems to be in bits and scraps, and it would be really nice to have the options spelled out. I don't see any core temperature variable documented on Part, so is it up to a PartModule to store that state? Is there an internal counterpart to AddThermalFlux(..)? Or do I set part.thermalInternalFlux directly? Is part.thermalInternalFluxPrevious a way to read the influence of the environment on the core? Or do those interactions simply not happen outside PartModule logic?
  13. You'd want a low absorption shield connected to a radiator in its shadow.
  14. The longer I take implementing my mod, the more of it people will do for me.
  15. A patent protects an idea; a copyright only protects the particular expression of an idea. This boundary has not been fully mapped in court.
  16. Could this be used to alter EVA Isp? (ie, nerf it to the ground)
  17. Thanks Starwaster (et al). What would you think about supporting multiple skins on a part (eg, dorsal/ventral)? I figure this could be done with multiple instances of ModuleAeroReentry on a part. It would just need each instance to carry a vector and maximum deflection to check against in _GetBodyArea and _GetSunArea and a new _GetAirstreamArea in similar fashion. Also scale part.exposedArea and part.radiativeArea by maxDeflection/360.
  18. Getting closer - I now have a landed kerbal. However, it doesn't seem to actually initialize gender, trait, or personality from the provided ProtoCrewMember. Here's what I'm doing: uint LetThereBeKerbal(ProtoCrewMember protocrew) { var body = vessel.mainBody; var flight = ShipConstruction.GetUniqueFlightID(HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState); var crew = new ProtoCrewMember[1]; crew[0] = protocrew; var parts = new ConfigNode[1]; parts[0] = ProtoVessel.CreatePartNode("kerbalEVA", flight, crew); var extra = new ConfigNode[0]; var orbit = Orbit.CreateRandomOrbitAround(body); var vesselConfig = ProtoVessel.CreateVesselNode(protocrew.name, VesselType.EVA, orbit, 0, parts, extra); var position = part.transform.position; position += (position-body.position).normalized * 5.0; vesselConfig.SetValue("sit", Vessel.Situations.LANDED.ToString()); vesselConfig.SetValue("landed", true.ToString()); vesselConfig.SetValue("lat", (body.GetLatitude(position)).ToString()); vesselConfig.SetValue("lon", (body.GetLongitude(position)).ToString()); vesselConfig.SetValue("alt", (body.GetAltitude(position)).ToString()); var protoVessel = HighLogic.CurrentGame.AddVessel(vesselConfig); return flight; }
  19. Spawning in a random orbit like DarkMultiplayer does seems to go fine. I need a landed kerbal, though.
  20. I'm trying to put a kerbal in the world given a ProtoCrewMember. Doing some cargo cult programming looking at what ContractConfigurator does, I came up with this: ProtoCrewMember protocrew = [etc...] var flight = ShipConstruction.GetUniqueFlightID(HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState); var crew = new ProtoCrewMember[1]; crew[0] = protocrew; var parts = new ConfigNode[1]; parts[0] = ProtoVessel.CreatePartNode("kerbalEVA", flight, crew); var nothing = new ConfigNode[0]; var orbit = new Orbit(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,vessel.mainBody); var position = vessel.GetWorldPos3D(); orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(position, vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(position), vessel.mainBody, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); var vesselConfig = ProtoVessel.CreateVesselNode(protocrew.name, VesselType.EVA, orbit, 0, parts, nothing); var protoVessel = HighLogic.CurrentGame.AddVessel(vesselConfig); Trying this from the launchpad, the result is always a message in the log "Vessel Jebediah Kerman crashed through terrain on Kerbin". I'm guessing that means something is wrong with the orbit I'm providing, or the position it is based on, but I don't see how that could be since they're constructed based on a vessel not crashing through terrain.
  21. Small but important update fixes an issue that could prevent vessels from being recovered. Also a few minor tweaks to the tech tree.
  22. After some discussion on the subreddit I decided to make some new sensor modules that introduce small errors. There's no direct dependency or special interface to kOS, but the purpose is to enable the use of kOS to experiment with tools for guidance from uncertain readings (such as least-squares, Kalman filtering, and Byzantine fault tolerance.) Here's a beta/preview/proof-of-concept: https://www.dropbox.com/s/11tov1wvslpdwsp/ErrorBars-0.zip What's done so far: External air temperature thermometer with hysteresis and influence from the part's temperature. (Part temperature influence is higher when the thermometer is aerodynamically shielded.) Added as a PartModule on the 2HOT. Linear accelerometer and rate gyro with white noise and red noise. Added to the seismometer, any command part with SAS, and any reaction wheel without command. (Reaction wheels have the highest accuracy.) Barometer with small white noise and a strict 2 Pa - 200kPa range. More accurate when aerodynamically shielded. Added to the Pres-Mat. Pitot tube with a 10 kPa - 1MPa range, dampened readings under 25 m/s, and large fluctuations above Mach .7 - must not be aerodynamically shielded. New part in the control tab, using the "Small Hardpoint" model. Still to come: Radar altimeter Radio time-of-flight transponder Fluctuations in actual state rather than just measurements (wind gusts, micrometeorites)
  23. My rebalance just sets it at half, no plans for a slider. Here's the code to do that much: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118026-WIP-tech-tree-rearrangement?p=1913619&viewfull=1#post1913619
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