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Everything posted by ZedNova

  1. I was homeschooled, and I think it's great. I learned way more than public schoolers and didn't have to deal with idiots in class. I don't see why anyone could be against it. Plus I got done early and still got a diploma.
  2. Who else thinks we need a kerbal balloon in the Macy's thanksgiving parade?
  3. The main reason i'm living in America is because i can go out and Pop a couple rounds off at the range. It's fun. ( But expensive) Fearing guns is silly, most of the people who say we should get rid of them have never needed to use one. The bad guys will still have guns even if we ban them. Now, what i do think needs to be changed is how someone comes to own gun. That alone could help everything out without taking them from everyone. An example i could use is my 18 year old friend, his grandpa passed away from Alzheimer's and had a few nice Rifles in his house. His family went to his place to pack up stuff and sell it, while the guns went across the state line (Iowa to Nebraska) and ended up in the hands of my friend without a background check or a license.
  4. I agree, unless you've had training with a specific weapon you shouldn't be carrying it for self-defense. So go get yourself trained with your weapon of choice. Unless you live like a block from the police station that is.
  5. but since everyone seems to be posting stuff they bought online, this is my latest purchase: Gtx 650 Ti Boost 2gb.
  6. Avast, Avg, and Kaspersky. But i don't really need any because i know what malware smells like.
  7. None of you are going to get any of this for Christmas unless your parents are involved somehow.
  8. Windows 8 uses less resources and is faster in most cases. I'd look up some benchmarks for those two processors, although the amd one has a higher clock speed and is cheaper, Clock speed doesn't always dictate how fast the system is.
  9. Personal Preference. I've used 8.1 and it's a step up from 8, but i still prefer 7. Plus i know all of my Ancient games work on it. This is the parts list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/25H7Y My budget is 900 USD or lower. Any different suggestions for a certain part(s) would be nice. I've already got the peripherals. I'm going for Micro ATX as i don't have a ton of room for a large tower.
  10. I have a question. I've finally picked out all the parts for my "dream" (fairly decent) machine, and i have the money to get them now. It's going to run me about $850 dollars. The most expensive parts are the Graphics card, CPU, and Windows 7. Would any of these parts drop in Price on black Friday or the following Monday? What ways could i save as much money as possible when ordering these things?
  11. I don't know, i thought it was pretty entertaining. Although unrealistic.
  12. Money, so that way you don't get me the wrong thing.
  13. Build your own desktop PC. Pros: -You get only the parts you want/need. You don't need to make compromises like a Lower processor clock/core count for better graphics card or vice-versa. -Only the Software you want, No silly bloated trail versions of crap software to slow your system down. Install your own preferred OS. - Almost always Cheaper than buying a Stock PC when it comes to Price vs. Performance. Cons: - You need to know how to put it together. -You need to buy an OS, which can be expensive. ( Unless you get a Free OS like linux )
  14. Solid Neutronium. That's why they don't ever get damaged.
  15. I would show you my setup but my cat doesn't like having his picture taken...
  16. What game is this? ( Please don't call me an Idiot for not knowing )
  17. I stopped playing Cod after 2. So i have no opinion on the matter.
  18. Budget cuts i supposed, like maybe if you kill too many kerbals.
  19. If we've gone far enough in space to find life, we've probably found planets that are better candidates for terraforming, or ones that don't need any at all.
  20. Most of the exhaust from LQ Oxygen and Hydrogen rockets is superheated steam. But we're not using those types of rockets.
  21. snas ocimóc somerasu sortosoN
  22. I lose significant frames at 400 parts. So i guess that's a limit i strive for.
  23. I would suck at it, that's for sure. It's a lot harder to be a lead at something than you think.
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