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Everything posted by ZedNova

  1. I clicked them all, what do i win?
  2. IIRC you have the option to download the movie as well as stream it when you buy it on amazon. I don't know what kind of contingency plan amazon or iTunes have in the event of them closing down shop.
  3. That's great, isn't it fun having a new GPU? To make watch dogs run better, i'd recommend downloading the watchdogs config tool and switching everything you can to the "PC" setting, also don't forget about updating those drivers .
  4. I have been exercising lately to get ready for the national guard. Some basic things i learned so far: 1) If you haven't exercised much before, the first time to start YOU WILL HURT, so don't go all out when you begin, ease yourself into it with light exercises. 2) Do not exercise muscles that are still sore, wait until they are no longer sore. 3) After you can exercise without getting sore, do short bursts of exercising throughout the day. (I typically do 30 pushups, 30 situps, 4 times a day. I'll lift weights about twice a day.) 4) After you start exercising you're gonna start eating more. Don't force yourself to eat more because you are exercising, just let your body decide how much energy you need to consume and adjust your meals accordingly. 5) Don't burn yourself out. It's easy to get discouraged (and in my case, lazy). I don't know how relevant this is since i am trying to gain muscle, not lose weight. But it's something
  5. Intel CPUs vastly outperform AMD APUs. It's not much of an issue when gaming, since most games use the graphics card heavily. But if at all possible in a couple of years, i would use an Intel CPU for an upgrade to this system.
  6. Some suggestions: If you are okay with team red and are not planning on using linux: R9 280 3GB, it's cheaper than the 660 and outperforms it: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202099 With the money you have saved, i would up the CPU to an A10 6800k. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113331&cm_re=a10_6800k-_-19-113-331-_-Product Assuming you absolutely want to keep the AMD CPU. If you are willing to spend a few bucks more, there is also the A10 7850k http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113359
  7. The worry of overpopulation is not about running out of room to live, it's about how to supply the growing population. Food, medicine, clothes, electricity ect.
  8. You plug your monitor cable into the output on the graphics card instead of the video output on the motherboard. On desktops you can't switch between the integrated GPU and Dedicated one on the fly without unplugging cables and weird setups.
  9. The exact model should be printed on the PCB of the card somewhere.
  10. I warn you not to accept any advice from me when it comes to women. I would have replied to the email saying "Yeah, i like you as a friend. :)".
  11. These things are terrorists in my area, why would you like them?! They eat our animal's food supply, tear up things and poop EVERYWHERE.
  12. Luckily it's got mod support, can't wait to see what the community makes.
  13. Dunno why people don't like steam, it's pretty great. I'll have to start a gabenism campaign here soon to convert all you heathens.
  14. You're wrong, politicians can deny it, that's something they are very good at... More public transportation (Specifically mag-levs above streets in high density city areas), further taxes on CO2 emissions from industrial complexes, advanced recycling programs, LFTR power plants, increased use of solar panels, decommissioning coal and oil power plants, employing natural and artificial photosynthetic plants around areas that produce Large amounts of Co2. All this requires money though; a LOT of money. Good luck getting any government to cough it up, when each politician is only thinking about how they are going to get re-elected.
  15. It's a decent laptop, i don't think it will run any graphically demanding games too well, but KSP should run fine.
  16. I've watched play through a bit of it, now i can say that i would really like this game. It looks a lot better than the latest simcity.Still not gonna preorder though, i'll wait till after it comes out.
  17. First, update your graphics drivers as they are outdated/OEM drivers from the looks of it. https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24596/Intel-Iris-and-HD-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-7-8-8-1-64-bit
  18. So you mean that you have integrated graphics. Here's something you can do to find out what brand of integrated graphics you have: 1)Click on start 2)Type "Dxdiag" in the search bar, hit enter. 3) When the DxDiag window appears, click on the Display tab. 4) Post the listed name, chip type, memory ect here.
  19. I'm not gonna preorder it, it looks cool and possibly better than simcity. But i can't tell until i get some gameplay footage.
  20. In fallout there were circuit boards, it's just that micro transistors were never invented. Sorry i couldn't help it.
  21. Ugh, this again. If you have the money, and really love gaming on full res, PC is better by far. If your pockets aren't lined with cash, but you like gaming and maybe want to stream movies and TV shows, an Xbox or PS4 is better.
  22. I'm significantly younger than most of you, the first time I used the internet was in 2000, when i was 4 years old. I had no idea what it was, just went to PBSkids.org and played what games and activities they had there. It was on a windows 95 machine. I didn't get into real video games and learning about computers until i was 10.
  23. He's getting really sick of beaming up and down every single day...
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