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Everything posted by RawChicken

  1. Well, the idea of having sensors sending data to little "brains" or logic gates. This way, the ship can think by its own. Of course, you could toggle ON/OFF different "logic gates" in case your ship is very complex, but making everything work is part of the fun! The idea is that those actions are triggered by sensors, which can be of any kind).
  2. Exactly! Thats what I was talking about! You can end up with lots of equipment and wire it in different ways, adding complexity to the game! Imagine setting up a skycrane for Duna!!
  3. I had something similar happening in a Duna drop off i did. Apparently the game though I was throwing debris to Duna (littering space huh?) and deleted the object
  4. Yeah, of course mods add tons of possibilities and fun to the game, but also keep in mind some mods are overpowered. This overpowered engines soon become the best option and this makes the game easier. I personally dont use mods till a new version is about to come out, this way I use the game vanilla, and then add mods, when the new version is out, clean install
  5. Of course, this can be implemented by a modder , Id do if if I knew... Also, if the team would like to implement it as a DLC, I would be very happy to pay!!
  6. I did this mono-wheel rover! check the video I made!
  7. No, I suggest a collection of parts that can be added to the ships. Parts such as a altitude sensor, or a AND gate, and another part to move the aircraft control surface. Then you wire them up as in this application, just click and drag and you draw a wire: http://dcaclab.com/en/lab This way you can add multiple parts (sensors, actuators, and logic gates) and then wire them up graphically as you want. Also, some parts (as logic gates or actuators) can have a little window displayed to tweak options on it.. Nothing is coded, you wire up the system the same way you stack rocket parts and try them.
  8. I know, Im not suggesting this for the stock game. I know those mods, but those mods are not what I am suggesting.
  9. True, good point.. But you could still follow the ship (as if you were playing) and see how it does everything alone!
  10. Think of this as "wire mod" is for Gmod. The idea is to have logical gates,sensors and actuators that, once wired properly, can make things go "alone". For example, imagine you add a altitude sensor on a plane. You then add a logical gate and a actuator, for example, in the tail of the pane, and sick it to the fin. This can be set up by connecting wires graphically and little windows for advanced options of each actuator/gate/sensor. Then you wire all up and make the system follow this: IF "altimeter lecture < 1000", the actuator toggles ON. The actuator is set to move the fin only 30% upwards Then the actuator toggles OFF when altimeter lecture is, for example, >3000 With this, a stable plane could fly by its own between 1000 and 3000m till its out of fuel! As awesome this could seem, you can take if further, and make autonomous rockets to the Mun or even send rovers to Duna! Taking KSP to a new level!! If I knew how to code id spend my time on this!! Some examples of parts that could be added: Altitude sensor GPS Pressure sensor Air intake sensor Left fuel sensor Speed sensor Throttle actuator fin actuator gear actuator light actuator decoupler actuator *anything togglable* actuator Any ideas? Comments?
  11. I think that shadow is made by the ring on the fuel tank casting weird shadows
  12. Buy it now. Also, after the release there might be a price increase
  13. Well this is a Mun lander Spac Tower I made, this is only the first floor. All stock.
  14. PLEASE sell bobbleheads!!!!!!!! Ill buy one instntly!!
  15. Good entry! Yeah, I sometimes do "experimental" planes like thet. Flying them is a nightmare , and the SAS goes crazy!
  16. I was driving my car and noticed i was running out of fuel...well i thought, is okay because I have better acceleration now
  17. I know you can see Mun and Minmus, but I think you cant see more..Maybe if Duna comes close you can see it..I dont hink so tho
  18. Oh god I hate spanish news... I am spanish and have to see them EVERY DAY! Why did they add KSP footage to a supercomputer news? I can run KSP un my pc, got no supercomputer... arrg...
  19. this is not a easter egg..unless someone finds it on the Mun!
  20. I dont know exactly, but back on my first savegame, I had tons and tons of debris and abandoned ships all around space, the game got laggy, thou, i thought is was my laggy PC. After starting a new savegame I saw some improvements in game speed, I think is was for not having so much debris around.
  21. I tried this, it is a good idea, but once you are out or control, dealing with witch number is which side of the vessel is a nightmare
  22. Awesome! Im still dealing with exams. My space exploration program has come to a temporally halt
  23. Then it would be a 10m wide planet with a some what unproportional cloud around it..
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