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Everything posted by ThePyrateCaptain

  1. Targets, or if you prefer, prey? Uh no wait, just kidding, how about super intelligent creatures? Yeah! That's it! Whew.. Almost blew our cover......wait, is this thing still recording? Dammit!
  2. I understand that, but I can tease ya more with variant possibilities... evil grin.
  3. They are cool looking, but seriously I didn't make these meshes, I made the models for ksp out of someone else's work ( with his permissions) our man Devo has the APC and Dropship AVAILIBLE for download at the space port. He made his meshes, and they are quite awesome. But I figured I should put some images up. Like I stated, ***DISCLAIMER*** The models shown are imported 3d meshes from free3dmeshes.com, although the conversion took some doing, I in no way lay claim to these models as my own works. Very talented people put these together, I merely adapted them for use in the game, and in agreement with real modellers, I will refer to the ones AVAILIBLE for download at the space port, mine are for examples only. But enjoy the images.
  4. For your viewing Pleasure, I present my version of the Aliens APC, the M577/a A Very durable, and reliable Unit, low center of gravity makes flipping it very difficult even in the most gravity deprived places. If flips, it genrally lands on its feet. Opening side door, and drivers door reveals interior, Deployable turret, retractable wheel system, 4 way steering. A must for planetary landings, LOL.
  5. Is there a trick to getting a vehicle to sit inside of a bay? Like how can I drive a cart upto a ships bay and load it? Or recoverbitnonce deployed? Does the bay itself have to be set up to receive the cart? Empty space inside it or something? Very curious.
  6. Don't know about in the game, but the 302 in my galaxy 500 sure the hell does!
  7. Didn't create the model, did a lot of dismantling and reassembling to get it right, the model is free at free3dmodels.com, it's a stand alone UDL4 Cheyenne Dropship. Check out Devo's at the space port.
  8. Well I for one like the effect. From a military point of view, this UDL-4 Dropship has got to be able to reach orbit in under 4 minutes, and go from orbit to surface in under the same time. Military way of thinking, get it there, and get it there fast! Who cares about fuel costs? The tax payers are picking up the tab.
  9. I call this image, BUGGING out, by it could be called, COOKING it to Orbit. This happened as I was Leaving Kerbin with one APC inside, Not sure if it is suppose to happen when leaving a planet, I was doin 1700+ m/s ascending.
  10. Well now, aside from the blatant rip off of the sims, (opening screen setup, RECALCULATING RETICULES etc...) pretty nice. Runs smoother than I was led to believe... Will tinker a bit....
  11. I shall try it out, any advice? I hear the file systems have changed,
  12. Well the facts being, I am stuck at ksp 19, and with all the hullabaloo about how buggy 20 is, I see no reason to upgrade. Perhaps if/when they finish the project, then I will obtain a finished version. Not to stir up drama, some peoples kids, but the above mentioned simple reason. Will keep watching the threads, lurking about, but no way I'm gonna upgrade and loose system performance for a pre release. Ciao for now.
  13. The Pyrate captain has quit uploading things to the port. This is not to say he will be importing things for his own amusement, but public releases are done. Enjoy.
  14. A blast from the past. And it's quite fun to drive at top speed, flip it over, it usually lands on its feet.
  15. Pick and choose yer favorite. Available in Black!
  16. I find this community to be anything but that, most of my assistance has actually come from the Celestia community at shatters.net.
  17. 512th KCM, "Squid Squashers" test drop over Kerbin.
  18. Ever wonder what the Intrepid explorers do in their time off? The Scoot around in Jebs home made Tucker Photon Torpedo.....
  19. Double drat. Well after much a do about nothing, I'm not gonna be able to make the APC drivable. Double drats! The cart model won't convert, and rover wheels are too articulated. This vehicle DOES NOT HAVE SUSPENSION. It is solid. Hmmm oh well, no APC. Lol. But I can teleport it throughout the solar system and get cools pics.
  20. Well I think I should have clarified. I require help in unity. As in making a rover wheel, like bobcats generic cart, all assembled in a DAE or rather an obj file, then compiled into the game as a whole.
  21. Concerning animations, is it possible to link multiple animations to a single command or module action? Example, I have a lander leg with moving struts, and I have a second leg on the same model, I need it to work as well, is this possible? Or does each animated object need a separate generic animationmodule?
  22. Does anyone know of any good "How to build a" CART or ROVER tutorials? I am working on a model and I need to figure out how to make and use wheels and steering and suspensions for it to work. Thx
  23. Well this is my conversion of the M577 USCSM APC from aliens. I animated (Very first ones) the goodies, now all i have to do is make it drivable. Looking at Carts to figure it out, i am stuck at 18.4 version. Kinda a hold out for it. unless they add more planets i dont see why i should update for more physics thus dragging the game down with it. IMO, Uploading the video, so if the link says no, try back in a few.
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