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Everything posted by ThePyrateCaptain

  1. Well... In the 3d modelling program, mine is blender, there is a way to "fix" the center of mass and lock it in. Hehehhe
  2. I heard that NASA wanted to try the game out, but had to settle for the demo. Couldn't afford the game.
  3. Uhm, yeah, like astronauts have nothing to do, and they are all just dying to be a member of the "nerd herd" these guys are like any other working stiff except the job hazards are very real, there are no quick saves. No lag time. No warp. I know, let's give it to the mentally challenged? Oh wait..... Lol...
  4. REALLY? MILITARY FEATURES ARE OUT. Dayum! Ok , anyone want these private models, pm me. That's does it. I have the APC, an armored car version, an orbital defense platform version. A scout, and I have added military helmets to the Kerbals. WAR WAR WAR!
  5. You opened a can o worms with this one! Sure it's a single player game, sure it's a sandbox, but when I was a kid I used to wage WW3 in my sandbox all the time. It's what makes us (and you know who you are) survivors. I say kudos to the guy that plays ksp with war in mind. Eventually this game will reach a release state or finished state. Now as for becoming number one in any pc magazine? Without warfare, I don't see that happening. With games like black ops, and the sorts? People love conflict. Most of the replies on this thread are conflict. I say build a militia. I am. That way if there is ever an alien presence in this game, you will be that much further ahead of the Carl sagans here. Pray for peace, prepare for war. Space flight will never be safe, and bringing a gun along is always a good idea. Enough of the wholesome were explorers crap. Columbus was an explorer, Magellan was an explorer, both came bearing gifts, and arms. IMO.
  6. Your an engineer arnt you? I was referring to in game usage. Perhaps I shou.d have included that statement in the poll title. I was taking this survey cause due to the limitations of my own personal machine, I am deleting "useless" vehicles.
  7. Ok, be that as it may, that's the unofficial name of our primary star.
  8. I was sitting here thinking on my day off, about what I think the game needs, then it hit me, not too much more. I have seen threads about weather, light speed, other races, and the likes. But then I remembered the name of the game, Kerbal Space Program. True things like weather would be nice, but what purpose would it serve? Same for alien races. The program is centered on making a space agency from scratch. Getting to local targets and moving out into the solar system. If they, (Squad) does add these things, they should be selectable in the options area. Like weather on/off, aliens on/off and the likes. Most of these computers used by the average user I don't think will be able to handle the load the extra things can put on it. My machine can barely handle 20, it usually loads the mods I use, but will crash after 3 launches. I have taken to copying the program several times and having different versions for different things. The game in whole is pretty damn good. Making an agency from nothing and not using certain mods that make things easier is quite challenging. I for example have a moon launch under way. I am not using warp, and the mission is still on going. This can take time, but it's kinda cool. IMO, I am not even close to space shuttles yet. In fact I'm not sure the moon landing will work. Just thinking out loud.
  9. Did not know that, always thought it was Kerbol. I wonder did squad give it a slight wobble as our own star has due to the larger outer planets gravity tugging on it? Or would that be considered way to detailed for the game?
  10. Ok, so it's called Kerbol. I was wondering with the average intelligence of the kerbal being below average why the stars name would be more like.... Whatisthathotthing? Or owieitstoobright. Even better, bigbrighthotthing. How would they have come up with a name like Kerbol? Are they a transplant life form? Seeking to return? Maybe they are stranded and over milliniums of time have finally evolved to space flight? A background story on these little green minions would be nice. Of deeper concern, where are the femmes? Do Kerbals spore? Where are they all coming from? A kerbal genetic factory? Have they established cloning technology before safe space flight? Yes I have a lot of time in the am to type these mundane questions.....
  11. Black Cats. (ssssssss.......BOOOOOOM!) Or KSP, (Kerbin Spectacular Pyrotechnics)
  12. The scientists on Kerbin dedicated a new crater to the brave and intrepid explorers that created it. Crater Dunn/Herman
  13. Does anyone know if there is a mod that balances out the rcs ports? If I can just get this done, this puppy is ready for drop flights. Seen here lifting off to recover an M577 APC, located on Duna. It's a rugged ship, single peice construction hull and command pod, the weapons attach to very hard points. Hard to knock em off. I have dead sticked it to the surface and it suffers little failure. But balancing the rcs is a chore.. Lemme know.
  14. Nice, like the effects. I guess my simple question is in unity, how does one set up a light. Like say a steady beam headlight, or a super focused spot light? I have an armored vehicle that needs headlights, and tail lights. Also interior lighting. Any suggestions?
  15. Does anyone know if there is a tutorial for making a light? Or like the spotlights? I have looked a bit, but can't seem to find one.
  16. Are all the stations parts made in........china....?
  17. Jebs way of having fun in the sun, this FAST attack vehicle, is highly addictive for planetary exploration, and it can do donuts! Lol, it's bottom heavy and quite durable. Gonna get one to Duna for Fast Attac..uh Exploration...
  18. Have they changed the way in which airlocks are made for 20? Have tried this article, and followed it word for word, and I get the obstructed issue. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Adding_Airlocks_and_Ladders_to_Parts So has something been changed? Subnote, I have made airlocks before, and with much success, so I know how they are done.
  19. It should smell heavily carbonized, the CD should be warped and a burnt label, and under no circumstances should it work correctly no matter how many times you try to install it, just when your about to give up it should work. Keeping with the launch traditions of course.
  20. Well the first thing I landed on NOT IN THE KERBIN SYSTEM, was Earth.
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