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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. I don't know how your pilots in the far east fly, but last time I boarded a plane from Frankfurt to Vienna the plane did roll to turn. You looked straight at the ground when looking out of the windows on the left side and straight up into the sky on the other side. Commercial airliners DO roll.
  2. Well, you obviously can vote for yourself. I personaly just think it's some undignified - because nobody will ever judge his own work truly objective.
  3. (because it's the only Manga I've read)
  4. 10/10 ...copied and pasted your name so often in the last few days. Lists, Pictures, Zipfiles, Filenames....
  5. Of course, you could vote, Jodelstein - you do to have to participate to vote....
  6. Well, thanks to mhoram I got a site with a very interesting voting system, I think it will really improve the primary votes in the next challenge.
  7. Hm, I realy should come up with a better voting system ^^ I'd like to have something like "choose you three prefered planes" - but I didn't find a website that offered such polls.
  8. HAd quite some fun with Silent Hunter 4. Turns out it's not easy AT ALL to hit a moving target with a rather slow moving Torpedo.....
  9. Well, it has been already mentioned, but only once:
  10. Uhm...because your entry should be designed by yourself? Do I actually have to write this into the rules? Hm, I just can't decide for whom to vote - and I don't have the time to testfly everyone....AAAARGGGHHH But it looks like this time I didn't impress anyone (allthough thanks for the one vote!) - well, into every life a little rain must fall.
  11. What second part? The user below me knows how to solve quadratic equasions.....
  12. Pen and Paper - I played Dungeons&Dragons a couple of years ago with some friends. We played a Eberron Campain and I had a drow character. In this setting, drow have names like that. Used to be Xel'Drak, but not all Games/Forum support this. So I went with Xeldrak. Nice thing about it: It's ALLWAYS available.
  13. Mhoram - wait, what? The HARP does not resemble the Albatross? I basically took the Albatross, clipped it's wings and fuselage to a reasonable size to get it's airframe. Also, no pitch? It does have some some problems with yaw (wich is merely exitant), but pitch? Anyways - thaks for these detailed results, I allways love to read you guys notes. Also, a tip of the hat to gm537 and XolotlLoki (you guys are awesome) for testing all these planes. I fear, I lack time to test all thirty - so I will probably only test the short list.
  14. hm, sorry Gus - now you have to run with Kalkakross Keighteen in the poll ^^
  15. Primary elections have started! Vote here! Please drop a few line who you've voted for! Get all .craft files in a single zip file HERE Primary elections will run for 48 hours - the six (or so) best entries will enter the final 24h-election! Please check the challenge guidelines - even if you just want to vote! And remember to come back in two days!
  16. Allright - all submission are closed...now give me some time...
  17. Alright - with 30 contestants, this is now officially the most succesfull BSC challenge And I worried.... You have ~11 hours left to submit your plane!
  18. Φ Phi - cause I allways have to think for a second, wich letter hat the vertical and wich one the horizontal bar. When I say ε (epsilon)...
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