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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Haven't done it yet. RL is getting in the way at the moment. Maybe later tonight I'll have it ready.
  2. Do you even read whats going on in this thread? I'll give you a hint, someone is working on it and its not just bobcat.
  3. You can add Infernal Robotics to the list. I'm using TweakScale and I am toying with the idea of using UI_FloatEdit for my limits. One thing I haven't checked yet with UI_FloatEdit is there an ability to not propagate a tweakable across a part that is attached symmetrically?
  4. I understand clearly now. There's a flag in the rotatron CFG Making it true will tell it to stop at the limits. I'll look into reinstating the Min/Max text fields but I don't know what that will do to the actual tweakable menu. If I can get it to work, I'll add it to the 0.6 update.
  5. Right off the bat, you are using an OLD version. Most likely 0.14 since I'm seeing Inv toggle and limits. The current version is 0.15d and can be a game breaking update (Parts get their rotation doubled and can't move back to home for example). There were bugs relating to the toolbar in that version. Whenever you have an issue, please be sure to use the most recent version. If it breaks a saved game then I am sorry I just can't work on supporting older versions. I do have a method that can help you move from 0.14 to 0.15d but it will require some editing of your saved game.
  6. Yes but it shouldn't be difficult to redo. I'll also supply that subassembly in the next update.
  7. Great to hear. Just PM when you have something I can test out. Thanks!
  8. Here's a shot of all the IR parts in the VAB. I do plan on looking into allowing a tweakable for the docking washers (free versus motorized) and the 2 gantry versions. Pretty happy with the results so far. TPS part is a huge improvement than the 9 that were originally present.
  9. I just had a complete nerdgasm. Rear "fairing" cylinder IS the solar array. Wow.
  10. I lost the discussion but has there been any development in reintroducing what nivekk had in place for external module registration? I'd like to see about getting IR working. If it's far into the future I could cobble his code with current just to get the ball Rollin on my end.
  11. I've sent ZodiusInfuser the 0.16 release candidate. Couple of things are going to have to change in this release. This update uses TweakScale. This WILL break saves unless you keep both the old parts and the new tweakscaled versions. If you keep both it will now put 4 per part in the Editor. The good news is it's just 1 part per type in the editor. For example only ONE TPS part in the editor instead of nine!
  12. Well Biotronic can now at least check for it in case any other people use weird rescaling of the MODEL nodes.
  13. Now that I went back and read this thread(I knew there was some weird issues with using scale, rescaleFactor AND using MODEL scale references) I think Biotronic's solution would be to multiply the scale values by 1.25 and everything should scale correctly IF using MODEL references.
  14. Further findings. Decouplers: 1.25m Stack Decoupler: scale = 1.0,1.0,1.0 for it's MODEL reference 2.5m Stack Decoupler: scale = 2.0,2.0,2.0 3.75m Stack Decoupler: scale = 3.0,3.0,3.0 Image shows the fixed models and tanks of that scale accordingly:
  15. Not sure if this helps or not but if I make the scale all 1's in the model references for the VR1 rocket they match up with the nonTweakScaled version:
  16. Just as I suspected. The scaling is incorrect and needs to be figured out. The rocket motor on the left is a standard VR1 engine WITHOUT tweakscale applied to it (I renamed the engine so it wouldn't be affected) and the one on the right is a TweakScaled version of the VR1. Notice the size difference. In other words I don't think it's a bug specifically, it just needs to be factored correctly in order for the scaling to work right.
  17. I'll take a look at it but the fix is you have to scale by a different number due to the scale & rescaleFactor relationship. I had this problem with my Infernal Robotic parts that wouldn't scale correctly.
  18. Now if you are talking about overriding what is the config then yes you won't be able to do that. If you want to go that route, which I won't support, change the values in the CFG files for those parts. Problem solved.
  19. You have to think like a circle when doing the rotatrons. The reason some are -90 to 90 is do to how the mesh is manipulated in space where as the closed hinge is manipulated differently. No accurancy of the angles with 0 to 180? I'm not even sure what you mean. You don't set negative values when dealing with 0 to 180 you have to think differently due to how the mesh is located. _|_ <--- this is the starting point for a tall hinge for example. In order to go in one direction, it's limit is 90 degrees or negative 90 degrees. = <--- this is the starting point for a closed hinge (the top portion of the equal sign is the moving part, so in order for it to go 90 degrees so it's pointing _| ,if you want it fully open (__) , you must travel 180 degrees.
  20. I may look into the Docking Struts code as soon as I release the "tweakscale" version of the IR plugin.
  21. I don't believe I save it's position but the toolbar allows you to show and hide the control window. Be sure you have the latest version. I haven't had anyone tell me that the latest version doesn't function.
  22. Take your time Dragon01. I have full confidence you will get it all figured out.
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