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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. I'm having the same issue. It will be just a Pod + tweakescale part. Looks fine in the VAB, goes back to the 'original' size during flight.
  2. I hope to have another release out in the next few days. FIXED Ghost servos appearing in the VAB/SPH after removing a chain of 2 or more servos from an assembly. The "rotate" orientation buttons in the VAB/SPH is finally fixed. I wasn't using the Rotate method correctly. Servo will be hidden by default. Want it to appear, toolbar click it. If you choose to not use the toolbar, it will function but the window will always show. NOT FIXED Move "home" adjusted when the min/max have been changed.
  3. It has to do with the onVesselChange event as to why it shows up after doing various things like docking, warping, staging.
  4. The reason for docking/undocking is the Servo Window need to be redrawn. Reason for this is if you dock 2 crafts and each have robotic parts, the window needs to combine all the parts. When undocking, same thing happens. I'll look into fixing it. Reason why I don't hide the menu from saving/loading is because I'd rather have the window popup for the time being for new users because the last thing I need right now is someone going "why isn't my servo window showing up?" and not knowing to click the IR button. This is in transition since the last attempt at using the toolbar was bugged on my end. Maybe the next release I will save the show/hide state. Jettison a state? I'll have to look at this. define "at least a few minutes later" What causes it to show up again except the items you list?
  5. It's called action groups and they are still there. One key press to an action group assigns to move+ or move- will allow it to rotate continuously. Press the same key again to get it to stop.
  6. One workaround I have found is to not actuate the docking "arms" when docked. After undocking I save the game and reload the save. It has to do with how the parts parenting each other gets all screwy.
  7. Tread carefully when using IR parts of any sort on a docking port. If you dock two crafs that are set up with IR parts with a docking port expect things to misbehave.
  8. Make the stepIncrement in the CFG equal to 1.0 instead of the value 0.01 Docking with certain robotic parts is a no-no. I haven't been able to tackle that issue fully.
  9. Nope. I'm not sure I want to go that route just yet.
  10. In the next release yes but I think it will break saves if using the current parts due to the part names being unique.
  11. How very strange. I wonder if it's a SPH issue and not a VAB issue. What happens if you do the same thing in the VAB?
  12. That's exactly what it is. It doesn't traverse it's children and remove those connected.
  13. I will need to look at your parts. I tested the rotate buttons with the closed hinge using surface attachment and the tall hinge with node attachment and they rotated correctly. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the origin of the parts in the 3d model.
  14. I would keep it in its own directory in GameData so users won't have multiple versions installed if yours is embedded in your directory.
  15. Well I can see where it is needed. If you take a closed hinge with 2x symmetry in the VAB and surface attach into a truss. If you wanted them to point in the same direction or in any weird directions yet keep them tied together you can't unless you use these rotate buttons.
  16. Bug has been noted before but thank you for bringing it up! Hope to have some time this weekend to fix it but you did find the workaround that I use. I know how to fix it I just need the time.
  17. If you saved the craft in the editor go to your saved game folder you should find .craft with the name you gave it in the editor.
  18. You can paste the log file to pastebin or hastebin for me to look at but something tells me this is something else and not the plugin. I don't see how IR would break game view of a planet for example.
  19. Weird. I'll see what I can do but I'll put that at the bottom of my bug list as it really doesn't break anything. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  20. What if you use the servo rotate button in the SPH to correct the orientation? I made a video in the OP.
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