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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Thanks to Gristle I found an unusual bug. Updated the OP for the new download and source link (both using GitHub).
  2. I couldn't agree more. This certainly unbloats the parts list for robotic parts.
  3. Only one side is deemed the stable position, if you attach it the wrong way it will act up like you just said.
  4. I think if you tried my unreleased version that converts existing parts over to the PartModule system it will work. let me PM you a build.
  5. It's on the todo list but until then we'll have to deal with redundant parts.
  6. These are just lovely. I'm actually considering removing the rotate servo config in the VAB so I'm not sure this is a deal breaker.
  7. Are you clicking the bullet/box to the left of both drop down menus?
  8. Sometimes just reading the log file gives an idea of what is going on. I suggest start using it if you plan on using other mods. Just glancing at this I see: then moments later I see: I think you might have it installed twice. Delete both MagicSmokeIndustries and InfernalRobotics0 folders, reinstall, try again.
  9. Drat. I can't get to that rest on my work computer. I'll have to double check at home. I wonder what the problem is with that.
  10. Strange. Let me see if I can run at that res and test it. I assume yours has a saved game right? I need to revisit this plugin so i can see about auto loading a craft file onto the launchpad/runway.
  11. The link to the source in the OP doesn't work? I'll remove the outputs and update it today.
  12. I'm not seeing anything crazy I'm unsure what it could be. I just sent you a PM.
  13. Time to ridicule. Did you read the release notes for 0.14-stable in the OP? It says:
  14. Did a quick test last night and it looks like it wont break saves. You'll just have to overwrite the entire install directory of Infernal Robotics with the new parts/dll.
  15. That isn't a feature and has been requested numerous times. Currently you start with the way they are in the VAB/sph.
  16. Strange request. I didn't see anything offhand in the output file can you do this for me? After the game is loaded and right before you load the craft, clear out the text file and save it so it's empty then load the craft and let it go to pieces. Let me see just that log file. If you want to go the extra mile, I could send you the updated plugin to try and see if it goes nutty. Just let me know fo you could make a backup of your game an give this a try.
  17. That's great. I'll be watching this thread patiently.
  18. Once you get something going will you provide a write up on getting the dev environment set up? This looks promising.
  19. I assure you it still works in 0.23.5. I've been using it to code/test the new infernal robotics.
  20. Hrm that gives me an idea for a future enhancement. But yes the encoded cdata was a pain to deal with.
  21. Well the changes are Within the CFG itself. It's no longer a MuMechServo it's now a Part. All the IR stuff is now wrapped in MODULE { name = MuMechToggle Etc Etc }
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