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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Thanks for the craft file. Does creating a release increase the file size of the repo? Issue I'm currently having is my old parts zip (through different versions) is taking up roughly 60megs of space.
  2. Actually I'd like to see that script. I could use it to minimize my KSP install to just what test crafts I've been using and not load unnecessary parts. Between low parts count & my DevHelper plugin it only takes seconds to test stuff out.
  3. Thanks for the craft file. I did what you said and I'm not getting that problem. I tried multiple times with 2 of your Fuel Rovers. NOW if I use the _other_ rover and connect I get that problem. Only other thing is both claws were armed.
  4. Doubt it. The only thing that is a no-no is distributing other people's mods without their permission. That's the hangup with what I am talking about doing.
  5. You are certainly missing something. The OP has the link: https://www./?brfuy7bn6xx09nl The other is the link to the source code (if it said anything about master). Redownload that link instead. It contains GameData/000_toolbar and GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries.
  6. Download it again. this one is more recent than 0.14b. It's stable enough to use at will. There is however a docking bug when docking 2 crafts with their own respective robotic parts.
  7. Drat. If there weren't licensing restrictions I would write a utility that would parse a craft file and pull all the files necessary to load just that craft. Some issues implementing it as well but one can dream right?
  8. If you could tell me the mods you have, I'll download them and try your craft out. I don't mind testing it just makes it easier for me.
  9. Rant removed. ZodiusInfuser is working on one. Offer your help if you can. I don't do graphics well, this was my first real project. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Model-Rework
  10. Never mind. Try the test again on your end and let me know how it works out for you. keep the group names the same on both craft.
  11. Replacing the folder with the update. If you can replicate a bug using stock parts it would help in finding the problem and post the craft file otherwise I'm not going to know how to fix it.
  12. Just to be sure, you replace all the pre 23.5 parts with the new ones right?
  13. I'll look at those issues. I'm not sure what you mean with the rails working against each other. That one is going to be tough to troubleshoot since you have a lot of mods I don't recognize in those screenshots. That last issue sounds like a fluke as I don't see how it would affect everything else.
  14. I'm not a morning person. You'll have to excuse me butchering a phrase in the morning.
  15. Most of it is Unity programming and ConfigurableJoints documentation has a lot to be desired. I'm just glad I had a second eyes tearing through the SetupJoints code to find a solution. I'll be updating the link to Mediafire and removing the files from Github in just a second and will be calling it 0.14. I think it's stable enough for people to play with and use. I'll be tackling the toolbar & docking issue next.
  16. I will check that in the morning. - - - Updated - - - Great news! This is what I want to hear. I do know the toolbar bug is really annoying. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.t
  17. Once I get a few more testers satisfied I'll release it and embed a textfile indicating version. When using flight mode, what are your criteria? When I was on the launchpad I was able to toggle the window from the toolbar.
  18. Perfect news. The worst part about this last bug was I KNEW what was going on I just didn't know how to go about fixing it and once again omgnull works his magic. I thought I would have this pinned but I will admit it's certainly a humbling experience. Also, try out the toolbar. I tested it and it works both in the VAB and in flight.
  19. Yup. I was able to use your subassembly. Move it all crazily. Exited the game. Reloaded the game and the craft & robot arm were all where they should be! Moar testing!
  20. Ok try downloading that one and give it a whirl. katateochi retest it for yourself..
  21. katateochi. The translations on the pistons is certainly an issue. I got a new pull request from omgnull that may or may not resolve that. I'm just waiting for the new parts zip to finish uploading. I'm going to test out the subassembly you sent me. Edit: using your subassembly. I was able to fully extend the arm and rotate it. Save the game, went back to it and it was all correct. Now I'm just syncing up the parts on github. I need you guys to give it a try when its done.
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