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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. I looked at the code, compiled it. So far: 1. No joint popping on a probe core for the hinges. 2. Non-motorized docking washers work! 3. Stacking multiple hinges work, multiple adjustable rails work. 4. Stacked pistons don't misbehave.
  2. Holy crap omgnull. I think you are onto something! I certainly overlooked that as an idea to try!
  3. I've been a little busy with the wife today and tomorrow I should have more time to look at the code. Please keep in mind I can't look at the code and sit at a computer all the time unfortunately but I check this thread regularly when I'm not at a computer. My mother was admitted into the hospital yesterday due to complications from a cancer operation. She is cancer free but when you remove something from the body it creates a empty space so some stuff got twisted. While I hate having to divulge this information I felt it is highly IMPORTANT for everyone to know. She is doing well but I have to visit her every day which takes time out I the day I would normally work on the code. There are some other things I refuse to talk about but I assure you that I'm working every free moment I have to get this fixed. This plugin is important to me because I spent sooooo much time since I forced myself to learn blender (I did most of the models with Devo and ZodiusInfuser contributing a few) and learned how to skin just so I could then move to releasing a forked plugin that r4m0n so graciously created damned robotics. Anyway I am rambling.
  4. Surely you can't be serious. All I ask of any person reading the forums, no matter the mod, read the last 10 or 20 pages to get an idea of what is going on. If you have no idea the status I suggest reading back a few.
  5. I've spoken to ferram in "passing" in some thoughts. The main issue in just changing the code to compile prevents the connectedBody of the joint to be assigned the rigidBody due to it now being readonly. This is the code that no longer works: attachJoint.Joint.connectedBody = parent.Rigidbody; Trick is to work around this issue.
  6. Pretty much what Deadweasel said. It's just a reality we have to deal with.
  7. Later today I'm going to take a look at the Lazor robotic arms fix that Romfarer has done. Maybe there is something I can learn from what he did. Until then I would hold off on any further testing.
  8. I'm looking at the robotic arm code trying to figure out what the fix did.
  9. Glad TreeEdit is working! Had little time to work on the plugin today. I'm really perplexed as to why a probecore causes issues and a landercabin it's fine. I looked at physical significance and they both are the same. You can't even to begin to imagine the rage I experience when it works on one but not the other. I am going to stop, get taniwha's contribution pulled in an then revisit getting it working. He's made It possible to support the MODULE format for the plugin which should enable plaintext values instead of the 64bit encoded cdata fields you see in a saved game.
  10. No progress. I'm figuring out some stuff with joints, coordinate systems, etc.
  11. I honestly have no clue, I didn't have this update so I assumed it was the recent one.
  12. Asteroid Redirect Mission (v0.23.5.460+) HOTFIX Bug Fixes: * Fixed an issue with loading existing games, which would cause scenario modules (like R&D) to not load properly. * Fixed an issue which caused Kerbals on EVA to become unresponsive after resuming a save.
  13. Nope. This is exactly what I need to see. Thank you a TON!
  14. No need for that one. I know exactly what you mean. If it's a single robotic part it will work but combined it gets really screwy. Fun fact. If you take a non robotic part and put it between two robotic parts it will work "mostly."
  15. I didn't include the dromoman items due to licensing but all you have to do to get them to work is edit the rotateAxis value where there is a 1 make it a zero and place the 1 in one I the two other placeholders. ie. rotateAxis = 0,0,1 make it 1,0,0 and see what it does. If it's wrong do 0,1,0 and save the cfg(you will need to reload the database at the space center menu by alt f12 going to database and click reload) if you are unsure just restart your game.
  16. This is a BETA release for people I test. Stuff Is goin to be broken. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't it's the nature of this "release" and it is certainly not for production work yet.
  17. katateochi. You just made my day with that pogo stick! I died laughing. Thank you so much for all your testing and craft files! If you redownload the plugin I fixed the VTOL rotatron, you can also fix the smaller hinge if I did it do it right by changin the rotateAxis values around.
  18. It's not even fixed and I highly advise not doing this for your space station. In fact I frown upon it for now. This is only for puttin parts on other parts an seeing what it does.
  19. These will work thanks! I'm still figuring out how the joints are popping and how to resolve it. These test cases will help as when I think I got I done I will run through all those submitted.
  20. No worries, just making sure. If people can try something for me. Try attaching a closed hinge to various parts and let me know the ones that cause the joints to pop. I know the large probe core does funny things but with the landercan it doesn't. Right now it's a mystery but I do have time today to do some battling.
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