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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. If you would like for me to make any progress, do what others have done and submit a craft file. maybe even a picture but keep the parts purely stock.
  2. I mentioned it a different post that they don't work.
  3. Never had one. Always was a surface attachable item. Ignore the toolbar bug for now. I'm not interested in fixing that or paying attention to it. I'm more concerned with getting the parts working. ObsessedWithKSP. This is a known bug for the system. It's something I'm working on. thanks for the craft files. I'll be using all those that submit crafts as part of my QA testing. Thanks!
  4. I updated the link to the beta post to include the toolbar. I hope this help others in their frustration only to be frustrated with the bugs that are present. Today is a new day and I'll be tackling more bugs. Thanks to everyone so far with their help!
  5. Some of those behaviors I already knew about. I never did fix the VTOL engine CFG. That's a simple fix. Thanks for testing!
  6. Fix is putting I loosely. There is a lot of work to do to fix the goofy issues already discovered(some I already knew.)
  7. I just realized that I didn't include the toolbar plugin. That's why it isn't loading for some people. I will fix that today. Sorry gang.
  8. BETA VERSION OF 0.14 A LOT IS STILL BROKEN. BACK UP YOUR SAVED GAME I can't stress this enough. I did minimal testing on parts to landerCabinSmall. Some things on the probeStackLarge will act strange, parts of it popping in weird orientations. Attaching some robotic parts to others greatly misbehave(ie. closed hinge on top of a closed hinge will misbehave sometimes. TPS piston on another will act fine most of the time. this is for testing only not for playing. your mileage will vary and please, don't share this with the entire world right now. Let's keep it in the forum as I don't read other forums/reddits currently due to my busy schedule and if someone has a problem I will not know about it. Find issues, please let me know with photos, craft file of the photo, and hopefully keep the mods to a minimum when testing. I appreciate it. I'm most likely going to rewrite the SetupJoint method (which causes parts to POP when the setup is wrong) as I begin to understand how all this is put together. SOURCE Parts+Plugin (You will need to overwrite all your parts with these, if using Dromoman's pack, you will need to swap the CFG's rotateAxis settings.
  9. It's the price I have to pay to live in the country (which is really less than 5 miles from the fracking city limits!). I'm actually using a 4G card in "extended 4G" coverage because my DSL was acting up while uploading.
  10. OMG that looks like so much fun! Zipping and uploading contents now. I'm on DSL so it's going to take a while. :/
  11. Fine. I'll get one wrapped up for Beta. I'm not going to post it in the OP thread so those who are truly interested in will find it.
  12. My biggest concern in releasing the beta is it will go out in the wild then people will scream on reddit and various other forums "gah, wtf, it was supposed to work? RAGE QUIT!"
  13. Grant me serenity! I'm not sure I'm comfortable with releasing this beta now. Began some last minute "what if" scenarios and they are not pretty in some applications.
  14. Not sure what your expectations are but like I said it doesn't handle animations. I would look into snjo's firespitter animation plugin to see if there is some help with that.
  15. That video when I first saw it floored me on the ingenuity. One if my personal favorites. Once I get settled at home I'll be packaging up what I have so far plus source if anyone would like to contribute. One crappy bug I noticed is if you stack multiple tall hinges on each other, they share the same rotational origin where they look like they are floating so that will require some extra work. :/ Once it's released I'm going to look at taniwha's code again, do a quick fix for what I have and give that a quick test. Fun fun!
  16. I stopped using GitHub but have been posting source and zip of parts/dll fr some time. I'm pretty crappy using it and don't have a whole lot of time figuring it out at the moment. As for spinning thing if you are using the non motorized docking washer then yes it won't be working UNLESS I figure it out tonight. I will be looking at it after I post the beta pack.
  17. Hey IR plugin doesn't manipulate animations it manipulates the actual mesh contained in the model. Most IR parts contain two meshes. One is fixed and the other is the one that will move. In each cfg there is a line that specifies the mesh (I think it's fixedMesh, haven't looked in a while) and you use the name you give it in your modeling software or via unity for that mesh.
  18. I appreciate the kind words. Thanks goes out to each and every one of you for what you guys/gals have said. Ironically this bug has caused me to be interested in the game again. I took a small break (still am technically) due to some personal issues, work, life, etc. I'm now sneaking what time I can to get this working again for everyone. I just hate for something to be broken and abandoned. Anyway, back to work! And thanks again guys.
  19. Another update. I'm currently testing infernal robotic parts I only have a few trouble maker parts to debug (Piston, Industrial Hinge, docking washer free (I'm not worrying about this right now). Everything else appears to behave correctly so far! Rejoice! When I get home after work I'll package up a BETA release for everyone to mess with. As with a beta release, there may still be problems and this is where it's going to get fun. I'll repeat this again when I post the beta but I'm going to need very specific issues you may encounter. That means supplying me with a craft file (preferably without mods if possible this cuts down on my load times) and a brief explanation as to what the issue is. I went ahead and started testing nothke's wonderful Dromoman parts. Parts work with a minor axis change within the CFG except there is an issue that I need to resolve when connecting more than one dromoman part with each other. Interactions between dromoman parts and infernal robotic parts opens up a new issue that I need to explore.
  20. It's nearing the end. I'm having some issues with the free moving docking washers which I will not keep as a show stopper in releasing the update hopefully today. I do have one issue with the Pistons (not the telescoping pistons) as well as the industrial hinge but everything else appears to be functioning fine. Figured I would share the good news.
  21. Wonderful. As soon as I get this resolved (the fixes are really only present in SetupJoint) so I can't imagine bring the new stuff you guys did will be too hard.
  22. Not with this release. I just want to get it fixed and out. Then I'll work on incorporating the fixes. I'm not familiar with Kreuzung's fixes. I've been in the dark for a little while.
  23. Ok. Caught the stupid rabbit. I now have surface & node attachment rotational parts fixed. I'm basically 75% complete at this moment. I just now have to tackle surface attached translation parts!
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