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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. I always suggest reading a few pages back. It's a known bug.
  2. Great news. I should also have a new update of the plugin with mrblaq's features added to it. Should be a great weekend!
  3. Currently there's no way to tell via the text box if you want the number to be a numpad number or an 'action' group number.
  4. No. Few pages mrblaq has some code I give me that will allow custom travel limits in the vab. It's a bug with the toolbar. Might come out eventually. Need to finish rewrite and work on other things first.
  5. new parts are being made. I think Zodius has a part you would like when it comes out. Yes it's a bug. I'm hellishly busy at the moment to fix it but I hope to have it remedied this weekend.
  6. in the folder KSP_DATA there is a file called: output_log.txt I need to see that file. Only after you run it and it fails.
  7. Thanks one poster. I've already mentioned this being an idea in the future. kthnkz.
  8. There is no way currently to move stuff at assembly time. Maybe one day but I am extremely busy working I a rewrite and I will be releasing an update that will fix the toolbar bug.
  9. It even says screenshots will be added soon. No sense in stating the obvious.
  10. I did start kOS integration and it worked for the most part except I had weird issue where any group after the first in the array wouldn't respond. Setting the configurable joint anywhere? Never thought of that. Is that so you don't have to worry about modeling it respect to the origin?
  11. Electrical is certain,y something I have on my list to implement and the idea was to. Scale it according to the configured speed. As for the source that's perfectly fine. Just send me a PM and I'll go through some testing and send it to Zodius and possibly a few others to test before release. With this extra features with the redux of the parts this plugin will end up being real nice. In advance I applaud you for contributing. I'll pm you when I get a stable version of my rewrite to play with including the source.
  12. Great work mrblaq. This will be nice to have. I was worried people would fuss about the real estate for the window plus will work until I finish this rewrite. I'm hoping I could expose tweakables for the limits.
  13. Nice one mrblaq. Any suggestions is welcomed since I've been swamped with real life. Can't believe I didn't think of inverse!
  14. Those are absolutely gorgeous Porkjet. Ok people fess up. Time to state if we need more sizes or not. I made more parts because I always wanted smaller parts for tiny probes.
  15. I got dizzy watching the first video! Nothing planned yet on positions of the parts in the VAB but I'm rewriting the plugin and hope to have tweakables exposed where you can specify the travel limits per each part.
  16. For my first set of modelling parts and skinning them thanks to your textures Devo I would say I did a decent job. I'm a programmer and hardly a graphics artist. My artistic talent comes from playing music. People always offer opinions but never step up to improve anything on their own which is why I took it upon myself, with Devo's help to create parts that people could use. Most of those hinges/pistons were modeled fairly closely to the originals. I welcome the new parts with open arms because it's one last thing I have to worry about _AND_ I can focus more on the rewrite! Devo, I want to publically thank you for everything you did for the project. I learned so much from your generosity.
  17. Ill work on skinning them this week to release them. I got some free time finally.
  18. Not sure how you could convert it but _maybe_ you could do a hackish method. Load up Unity with parttools. Load up a dummy model, attach the png to the model then write out the part which will then convert the image to mbm. repeat and rinse for each image with the same dummy part (be sure to move the converted mbm to it's respective spot) If you create a post for it, let me know and I'll add a link to the OP so people can download your image pack.
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