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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Stand by for a bit. I'm chasing a rabbit down the hole. I may not release a test version until tomorrow. I'm really getting progress now.
  2. I believe I have resolved the piston styled parts that require attachment nodes. Now I'm working on the rotating parts. Due to how the Vectors are being applied, there will be a requirement to replace all the CFG of the parts. I don't forsee that breaking anything.
  3. It's certainly appreciated and yes this is a monster to deal with.
  4. Original credit goes to r4m0n for the code. I just forked it and kept it going. I think I'm going to release a beta for just surface attachment supported parts so people can test and find any bugs. I'll be adding a provision that will prevent parts with attachment nodes to function so be warned.
  5. I did receive it. You are too kind and thank you so very much.
  6. Small update. Surface attachable parts for both rotational and translation parts is now working! The items with node attachments are the next step. I may send a link to a dll for those to test ONLY the surface mounted parts later tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to squash the node attachment parts soon! Donate button is placed. I hope it works, people let me know if it doesn't.
  7. I think I have enough names for now. I'm still working on this one curious bug. Node attachments work fine for rotational devices but not when it's a surface attachment.
  8. When I have what I think is a fully working version I'll PM a few people and get them to test it out. Prowler_x1 & Deceptus. You are on that list.
  9. Small update. I'm really close to getting it to work correctly. Some of the translations are a little screwy for parts that don't rotate and I almost have all the rotational parts moving correctly. There's some issues with certain attachment methods (surface versus node OR part vs pod connection).
  10. The telescoping pistons are supposed to have their attach nodes embedded. when you get to the smaller sizes you may have to enable parts clipping to stack them. It's to make them look flush when they are together.
  11. No it's still not working. Some things still need to be done.
  12. If the update works, I won't be able to look at it until tomorrow, I'll be releasing an update without having to change the "stock" IR parts CFGs.
  13. Actually that does help. I'll be looking at this later today when I'm free. I check the forums periodically (on my phone) but hopefully this will work. If it does I owe ogmnull a beer.
  14. Hey. I'll take a look as soon as I get a moment to the computer. I may place a paypal donate button later tonight.
  15. I'm not sure at the moment. Currently if you put just a closed hinge on a lander can and start moving the apart the craft starts to hover/buck/flip like there's a mysterious force pushing it around. I uploaded a video but it's taking quite a while for a 9 second clip to encode. I'll respond again with the video.
  16. Just a little update. We are hopefully getting close. We (credit goes to the person helping actually! dude has been a life saver as my free time is short) have the parts moving in the right direction but there's a mysterious force playing havoc with the joints causing them to go haywire. Fun to watch, sucks to use.
  17. That's the same issue we are discovering. The orientation gets out of alignment and causes weird things. I currently have a deadline on a project for work that I must complete so I will have to hold off looking at it for at least a day.
  18. Doing what I can. I don't have a lot of free time which has been a huge help from others.
  19. We are making SOME progress. I have a person helping me out that I will leave nameless so people won't badger him while we work on the issue. We can get the parts moving but the orientation of the origin gets tossed out the window.
  20. If you are using 0.23.5 it is BROKEN. uinstall until I have the time to fix it. i have a few people offering to help which is quite helpful. If you are using an older version i can't help you right now because I have to fix 0.23.5
  21. Just a little update. I'm getting some progress so hopefully I'll have this resolved.
  22. The reason it worked fine with KJR is he merely added an ignore statement that looked the other way when there was a part that contained an infernal robotics joint.
  23. Unless it doesn't specifically says 0.23.5 in the title, I always assume a couple of things: 1. It doesn't work 2. I give it a shot to see if it does work. If it does, I win. If it doesn't I wait patiently for the developer to fix it.
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