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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Yeah it's a known issue. What I suggest doing is collapsing the window and moving it off to the side until you need it.
  2. The next texture group I will make them more stocklike so everyone will not feel out of place using them. There are some new part ideas that Zodius has that are simply amazing. It's actually made me want to move a little forward on making the textures look more stock because I would hate for someone not to use them they are just that mind blowing.
  3. Updated to 0.2 Please delete the entire DevHelper directory and reinstall. 1. Repaired the finding of saved games. Thanks Mihara! 2. Scrapped the config file and went to an xml file. Less coding for the win. 3. Added Tracking Station and Space Center as loading options.
  4. Great thanks Mihara. I've been busy and haven't looked at the path issue that Krag did. I will fix it and add the tracking station to the plugin.
  5. It's not the log in the main folder but the other one.
  6. Throw some RasterPropMonitors and you'll be good to go.
  7. Dragon01. We are currently revamping all the Inferbal Robotic parts into a more 'kerbal' look and to give it a more standardized asthetic so sometime in the future all the ugly/unwieldy will disappear.
  8. Awesome sauce.(not really since it crash) but send it to me via PM or whatever so I can take a look. Thanks Camacha!
  9. That's certainly interesting. I'm going to take a look at the code and see what I can do. Being that I have DSL I don't want to have to use steam for my version so I download direct from the website. That portion was directly borrowed from Kragrathea so I will have to take a look at it.
  10. The only way that I have seen that scenario is if you started on a fresh install since there are no saved games yet or the plugin was installed in the wrong directory. Currently I has to be in the exact structure that is in the zip until I fix it.
  11. His next update should address deleting and adding custom planets.
  12. KJR has an ignore line for infernal robotics so it should work just fine.
  13. Ill need a log file to see what is failing. I have a suspicion but I need to see one to confirm.
  14. True although I'm not sure KSP is to be blamed but rather unity. It's god awful writing UIs for it.
  15. Not really but as soon as I saw what Kragrathea did I knew this was worth sharing. If there's demand for it I can also have it load other scenes like the tracking center. That reminds me, don't run this with PlanetFactory until I can resolve that.
  16. Kragrathea's PlanetFactory plugin is a pretty cool little plugin but what really stood out for me was the auto saved game loading mechanism. Upon seeing that I just realized how much time I have spent doing the following: Wait for game to load Click "Start Game" Click "Resume Saved" Selected a saved game from the list and clicking "Continue" So with his permission I have stripped out all the planet generating code and added a new useful feature for developers and modelers. The ability to not just load a saved game but also go straight to either the VAB or SPH! How to use it. Install it as usual in the GameData directory. Run KSP and you will have some options. While KSP is loading all the parts/plugins, pick what you want to happen then let the plugin do the heavy lifting when KSP is done loading. If you have both toggles off, you will be prompted with which saved game you wish to load. I suggest running this with at least 1 saved game started otherwise it will not work correctly. If auto load savedgame is not enabled the resume game menu will show up with nothing present. If auto load savedgame is enabled it will take you to the start menu. 0.2 Update (delete the whole directory and reinstall since I moved to an XML config file): 1. Repaired the finding of saved games. Thanks Mihara! 2. Scrapped the config file and went to an xml file. 3. Added Tracking Station and Space Center as loading options. 0.3 Update 1. Renamed a few things in the code & removed debug statements from the compiled dll. 0.5 Update Toolbar support added. Why? Now there is a GameDatabase reload button. Perfect for those who modify values within a config file and instead of having to go to the space center, press Alt+F12, Game Database and clicking the Reload button. You can do this while in the VAB/SPH! After clicking it you will need to click list to refresh the parts. 0.6 Update Bugfix. Curse Download: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/221289-magic-smoke-industries-devhelper-v0-4/files/latest Mediafire Download: http://www./download/glt5c3mx3pu5n3k/DevHelper0.6.zip Source: https://github.com/sirkut/DevHelper License: All rights reserved.
  17. Sometimes it pays to really read the source code. When testing it for Krag there was some fun/silly things in that menu.
  18. Does the other item docking have robotic parts? If so it can cause issues when docking. I'm trying to figure it how to fix it.
  19. I can't speak for everyone but I fricking miss you man. Can't wait for you to have some free time. It's always a treat to see your work.
  20. Sounds great. I'm going to give it a shot first and if I am unhappy I'll certainly contact you. Thanks for the offer!
  21. I think the first version will be the single seat recon variant. I did take a look at the orbiter textures and the mesh(there is actually an orbiter mesh importer for blender) to get an idea of how it was made but found both to be too simple for KSP to replicate.
  22. Thanks Voidryder. I spoke with Ferram on some tips on making it FAR compatible so I have a little bit of mess work to do but it actually makes my life a little bit easier. Now if only texturing could be that easy.
  23. Here are some additional photos showing what it was expected to look like.
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