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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. If you land in another place, it still gets stuck. Such a weird issue.
  2. You can PM me the file, etc and I can take a look at it if you want.
  3. Gah I hate you. First part and you manage to do a decent painted texture for it. I can't for the life of me do the same thing!!! Great job.
  4. I have a strange issue and I'm not sure how to approach it. I would like to be able to right click a part during EVA and then be able to look through all the parts that are attached to that specific vessel. What route would I go?
  5. Sure I could do that but what if your rover is electric? I suppose i could require you to out fuel on the rover that you could interact with. I just envision a case with a spare canister r that they could hook up to their Jetpack and refuel.
  6. Does it work with the GUI rather than the hotkeys? I just want to know if they move.
  7. Go with Blender. It's awesome that it's free and it's easy to learn how to use it.
  8. GUI only shows up when a part attaches to the craft. I'm not sure what you mean.
  9. Let Lack work and just be patient. There's testing that has to be done.
  10. I noticed that compression option when I was working on the Reflaginator mod. Nice that you tested it out. I'm going to give it a shot.
  11. Ah yes the meshes. I keep forgetting they aren't mirror images down the center of the body. Hackish way would just flip that and the uv map and pray it doesnt look like garbage.
  12. With the Universe Replacer mod you can fix this by accessing the assets. So far Squad hasn't thrown a fit over extracting that information. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer-v4-0 But considering your skill set I'm sure you can code one up.
  13. Version 0.2 of the Reflaginator is out. Enjoy! Honestly can't wait to be able to replenish my RCS fuel while on missions.
  14. What I find interesting is the suits have KSP in reverse...
  15. I'm so glad you guys are NOT releasing it early. The work you guys are doing is raising the bar and I want it to be lifted as high as possible. My only suggestion is to ignore the questions about releasing it soon or when it will be released. Clearly some people aren't reading what you guys have said countless times before in this thread.
  16. Great news! Next version comes out tomorrow (Still need to clean up the code): 1. The ability to pick and plant a different mission flag any time during EVA. Simply go to the FlagCase box, right click and select "Open Flag Menu" Pick the flag, click accept. Now you can plant that mission flag instead! Currently you can plant as many flags as you want. I will eventually place a hard limit on each case. 2. As an added bonus. Now you can replenish your RCS fuel. Go to the same FlagCase and select "Replenish RCS Fuel." Currently it's endless but I will implement a limit on each case at a later time. Credit for the Iron Maiden flag goes to the user ~croatian~crusader @ http://www.deviantart.com/art/Iron-Maiden-Union-Jack-TFF-174070735
  17. guys. these are amazing! wow! probe cores, love it! that compact rover is full of epic win.
  18. Albert VDS. I'm working on an aerodynamic camera if you would like to use it. Should have it done today. Working on the new features for the Flaginator had me distracted. Looks like this:
  19. I can include it. What other than the fixed mesh would need to be changed.
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