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Everything posted by Tada

  1. I use SSTOs for crew transfer between station over Laythe and Laythe surface colony...
  2. I really never counted that Take a look on Dv map. I think 5000m/S would be safe. But more = better, you then need less refueling missions I suggest, that it can pack as an addition some defensive smart missiles as Damkina does - againts light ships, so it doesn´t waste the more powerful missiles.
  3. No no, I just borrowed the picture As I´m still waiting for "Saphire" station being build I do just testing not any missions. I consulted with Temstar, that he will try to put whole thing into orbit in one pice, so no assembly would be needed. Delta V to Laythe is all depending on how good pilot you are Carrying 2 Calf Tankers and 2 SSTO shuttles I´ve burned almost 9000 units of Liquid fuel (I´ve burn both Calf tankers, each worth 1800 units of Liquid fuel just for ejection burn)... But I´ve made few mistakes and I had to do a lot of inclination changes...
  4. Looks pretty nice I hope it is ready before Laythe departure date, because we don´t wanna go there unprotected How is it going to refuel when it is fully armored? Wouldn´t be switching to metal plates more efficient? Specification calls just for light armor of vital parts... I did some testing today: Damkina Proto B with Falcon SSTO (ex-Sparrow by Zombiphylax) after succesfull landing-ascent-docking over Laythe Damkina Proto C was send to do a close Kerbol fly-by with probe dropping So far the Damkina class is performing very well. But it´s greatest task lies ahead... It´s first official mission will propably be moving this huge com satelite into orbit of Layhte
  5. Gonna be useful unloading torpedoes and loading the onto ships I´m still waiting till ROFLcopter establish the "Saphire" station above Lythe, than we can move on. Next big thing coming up to orbit will be THIS massive communication thingy - both above Kerbin and Laythe. Well, I´ll have to put up launch schedule, because it is gonna be a lot of launches.
  6. By making center of mass and center of lift right relation to each other
  7. Ok, I didn´t know about properties of basic jets - I don´t use them much. Well, plan to deliver batch of your SSTOs to Laythe as soon as possible, then I´ll begin field trials and decide. Your craft has advantage that it can refuel on ground, which makes it practical even as an atmospheric flyer able to travel between two spots on surface. But I´ll have to come up with solution how to get those fuel trucks to airfield on Laythe. Probably I´ll add 2 big docking ports on them and it will go like that - fuel truck gets into orbit using it´s own ascent stage, in orbit it is grabbed by small space tug called "Bee" and docked to dropship going to Laythe, dropship lands on Laythes surface and drops fuel trucks on surface. I think that dropship will be able to carry 4 of them easily. Just a small suggestion - what about 2 seater version? That would wastly improve its potential as an SSTO surface to orbit taxi
  8. 50tons is ok, that is well within capability of mothership... To be sure I´ll pack some extra fuel. Aerobraking that thing around Jool will be spectacular... And as far as docking goes - I´ve become pretty good at it pretty quickly. Or maybe I´ll give that as a mission to othere member of my crew Edit: Just watching it and letting the thoughts kinda float I´ve came up with and idea - that one day, when (godforbids!) re-entry heat is added we might use similar constructions attached to a nose of ship act as an aero-braking shield for our journeys
  9. Well... I can see about 48 hours of siting in front of computer in future: 1. Building the whole thing in orbit above Kerbin (And then pushing it into higher orbit) 2. Building another one and getting it to Laythe - what is better idea: building the whole thing above Kerbin and then pushing it to Laythe or getting the frame to Laythe and then the antenas and building it there? I think that moving the whole thing would be more efficient, right? It´s gonna be a long mission
  10. Ok, propably another one of your designes I´m gonna use - setting up communication between Kerbin and Laythe!
  11. Via action groups or some very simple one you can attach to stagging - that applies for "dumb" ammunition. Smart missiles are basicaly smart spacecrafts which can be controlled using probe inside them.
  12. I think I maybe found new dedicated SSTO for the project: CLICK
  13. Well... Hands down propably best SSTO I flown to date... I gave it a spin and here are my impressions and questions: Question(s): 1. Is your style of ascent suggested in "How to use" really most efficient, why not to use shallow ascent when you get as much speed as you can using jets and then pitch up and fire rockets? Impressions: 1. Great amount of lift results in very low take off/landing speed which makes it easy to land. 2. Good supply of fuel when in orbit. 3. Refueling the last fuel tank which is buried in the hull is on verge of impossible when docked to a station (camera angle shifts and makes very hard if impossible to select that tank), thats propably my only objection 4. I love it´s "clean" and realistic design. 5. The fact you thought of ground refueling is great. 6. Vulture exactly fits requirements of PROJECT Babylon: "13. Space shuttle “Falcon†Goals: Transfer of crew and supplies between space station “Saphire†and surface of Laythe Requirements: Possibility to fly between “Saphire†and surface of Laythe, if possible to be able to refuel on Laythe, preferable ability to carry crew of more than one" Now just figure out gow to get it to Layhte. Keep up the good work!
  14. I was asked same questin yesterady... 1. Military ships are fun... 2. I want to make some scenarios in my project for people to play and simple go there/land there/dock to his ain´t gonna cut it...
  15. Both aproaches has its pros and cons. For Damkina transport stacked aproache would be better - hardpoints on Damkina are short... Ground defense force - I´m giving it some consideration, but it is not priority at the momement. We haven´t even got a grip on Laythes orbit ... In final version of Damkina I think about reducing count of radial mounted "probes" from 8 to 6? What you think?
  16. KV-2 Griffon a light VTOL SAR on its way to target!
  17. Can be "Yeah, something like "Grub" was needed! I used it on "Hive proto" I´m so looking forward to your additions Go ahead and rename them, if that will make more sense
  18. Even one of these can leave battlecruiser cracked like a nut... I haven´t tested them yet on KSS Spirit of Kerbin carrier like ship.
  19. Werfolf: It is Macey Deans Shade MkII... I love it! It looks badass and packs enough dV to get to Mün (liquid fuel only) not counting ion-drive. it has it flaws, but I love it´s aesthetics! In future I´ll use it with variety of ammunition - smart missile by brobel is my favorit right now! zekes: First version was 4 sepratrons with no spin, worked, but just so so... But this 6 sepratron version with nosecone (impact resistance 40) makes one solid penetrator. Also it is light enough to be used on small ship like my "Wasp" class interceptor - no need for action groups, you just make it fire trough staging And if you put docking port instead of nosecone you can reload them using small astrodroid Octobomb: Around 3000 should be enough - my hive prototype has 3600 units of liquid fuel and 2 nuclear engines and it was Laythe capable when flown by someone who knows how
  20. Every action triggers and equal reaction - space minesweepers...
  21. zekes: Well, put your engineers on getting all this stuff too exact pin-point location on Laythe Werwolf: Space has changed, it is no longer this safe backyard it used to be. Just few day ago we had an emergency aboard "Horizon" station - unknown large ship was on intercept course with station and wasn´t respondig to any calls. So a "Hornet MkII Mod.1" (ex-HDF Shade MkII Mod.1 boought from Hanland Corp.) was dispached to neutralize the potential threat. Security of our personel is most important to us at Project BABYLON! And well, to be brutaly honest - military ships are fun and I want to provide as much fun and excitement to all who downloads the save file with some mission I or my crew will set up - for example "Threat from Tylo" And it is not much of a wasted effort, almost all fighters I use are already aviable, just that small cruiser was newly developed.
  22. Thats a huge rover Well, first we must get firm grip of Laythe orbit and the we will begin our surface operations. Orbit of Laythe is becoming pretty crowded these days, I wake up every night with nigthmares that we´ll run into KSS Spirit of Kerbin carrier or some other ships...
  23. And now sir you got my full atention! A reusable UAV that can scout perimeter around the base! I have nice working Laythe dropship all setup with ascent stage that can handle dropping refueling rovers
  24. I ten to fly my UAVs using slight trim adjustments rather than standard controls. But to be honest, it maybe take some time until I´ll use it because it will require complex solution to get into space and onto a mothership...
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