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Everything posted by drakesdoom

  1. Would this be worth the cost anytime soon? A 1.5g torch ship could reach mars in well under a month, until you go interstellar I don't see much gain.
  2. I would not go so far as one of the most evil, i mean they do kill a lot of people too. I do agree in general though, I believe a European country recently removed computer software from it's IP regulation and this was spearheaded by a programmers union.
  3. I have had an idea that you could reach a closer approximation with no in game calculations. You would make a single gravitational potential map once to identify L-points, this step is more important in complicated areas like jool. Stretch the SoIs of moons to be ovals so that the SoI border is always where gravitational potential is equal for both the moon and planet, do the same for planets relative to the sun. Finally place very small(5000m diameter) SOIs with minimal gravity(0.01g) where L points should be, I understand this would be unrealistic but would make them usable in game.
  4. How about our propensity to use any and all technology as a weapon. See the man kzin wars series of books. Space faring cats show up with battleships with laser cannons. We fly straight at them in cargo ships using the engine bell of a fusion torch as a shield and when we get close enough turn it on to burn their ship into a flaming wreck.
  5. If you are on fire on the way up wouldn't you be going to fast for a efficient accent?
  6. Their is already a strain of orange that contains THC and will get you high if you eat it.
  7. On the manned vs unmanned exploration argument, what is the endgame of unmanned exploration? It is safer, cheaper, easier, but in the end it has always and will always be just a probe to see if and how we as people can get there. Exploration and knowledge has no value unless applied. I mean if safe, cheap, and easy are the only goals just sit on the couch and watch TV, who cares about space anyway?
  8. Actually it seems that he not only managed to escape the moon but go interplanetary as well. He has since been found in Skyrim
  9. RTG's do not burn like a reactor. All radioactive material is thermally hot as well and they use a small core of heavily shielded material to produce heat which is turned into electricity with a thermocouple(s). They work like a small electric space heater except the electricity comes out.
  10. How about to balance weight better just rip off the top of an Saturn V and make a reusable lifting body with an internal cargo bay and orbital thrusters that would replace the the Apollo vehicle. For reference the Shuttle Orbiter weighed 240,000 lb fully loaded while the Saturn V could put 260,000 lb in LEO. Also the engines on the orbiter could be downgraded if all they had to do was maneuver in space allowing for more capacity. The traditional crew at the top launch would also preserve an escape tower option. This is before considerations of improved Saturn V performance, the option to launch with a less powerful Saturn variant for light loads, or with plenty of capacity to spare the possibility of a fly back lower stage or at least a semi powered soft water landing for recovery. Nasa was considering a Saturn Launched shuttle but still strapped to the side, I think the side mount concept is needlessly complicating.
  11. I have been testing many mods to find the ones I like, still not done yet so yes.
  12. I am wondering what your reasoning is behind this rule?
  13. In high school I researched a paper on a German SS unit that had no part in atrocities just to point out that it is past time to drop all the propaganda and understand most Germans had no idea what was really happening. It didn't go over very well.
  14. Some of the lower gravity bodies can be lifted off with the jet pack alone so a boost couldn't hurt.
  15. While this is true in the short term we cannot ever hope to maintain or expand a presence in space unless we can make reusable spacecraft. Ideally we separate atmospheric launch vehicles and everything else and build the everything else in space to stay there forever. There will be a transition period of awkwardness where we need to launch machinery into space from the surface, but once we get a space-born shipyard and asteroid mining setup there should be no reason to send industrial sized cargo up anymore.
  16. A small trick for attaching a KSPX escape tower that is pleasing to the eye and also detaches to reveal a shielded docking port. Mods Needed KSPX Parts Needed Command Pod Mk1-2 Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port TR-2V stack decoupler KSPX Escape Tower The parts in the order to place them atop the command pod. You will need to enable part clipping and slide them in 1 by 1 from the top. The decoupler should be inverted with the arrow pointing down and connected to the command pod at the same node as the docking port. The Escape tower should connect to the decoupler and when properly connected will look like this. I suggest adding the tower engine the decoupler below the pod and a shutdown for all engines to the abort command, chutes to the 10 command and disconnect and activate the tower to 9 for disposal. Here is a picture of the pod with a decoupler underneath, parachutes in x3 symmetry, and rcs ports in x4 symmetry for heading control.
  17. Your claim is that I lack empathy to a level that is disease? That is a very far reaching claim to make of someone, what evidence do you have that I lack empathy? Claiming that complete selfishness is a logical course of action is short sited at best. The purpose of life is life, without the continuation of the species life is pointless. Actions that lead to the continuation of the species are valuable, sometimes that is making babies, sometimes it is designing a fusion torch rocket to colonize new areas. Having empathy does not display itself in the same way every time, I would claim that the Spartans at battle of Thermopylae were very empathic as they chose to block the pass with their lives if necessary to give Greece the time to come together to resist the invading army. I do not lack empathy, I just employ it logically, I assist those that have shown they are capable of helping themselves. If someone is a layabout and asks for a handout tough luck, if they have worked hard and hit a bad streak I will and have helped them.
  18. Please define sociopathic in a way that is not arbitrary. In the classical sense I am very anti-social in that I place no value in social interaction in and of itself. However I still seek social interaction when there is a benefit to me and attempt to provide a benefit to the others involved to promote their continued involvement, for example logical discourse leading to a better understanding of reality. There are other facets to what is generally referred to as sociopathy and most of them do not apply to me. Also I would refute your assumption that this view point would lead to extinction if widely accepted but that would break the burden of proof that lies on you to substantiate your claim.
  19. I find this question to be prejudiced. The proper term is meatsack and that is all you are. People have no intrinsic value just for the noble act of being alive, we only maintain a value based on what we can do.
  20. The really short answer is where it works for that vehicle. The long answer is given a body with no atmosphere. The true answer would have to include the above equation, atmospheric drag, thrust limitations of the vehicle, staging of the vehicle, and structural limitations of the vehicle. Good luck. Also the Manley answer If you don't want to watch he says for most rockets start at 10km and don't take too long to turn over.
  21. Though the fuel is much more efficient if you want to bring people along you are going to need so much hard radiation shielding I think a fusion pulse drive would be better suited for interplanetary distance. Not to mention we already are building a prototype for that and it is magnitudes cheaper. If I can afford 10 rockets to your 1 does it matter yours carries 10 times as much cargo?
  22. Modern country (the stuff on the radio) is just pop with twang. Scratch that music on the radio is just pop.
  23. When considering radiation remember that liquids are the best radiation shields in existence. So even if the surface was completely barren and glowed in the dark 6 feet under the water would bring you back to standard background levels.
  24. Why remake the wheel on the nozzle? Take a mold of an estes nozzle and use that to shape yours.
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