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Everything posted by drakesdoom

  1. I believe I recall a proposed quad propellant, however the results of the Russians working with tripropellants have scared all sane people off the idea. They sound great on paper but are you going to hold the hose while they fill the tank?
  2. Now I do clearly admit the specifics of current quantum theory are beyond my current understanding, that and women everything else I know completely. However it seems to me that one you are arguing over semantics and two you are arguing over who is right on the very edge of science where even those that specialize in the field are still running experiments to get a handle on it. Maybe this should just be let sat for a few years?
  3. Though the electronics and weapons system is outdated the airframe itself still holds several performance records above any other combat craft most notably speed at sea level and acceleration. If the same design was rebuilt from the ground up with all gear you would have the best fast ground attack plane in the world.
  4. Similar videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8W1S5rnCk8 I think the video maker is trolling and raking in easy money from youtube but most of the comments seem like they think it is real.
  5. Diesel used to be cheaper than gas in the US, which makes sense since it is easier to refine and makes more per barrel of crude. However at some point in the last 10 years it has become more expensive, I would bet because it is mainly used in trucks here and they have no choice on what fuel to use.
  6. The really funky bits are when it acts like a wave till you look at it then it decide to be a particle stream.
  7. Horse riding? Horse Riding??? BLOODY HORSE RIDING??? Have you completely lost your marbles, been to long in the sun, sniffing some funny gas? I mean if you want to do something so bloody dangerous as horse riding why not just jump off the cliffs of Dover? Wait, let me guess, you were going to drive there too weren't you? Frankly no one in the developed world should be given any head when discussing risk because the biggest risk they face in life is that the sheets on their deathbed wont match the drapes.
  8. I find the validity of this article to be highly suspect considering there were no meltdowns and it says there were, the journalist has thus demonstrated he has no intention of being truthful. As for the commission report findings, welcome to Japanese culture if something goes wrong heads will role, often literally. Both plants met standards, one happened to be further above sea level, didn't get hit by a record setting double wave, and didn't lose all outside power. 3 unforeseeable events working together to cause a disaster clearly falls in 1 in a million chances.
  9. Like OdinYggd said in the first page of the thread . . . The 'solution' seems pretty obvious. The nuclear industries around the world just need to acknowledge that they may have (in some instances) been lax in the past. They need to identify the plants that are questionable, and develop responsible plans to either decommission and replace them or refurbish them to address their shortcomings. Yes, that will likely involve hundreds of millions perhaps billions in up front costs. But given the cost of remediating the Fukushima disaster has already been multiple billions (and I bet there are at least some lawsuits pending) the cost to make every plant on the planet 99.99% safe seems pretty sensible from a business standpoint, not to mention conscientious, ethical and compassionate.
  10. Your right they did not adhere to the standards set for saftey, they exceeded them in every way, just slightly less than other plants in japan. What part of first time in all of recorded history never thought to even be possible to exist wave do you not understand?
  11. “Decontamination in the true sense of the word is not being carried out,†said Tomoya Yamauchi, a professor of radiation physics at Kobe University. Yamauchi said he found that some decontaminated road surfaces in Fukushima had readings 18 times the target level because caesium had accumulated in cracks in the asphalt. “I think the government recognizes that Fukushima cannot be returned to how it was.†18x times the target of 1/20 of a safe dose is still lower than safe dosage. Not great for your health but you will get run over before it is a problem.
  12. Did you read the article? It clearly says that the area is only about as radioactive as a mountain top, which if you use a microwave is probably cleaner than your kitchen. People are not moving back because they are scared.
  13. I have never understood the focus on saftey. We are orbiting the galaxy at 220km/s along with an open chain fusion reaction with just distance and a very small amount of air as shielding. Honestly after that what is dangerous?
  14. World record attempt at fastest cooked frog legs.
  15. Man some radioactive stuff is getting in the ocean? Quick go jump in the cooling pool where the water will protect you from the radiation! http://what-if.xkcd.com/29/ tldr: Swimming in the ocean off the plant would likely result in a lower radiation does then sitting at your computer right now.
  16. Stock behavior will always have one engine flame out first as all air intakes are shared with all engines and when there is not enough air one shuts off, try a tri engine design and place the center engine last.
  17. I have witnessed the horrid failure that is American education as of present. Their is no incentive for the student to think is the problem, the only thing tested and therefore rewarded is memorization. Anything else that might take up time like thinking about why and how is discouraged and punished. I have heard the Japanese do a good job of grouping people of similar ability by having different levels of each school year. Lower achievers get simpler classes and stay in school less, while more advanced students get moved into accelerated schools and stay in school longer. I have heard a high-school grad in Japan is about on par with a Collage Bachelor grad in America.
  18. If you want to say this prove it. If you can't prove it it is not physics it is religion.
  19. Well back to Total War Rome 1. It really is awesome that historical tactics work. Have you tried double spacing roman infantry groups in multiple lines and then having the front line fall back through the line behind after they have thrown their pila? By giving a unit wide space between units and staggering the next lines formation is not disturbed by the retreat and they can throw their pila. 4 rows of infantry with some archers behind and cavelry on the flanks will win 2 to 1 battles against AI with minimal losses.
  20. I would sign this but that would be another terror watch list the US government would put me on after seeing that with their surveillance programs.
  21. Well on the computer front they are looking at release still something like 3 years out so upgrade time by then. On the not knowing bit, let me guess you don't know where your towel is either?
  22. Ideally you don't ever launch material. You would mine in space, process in space, and build in space to stay in space.
  23. Gasoline, diesel, napalm, thermite, cordite, c4, gunpowder, smokeless powder, semtex ahh the wonderful smells of summer roasting the world on an open fire for breakfast.
  24. The problem is the "help" will determine that it was the side they don't like that used the chemical weapons despite any facts. That is why I do not trust any reports in the US about who did what in the middle east.
  25. The problem is an SRB is a big pile of solid rocket fuel that is pre-mixed with oxygen and fuel and then lit on fire. Once lit it burns or blows up there is nothing else that can happen.
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