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Everything posted by drakesdoom

  1. You don't get it yet. Being ready to do that is the best way to prevent it. I have lived in areas where there were shootings on my block weekly by gangs. They will target anyone who they think is worthwhile and the only thing that will always make you not worth it is if they know you are going to take some of them with you. Humans are still animals and like any other predator it is not worth it if you get hurt. Take any wilderness survival classes and they will tell you running will get you killed because as soon as you run they know there is no reason to fear you.
  2. Just like hitchhiking if the planet swings by slow enough they can hitch a ride.
  3. I don't think that it is ok to kill people. I just realize that denying yourself weapons only makes you an easy target for those that hold no such qualms. You say the police can protect you when they are not there, and when they do get there they use guns. What will you do to save your life or the lives of those you love when cops are not there, what will you do when it is a cop placing you and them in danger, what will you do when it is the army? Keep hiding in your communist dreams, you have failed to learn from history even with it literally at your door.
  4. Hey what can I say if you want to believe what ever the government tells you go ahead, that has always gone well before. Just remember what police "protection" looks like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoQVbaEePu8
  5. What do you think they are made in some super secret government black base? You can make full auto ak 47 rifles with less than $2,000 in tools from stock metal. It and many other gun designs require only basic metal working skills to make. That is before we consider zip guns. You can make a double barrel 12ga shotgun for about $15 in parts from a hardware store. So anyone that really wanted a gun could get one. Of course they really wouldn't need too they could just stab people, if you know no one has a gun a knife works just as well.
  6. It would be a better world then where only criminals have guns.
  7. You are wrong on so many levels. If someone is threatening your life you are legally allowed to defend yourself in any way you see fit. Guess what armed robbery falls under that clearly, they are threatening your life in exchange for your belongings. You are also being horrendously selfish, do you think that just because you get away unscathed everyone they target in the future will? As for saying people would be safer unarmed you are out of your mind. Guess what happens when someone bigger or stronger or a group comes along? The only thing that keeps people on a level field is being armed. All throughout the USA the most dangerous places are those where citizens are denied arms and are poor. Where open carry is legal and normal there is less violent crime because it is expected that any type of crime will be met with violent resistance. That makes it completely unworthwhile in the eyes of criminals
  8. If he has already pulled a gun he can't afford a fight, if he gets hurt that becomes major evidence. If you end up in a close grapple he could lose the weapon. He could probably get away with that if you are not around to finger him, with a witness that would be an open and shut case. Armed robbery in the states with a firearm is a multiple felonies with a 40 year maximum sentence, that is before counting any local laws that can be piled on. To them it already is your life or theirs, they won't think twice that is why you must act decisively. Once someone has threatened your life your best odds of survival is to kill them.
  9. Yeah they have police and 2 of the 3 times I have been mugged at gun point it was a cop holding the gun. I am not joking are talking sly. I am talking about gun in face and give me your money. Even if they are trust worthy they will be there in 10 to 15 minutes if you are lucky. How many seconds is it going to take for a criminal to kill you? Whine and beg all you want if they are resorting to crime they won't mind a little more.
  10. So that's it then? Your advice is to run and hide with piss running down your leg like a hunted pig? You are a human being. A citizen of a free state. It is your personally responsibility for security of yourself, your location and your state. You do need to train with a weapon and then you need to carry it at all times. The police if you are lucky enough to live somewhere where they are not the criminals will not investigate minor crimes and they cannot protect you. The number one best deterrent to crime is a dead criminal on the front page of the paper.
  11. You will never find a good setup with an xbox controller because it only has 5 axis analog control. Each stick is two, and each trigger is 1/2. The new duel shocks might have 6 I have not had them in hand yet.
  12. We need more sci-fi that opens with the first ambassadors sent to contact Earth being struck by the Apollo stage in solar orbit.
  13. Fixed Now go listen to some "Muddy Waters" for message length.
  14. Where are you and what grade are you in, this can change the outcome. If you can get him to strike at you in view of a teacher you can do whatever you want. I broke a kid's arm but because he punched me in the back right in front of a teacher first I got no punishment of any kind. Also it is only illegal if they catch you.
  15. I interpret this to mean that I can complete my VV24 24.0L Diesel Dues and a half drag truck without worrying about changing the weather.
  16. See that is part of carrying a gun that is never covered in movies. You walk into a place and you scope everyone out, you scope out everyone who walks in. Somebody starts moving that fast or hurts anybody your gun is already drawn and aimed on reflex. All you have to do is pull the trigger if they don't stop.
  17. I would go further and say that doing anything other than your best at anything is a failure to the human race. If you don't want to do it don't, if you fail try to learn something, if you were wrong stop. If you keep the proper mind set you can only ever have been wrong you will never be wrong.
  18. Avast Free is consistently rated one of the best anti-virus on the market.
  19. Am I the only one that does not care if things get worse weather wise? Honestly look around people are bored, and people do really stupid destructive things when they are bored. Historically the only time people have not been fighting in their own backyard is when they are fighting in the neighbors backyard. Not to mention technological progress is accelerated under stress. Personally I think massive coastal flooding, Megahurricanes, and blizzards that last weeks would be healthy for humankind as a whole. Colonizing mars would be better but no one seems to want to step to bat on that one.
  20. I do not think that it can be scaled up to launch scale right now simply because they cannot make a laser powerful enough.
  21. From the cost even with best imagined tech with no glitches launching any mass from a full planetary body like earth will always be an expensive proposition. That is why I think manufacturing will become divided between planetary and space. The only items that will be worth moving up or down a large gravity well are people and rare elements. From that standpoint a fleet of small shuttles for transport too and from Earth with a large space dock either fully in space or near the moon with possibly some sort of elevator or other non chemical launch from lunar surface to the 0g space dock proper. Also I typed out munar surface first.
  22. If you are going to use a crane that reaches into the atmosphere it would not be a big deal to keep going to the ground. Good luck on getting any of it working.
  23. It would be incredibly hard and expensive to make such a system that would be more reliable then the current system. At that it is a very low priority because planes are already the safest way to travel. The money and time would be better spent working on car saftey, or fighting obesity.
  24. The closest to real large robots I have seen were AC 2 and 3 where the were relatively short and slow. Any fast movements happened with the assist of thrusters. Battletech are also not to ridiculous. They are more in line with size and weight of current tanks, they get somewhat heavier but the heavy ones do have a lot of mobility issues. Falling down does cause major damage if it happens. In both cases the lynchpin is that they are using fusion reactors with crazy energy outputs that only weigh 20-40 tons. I believe that is completely beyond what is theoretically possible unless you don't mind letting some radiation out whenever it is on.
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